Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 430 I'm Accompanying the Internship

Chapter 430 I'm Accompanying the Internship
"You came back today, Li Chengyu went to the train station to pick you up?" Zhou Niannian glanced at Yue Xiaomeng, and asked in a low voice.

Yue Xiaomeng's arms stiffened, and his smile was a bit bitter, "No, it's because I didn't tell him in advance that I was coming back today, so he didn't know."

Zhou Niannian was a little angry, "As a boyfriend, he doesn't know when his girlfriend's train is due, isn't he too remiss?"

"You wait for me to go back and talk about him."

Yue Xiaomeng grabbed Zhou Niannian's arm and shook his head, "Niannian, don't talk about him, it's my fault, I should have told him in advance."

Zhou Niannian stopped and looked at Yue Xiaomeng.

Yue Xiaomeng, who was standing under the bright lights, was shrouded in a layer of melancholy, and there was a hint of timidity in his eyes.

It was the first time she saw the word cowardice in Yue Xiaomeng.

The Yue Xiaomeng she knew has always been a cheerful, lively and energetic girl.

In love, do girls unconsciously become humble?Zhou Niannian suddenly hugged Yue Xiaomeng with some distress.

"Nian Nian, I can handle it myself, so don't talk about him, okay?" Yue Xiaomeng's voice was a little muffled.

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips and agreed to her, "You must tell me if you are unhappy. I am not at school this semester, but I will go back to see you often."

Yue Xiaomeng nodded, and was immediately distracted by her words, "You're not at school, where are you going?"

Zhou Niannian told her about her internship.

The two girls walked around and chatted, gradually forgetting the two men.

Lu Qingfeng's face was a little dark, and although he didn't say anything, he sneaked into Zhou Niannian's bedroom after returning home at night, and punished her well before leaving contentedly.

Qi Jiayan also had a great time playing tonight.

Zhou Changan has been holding her hand tightly today, and accompanied her to all the places she wanted to go.

Zhou Changan will buy something she is interested in and send it to her as long as he glances over it.

Zhou Changan would buy whatever she wanted to eat without hesitation.

It was the first time in Qi Jiayan's 22-year-old life that someone took care of her like holding her in the palm of his hand, which gave her the feeling that she, too, could be cherished and cherished.

This feeling made her both excited, excited and unreal, afraid that after falling asleep and waking up, everything would change.

Qi Jiayan turned and turned, and finally, after she turned over again, Zhou Changan held her in his arms, "Don't move anymore."

His voice was a little hoarse, with a little panting.

"Are you still asleep? Did I disturb you?" Qi Jiayan asked a little embarrassed.

Zhou Changan said angrily, "What are you thinking about when you're not sleeping?"

Qi Jiayan was pressed into his arms, and the man's breath filled her nostrils, and she suddenly felt that her heartbeat was uncontrollable.

Since Zhou Changan stopped sleeping on the floor and started sleeping on the bed, the two of them would have some physical contact from time to time.

Every time she touched it, Qi Jiayan's heart would beat very fast irregularly.

She bit her lip lightly, raised her head to meet a pair of black eyes, "I'm so happy today, I can't sleep."

Zhou Changan was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and rubbed her hair, "You will be happy every day from now on, I promise."

In the dim light, the man's voice was low and magnetic.

Qi Jiayan blushed in disbelief, and then said in a low voice: "Well, that...Mom, she always urges us to have a child, and always stares at my stomach."

Zhou Changan thought she was overwhelmed by Li Xiangxiu's birth, so she comforted her: "Don't worry, I will find time to talk to mom."

She didn't mean that at all, Qi Jiayan bit her lip, turned around in a moment of anger, turned her back to Zhou Changan, and muttered: "Idiot!"

She actually wanted to say that she was not against Li Xiangxiu's birth.

Zhou Changan was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes suddenly lit up, and a pair of dark pupils instantly glowed green.

Did she mean what she understood?

God knows how painful it is to see and not eat every day?

With trembling hands, he gently placed Qi Jiayan's shoulders.

He felt Qi Jiayan's body stiffen, but he didn't push her away.

Zhou Chang'an's eyes turned greener, he gently pulled Qi Jiayan's body around, and met her clear eyes.

Zhou Changan pressed her forehead and asked softly, "Jiayan, is it okay?"

Qi Jiayan bit her lip and glared at him.

Ask her this kind of thing, what would she say?
If she didn't speak, Zhou Changan didn't dare to take any action. He was always afraid that Qi Jiayan's heart would be shadowed by his experience in Nancheng last time.

Qi Jiayan waited for a long time and saw that he hadn't moved, she just looked at herself stupidly.

She hesitated, raised her chin, and gently pressed Zhou Changan's lips.

Isn't this man always active?Why are you so hesitant at this time?
When the soft lips touched him, Zhou Changan's eyes suddenly opened wide.

Just when Qi Jiayan touched him and was about to leave, he instinctively grabbed Qi Jiayan's head and pressed down on himself.

If he still can't react at this time, he is really a fool.

(The pictures that are not suitable for children are omitted, please make up your own brain, haha)
Zhou Niannian got up the next morning, found out the pink coat that Lu Qingfeng had given her, and was going to put it on for a newspaper report.

Today is her first day of practice.

She got up early to tidy up, and when she was about to go downstairs to have breakfast, Ah Liang suddenly jumped from the window sill onto her shoulder.

"Nian Nian, I also want to practice with you."

Zhou Niannian's face turned dark, "I'm here for an internship, not for a bird walk, what are you doing?"

Ah Liang walked around her with a smile, "I'm accompanying the intern."

Zhou Niannian rolled his eyes, "Are you feeling uneasy these days?"

"If you're really bored, go to the suburbs and find your new friends to play."

When they rescued Qi Jiayan in Nancheng, they also rescued many rare birds captured by the Cheng family.

Those birds are now friends with Ah Liang.

Ah Liang sighed listlessly, "It's too cold, they don't like to move, it's more fun for me to follow you."

Zhou Niannian looked at it with her arms around her chest, "Be honest, why do you have to come with me for an internship?"

Ah Liang's eyes rolled around, and finally, under Zhou Niannian's gaze, she honestly lowered her head: "The last time I came back from Nancheng, I found that my spiritual power has recovered a little bit."

"I guess it may be because we protected an ancient tomb, saved people and cherished birds, and accumulated merit points."

"So?" Zhou Niannian raised his eyebrows, "Are you going to follow me to see if there is any merit to accumulate?"

Ah Liang nodded like pounding garlic.

"But the first day I reported, what does it look like with a bird?" Zhou Niannian disagreed.

"If you don't take me with you, I will secretly follow you. At that time, I can't guarantee that I will do anything." Ah Liang looked at her innocently.

(End of this chapter)

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