Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 424 What if it is?

Chapter 424 What if it is?

Zhou Niannian sent Uncle Chen away, tossing and turning all night, and didn't sleep well.

She thought of her biological parents again.

Among the people she knew, Bai Yuqing had found her biological parents, and Guan Pengtian might have found them too.

Only my biological parents have no news.

Li Dongxing said to help her investigate before, but firstly, it took too long and the information that can be searched is limited. Secondly, Li Dongxing led people to investigate in Nancheng recently, and he didn't have time to investigate this matter.

I don't know when she will be able to meet her biological parents.

The result of not sleeping well is to wake up the next day with blue eyes and lack of energy.

Qi Jiayan was startled when she saw her like this, and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? What happened?"

Zhou Niannian shook her head, "It's okay, it's just that I didn't sleep well last night."

"Are you missing Lu Qingfeng?" Zhou Changan leaned against the door with folded arms, and curled his lips a little sour when he saw her like this, "He just left yesterday, and you're so worried that you can't sleep at night?"

Zhou Niannian rolled his eyes at him, and snorted, "That's right, don't you know that there is a saying that it's like three autumns if you don't see each other in one day?"

"Why don't you lend me your second sister-in-law tonight and let her sleep with me for a few days."

Zhou Changan straightened up suddenly, and pulled Qi Jiayan over, "Don't even think about it."

Although he and Qi Jiayan are not yet husband and wife, at least he no longer needs to make the floor.

On the first night back from Nancheng this time, he pretended to be too tired and fell asleep on the bed, but Qi Jiayan didn't push him out of bed.

Now he can finally share the bed with his lovely wife, but Zhou Niannian suggested that Qi Jiayan accompany her to rest.

Zhou Changan naturally couldn't agree, and he was afraid that Qi Jiayan would agree, so he glanced at Qi Jiayan aggrievedly, "I'm too tired in Nancheng, and I haven't slept well these two days."

Zhou Niannian almost couldn't help laughing.

Her family's second elder brother, who has always been violent, can now pretend to be cute and act like a baby, which is really eye-catching.

Qi Jiayan glared at him, and said to Zhou Niannian with concern: "Don't follow us to pick up your eldest brother and sister-in-law today, and catch up on sleep at home."

Zhou Niannian rubbed her face, remembering that today is the day when Zhou Changguo and Liang Ying came back.

The two went to Xincheng to visit Liang Ying's parents, stayed for ten days, and only came back today.

Zhou Niannian made an agreement with Zhou Changan and Qi Jiayan before, and today they will go to the train station to pick them up.

"Then you guys go, I happen to have something to do." Thinking that she still had to go to Guan's house, she agreed to Qi Jiayan.

After breakfast, Zhou Niannian changed into thick clothes before going to Guan's house.

It was Guan Pengtian who opened the door. Seeing that Zhou Niannian was coming, he opened his mouth with a smile on the corner of his naturally upturned mouth, "Niannian is here."

Zhou Niannian saw that there was a slight sadness between his brows, but his spirit was much better than yesterday, his eyes flickered, wondering if he had already told the teacher about it.

"Did Niannian come?" Guan Ping poked his head out from the study, and smiled and waved Zhou Niannian, "If you have nothing to do today, come and help me sort out the case for class."

Zhou Niannian glanced at Guan Pengtian, seeing that his expression was indifferent, Guan Ping was wearing reading glasses, and he was still the same as usual, guessing that Guan Pengtian probably didn't tell Guan Ping about this.

"Teacher, I'll be here later. I brought some things downstairs. Let brother Pengtian go down and help me move them." She said, pulling off Guan Pengtian and motioning Guan Pengtian to go downstairs with her.

Guan Pengtian took a deep look at her, and followed her downstairs silently.

"They asked you to persuade me, right? You tell them, I won't agree." Guan Pengtian said to Zhou Niannian in a deep voice as soon as he got downstairs.

Zhou Niannian saw him straight to the point, with his hands in his pockets, silent for a moment, raised his head and asked, "Brother Pengtian, what are you worried about? Maybe you are not a child of the Chen family at all."

Guan Pengtian was stunned by her unexpected question, then turned his head in a bit of embarrassment, and said in a low voice: "Who said I was worried? I didn't worry about anything."

"I am the biological child of the Guan family. Since I can remember, my parents have been taking care of me. I cannot be their child."

"Yes, impossible!"

Guan Pengtian denied it heavily, not knowing whether he was telling himself or Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian looked at him quietly.

Guan Pengtian lowered his head, "You don't need to persuade me, I won't change my mind."

"Who said I came to persuade you." Zhou Niannian chuckled.

Guan Pengtian looked up at her in a daze, his bushy eyebrows frowned, "Didn't you come to persuade me?"

"Why should I persuade you?" Zhou Niannian tilted his head and looked at him puzzled, "This is your own business, isn't it?"

Guan Pengtian remained silent.

Zhou Niannian raised her head to look at the thin sun in the sky, with a perplexed expression, "Actually, I didn't sleep well last night."

Guan Pengtian stared at her blankly.

"When I first found out that I was not the real child of the Zhou family, I almost collapsed," she slowly narrated her state of mind in her previous life.

"Really?" Guan Pengtian looked at her suspiciously, "I think you are quite calm."

Zhou Niannian raised the corner of her mouth, "I see you are very calm at the moment."

Guan Pengtian was dumbfounded.

Some pains and pains don't necessarily have to be shown on the face, what comes out in the dead of night is the most painful.

The confusion Guan Pengtian is experiencing at this moment is also the confusion she experienced in her previous life.

"I have thought about it more than once, why my biological parents abandoned me, is it involuntary or an accident?"

"I used to be very repulsed to find my biological parents. In my heart, Zhou's parents are my biological parents."

When she said this, her eyes were a little sore, she lowered her head and smiled self-deprecatingly, "But I later saw that my mother was staying up all day and night to find Bai Yuqing, and that Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen had endured countless hardships in order to find their son. Suffering, I am shaken again."

When she said this, she looked at Guan Pengtian with a gentle expression, "I can't help but think that my biological parents may also be in a certain corner of the world, suffering the same pain and looking for me."

"If they stand in front of me one day, I think maybe I can hug them happily?" She said the last sentence with a bitter expression.

Guan Pengtian looked at her for a moment, then muttered: "Little liar, you said you didn't come to persuade me."

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips and smiled, "I'm just talking to you about my feelings, it's up to you how to choose."

Guan Pengtian glared at her angrily.

After listening to her voice, I was a little shaken, what is it not to persuade?
Zhou Niannian put away her smile and said sincerely: "Brother Pengtian, you should seriously consider this matter and make an appraisal. If it is not the case, Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen will continue to look for it."

Guan Pengtian was silent for a while, then said hoarsely: "If so?"

 The third watch is here, and I will continue tomorrow. I want a monthly pass, haha!
(End of this chapter)

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