Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 429 Nothing

Chapter 429 Nothing
Annoyance flashed across Yao Jianmin's eyes, and when he wanted to say something, he stared at Lu Qingfeng's eyes gleaming with coldness, and suddenly became numb again.

"Go and get another 1000 yuan." He gritted his teeth and ordered the black-faced man.

The black-faced man turned around and took another 1000 yuan.

"Brother Lu, I just opened today. There are only so many. If there are more, there will be no more." Yao Jianmin looked at Lu Qingfeng with a begging face.

Lu Qingfeng turned his head to look at the three mother and son beside him.

Holding the money, the middle-aged woman kept shedding tears from the corners of her eyes, and murmured: "Enough, enough, he has enough for Uncle Li's medical expenses."

The young boy and Zhao Yaxin both cried, "Mom, but my dad is gone."

Yao Jianmin's eyes widened suddenly, and he shouted angrily, "One thousand and five is already a lot, let me tell you, I'm not afraid of you, I'm doing it to Brother Lu."

"Huh?" Lu Qingfeng snorted lightly.

Yao Jianmin immediately had a flattering smile on his face, "Brother Lu, that's really all I have. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I will definitely arrange for someone to go to Zhao's house to help with the funeral."

"I really didn't hit someone with the surname Zhao. It's the best of humanity to be able to do that."

Lu Qingfeng stared at him for a moment, then slowly let go of his hand.

Yao Jianmin hung his head and immediately tugged at his clothes, then stared at the crowd rushing around, "What are you looking at, I haven't seen any troublemakers before, let's go, let go."

After finishing speaking, he took people back to the restaurant resentfully.

The middle-aged woman pulled Zhao Yaxin and the young boy, bowed deeply to Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng, "Thank you two comrades, without you, we would be here today"

"Yaxin, Xiaoyi, let's go, we can't leave your father alone at home."

Zhao Yaxin was not convinced, "But, Mom, is my dad's life worth this little money?"

"The Yao family is rich, but they can't be unreasonable, right?"

As soon as the middle-aged woman's expression changed, she pulled Zhao Yaxin and the boy forcefully and walked back.

Zhao Yaxin was very angry, but was hugged tightly by the middle-aged woman.

"Stop making trouble, Xiaoxin, we can't beat the Yao family, can't you feel at ease even if your father dies?" The middle-aged woman hugged her and suddenly shouted sadly.

Zhao Yaxin was stunned for a moment, and then tears flowed down her fair face.

The middle-aged woman took the opportunity to drag her and the boy away.

The dark-faced man who went in just now came out again, took out a set of firecrackers and lit it, "Go away the bad luck, go away the bad luck, our boss just said, in order to get rid of the bad luck, all people who dine in the restaurant tonight will get a [-]% discount."

As soon as the voice fell, many people immediately exclaimed, "[-]% off, that's not a profit."

Immediately, many people started rushing into the restaurant, as if the sad mother and son had never appeared before.

Zhou Niannian pulled Lu Qingfeng out of the crowd, "Do you know that Yao Jianmin?"

Lu Qingfeng nodded, "The children from Yao's family in the compound next door used to fight with me a lot, and I beat them unilaterally."

Zhou Niannian.
Looking at how Yao Jianmin saw him today, he imagined that he was brutally beaten.

"What is the background of this Yao family?" Zhou Niannian was very well-behaved when he was a child, and he didn't know the children in his compound very well, let alone the one next door.

Lu Qingfeng embraced her and walked forward, "The Yao family is quite a big family, and the three brothers of the Yao family are quite powerful in the capital."

"The boss of the Yao family is in charge of the state-owned mining machinery factory, and the second son of the Yao family is in charge of the electrical equipment factory. This Yao Jianmin is the fourth son of Yao's boss."

"When I was young, I often brought the children from their yard to our yard to provoke, but I beat them up later."

Zhou Niannian didn't want to comment too much on his history of fighting, "Then what does the third child of the Yao family do?"

Lu Qingfeng frowned, "I rarely see the third child of the Yao family, and it seems that he is mainly responsible for running errands for the two elder brothers."

"Oh," Zhou Niannian nodded, "No wonder that Yao Jianmin is so arrogant."

It turned out that the family was mining.

"The surname Yao gave so much money today, it must be difficult for him, he won't ask you for trouble, right?" Zhou Niannian asked worriedly.

Lu Qingfeng sneered, "He doesn't dare, my dad and the Yao family have some kind of friendship, we are all in this circle, we won't tear ourselves apart, don't worry."

There is some truth to this.

Like the children of their generation, there are children from the compound, there are children from factories and mines, although everyone is not in the same circle, but they are more or less related, so they can be regarded as knowing each other.

Even if you don't give face to the other party, you are more or less concerned about the family behind the other party, so you won't make too much trouble.

"I think that Yao is a bit annoyed, and I don't know if the girl named Zhao Yaxin can keep the money." Zhou Niannian glanced at the place where the girl disappeared.

She didn't quite understand what happened, but the girl named Zhao Yaxin only had grief and indignation in her eyes, not cunning.

Zhou Niannian felt that what she said should be the truth.

Seeing that she was not concentrating, Lu Qingfeng pinched her nose, "It's just a chance meeting, we've already helped, the rest is up to her own luck."

"Don't think about it, let's go over there to watch the lanterns."

Zhou Niannian calmed down, took Lu Qingfeng's arm and continued to walk in, when suddenly he heard a crisp scream from behind, "Niannian!"

She turned her head and saw Yue Xiaomeng standing not far away, waving excitedly at her, and Li Chengyu standing behind her with his pockets in his hands.

"Xiao Meng, when did you come back?" Zhou Niannian was both surprised and happy, and took two quick steps to hug Yue Xiaomeng.

The two girls hadn't seen each other for a holiday, but they met suddenly at this moment, and they were very excited to each other.

"I arrived at the school at five o'clock this afternoon. When I was about to look for you, you had already left." Yue Xiaomeng excitedly pulled Zhou Niannian to dance and shouted, "I'll hold hands with you, the lantern in front is not pretty, I came from that side, let's look in the alley on the left."

"Okay." Zhou Niannian took her hand, and the two girls smiled and turned into the alley on the left.

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, it seemed that the plan for a two-person world with his fiancée was ruined again.

He glared at Li Chengyu angrily, but found that there was no smile on his face, "Have you had a fight?"

Li Chengyu spread his hands, "No, I'm fine, who said we had a fight?"

Lu Qingfeng squinted his eyes and looked at him for a moment, "Sometimes not arguing is worse than arguing."

Li Chengyu's face froze, and he said stiffly: "It's nothing, let's go, if you don't go for a while, you won't be able to keep up."

Zhou Niannian entered the alley, glanced at Yue Xiaomeng's slightly red eye circles, and then asked in a low voice, "Did you quarrel with Li Chengyu?"

Yue Xiaomeng froze for a moment, with a forced smile, "It's nothing."

Zhou Niannian frowned.

She always felt that there was something weird between Yue Xiaomeng and Li Chengyu.

It doesn't seem to be as sticky as a couple in love. Throughout the winter vacation, Li Chengyu didn't call Yue Xiaomeng a few times, and he didn't even write a letter.

This is really not like a couple in love, it feels a little less hot.

 The third one is after two o’clock in the afternoon. For the sake of my hard work, let’s vote for a few monthly tickets, haha~~~
(End of this chapter)

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