Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 431 She's Still Too High-Profile

Chapter 431 She's Still Too High-Profile

Unable to overcome A Liang's stalking, Zhou Niannian finally found the bird cage helplessly, and stuffed A Liang into the cage.

"Stay in there honestly and don't come out to cause trouble, or I won't take you out in the future."

She stared at Ah Liang threateningly, patted the bird cage, and after seeing Ah Liang nodded her assurance, she carried the bird cage downstairs.

Li Xiangxiu had already prepared breakfast, and when she saw her coming down, she hurriedly asked her to sit down and eat, while nagging: "You report to the internship unit on the first day, you should learn more from them, watch more and talk less."

Zhou Hongshan fondled her hair, "Don't wrong yourself."

Zhou Niannian chuckled, her parents explained it for a long time, but it actually meant the same thing. Her mother nagged for a long time because she was afraid that she would suffer and be wronged.

"Mom, don't worry, Nian Nian has such a good personality, no one will make things difficult for her." Liang Ying said with a smile while holding a bowl of porridge.

Zhou Changguo has finished eating, and he is going back to the station today.

Because of Liang Ying's pregnancy, Li Xiangxiu didn't let her follow her to the residence, and she no longer let her live on campus. She will live at home from now on so that she can take care of her more conveniently.

But today is the first day of school, Zhou Changguo decided to send Liang Ying to school in person.

"Tell Big Brother if you have any problems." Zhou Changguo saw that Liang Ying had finished eating, explained a few words to Zhou Niannian, and helped Liang Ying go upstairs to pack her things.

Zhou Niannian looked at the figures of the two of them cuddling tightly, and was really happy in her heart.

When the eldest sister-in-law first married into this family, she could tell that she was not close to her elder brother, but now the couple looks very sweet, which makes people enviable.

Bai Yuqing looked at the whole family and seemed to be focused on Zhou Niannian, a haze flashed in his eyes, and he lost his appetite for food, "Mom and Dad, I'm full, I'm going to school first."

Li Xiangxiu saw that she had only eaten a small bowl of porridge, and asked anxiously, "Qingqing, are you feeling well? Why do you eat so little?"

As she spoke, she took two eggs from the basket and stuffed them into Bai Yuqing's hands, "School has started, homework is tight, so I should eat more."

"Be careful on the road."

Bai Yuqing stared at the two eggs in her hands, remembering last night that Li Xiangxiu and Zhou Hongshan were hesitating about giving her a dowry, so she pursed her lips and showed a gentle smile.

"I see, thank you Mom, Dad, I'm leaving, and Nian Nian, I hope your internship goes well."

Zhou Niannian was taken aback, apparently he did not expect Bai Yuqing to bless her.

At home, although the two of them never confronted each other, most of the time, Bai Yuqing and she treated each other as transparent people.

"Thank you." She smiled faintly, lowered her head and continued to drink porridge.

Zhou Hongshan glanced at Bai Yuqing in relief, and said gently, "Be careful on the way to class."

Bai Yuqing smiled obediently, turned around and left.

Only Zhou Niannian, Zhou Hongshan, and Li Xiangxiu were left at the dinner table, and their attention returned to her internship.

Afraid of his parents nagging, Zhou Niannian changed the subject in time, "Why didn't Second Brother and Jiayan come down for dinner this morning?"

Speaking of Cao Cao, when Cao Cao arrived, Zhou Changan walked down the stairs with a happy face, "Didn't I wake up, the second brother didn't forget your first day of internship."

Zhou Niannian stared suspiciously at the slit at the corner of his mouth, not understanding how Zhou Changan could be so happy so early in the morning.

How to describe it?The smile on Zhou Changan's face was like a fool who stumbled and picked up a gold ingot.

"What good thing happened to you so happy? Where's Jiayan?"

Zhou Changan grinned, "Is it so obvious?"

"Well, you're just short of hanging a sign on your body that says you're in a good mood." Zhou Niannian hehe.

Zhou Chang'an opened the chair and sat down, without answering Zhou Niannian's words, thinking about what happened last night.

Last night, he couldn't control himself a little, and kept tossing until the early morning, and woke up very early in the morning excitedly, waking up Qi Jiayan who was sleeping.

Thinking about how his wife fell asleep from her exhaustion when he went downstairs just now, Zhou Changan felt distressed and extremely satisfied.

"What are you thinking about? Sit down and don't eat." Zhou Niannian saw his second brother laughing foolishly at a bowl of porridge, his expression was indescribably ridiculous, so he raised his leg and kicked him.

Zhou Changan came back to his senses, picked up his chopsticks and began to bury his head in his meal. He vaguely explained to Zhou Niannian: "I went to practice and suffered a grievance, come back and tell my brother, I will vent my anger on you."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help being overjoyed, and co-operated with her for an internship. The whole family was not worried about her poor performance in the internship, but only worried about whether she would be wronged.

I don't know if she displays her supernatural power in front of her family, will the whole family give up this idea?
After breakfast, Lu Qingfeng came to pick her up.

The two agreed yesterday that Lu Qingfeng would send her to the internship unit today, then go to school, and then go back to the store to discuss the cooperation plan with Guangcheng with Li Chengyu.

Lu Qingfeng is on a business trip to Guangcheng this time, and has negotiated a specific cooperation plan with the garment factory there.

They cooperated with Guangcheng Garment Factory with the clothing design drawings, and [-]% of the profit from the price of the garments sold was given to Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng told Zhou Niannian about this last night, "I've already told Cheng Yu that [-]% of the profits will be put in your name."

Zhou Niannian didn't care, but Lu Qingfeng insisted, and she didn't object.

Legal Moment is a new newspaper founded by Kyoto Newspaper, and its office is located in Kyoto Newspaper.

"You want to take it to report?" Seeing the bird cage in Zhou Niannian's hand, Lu Qingfeng raised his eyebrows.

Zhou Niannian shrugged, "I can't help it, it insists on following, don't take it with me, if it goes out by itself, it will be even more troublesome if it gets into trouble."

Lu Qingfeng took the birdcage and poked Ah Liang on the head.

Ah Liang glared at him angrily.

Lu Qingfeng curled his lips, "What are you staring at? Last time in Nancheng, I sold you for 500 yuan. Based on the relationship, your current master should be me."

Ah Liang suddenly widened her eyes.

Being caught in Nancheng and being drugged and sold is simply a great shame in Ah Liang's life history.

Now that Lu Qingfeng mentioned it, it was like adding fuel to the fire.

It suddenly widened its eyes angrily, wishing it could get out of the cage and bite Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng sneered, "So, I will be more respectful to your master from now on."

Ah Liang jumped angrily, "Nian Nian, pay him 500 yuan for me."

"Don't get me involved in the grievances between the two of you." Zhou Niannian didn't bother to pay attention to the grievances between one person and one bird. Seeing the bus coming, he dragged Lu Qingfeng onto the bus.

Lu Qingfeng originally planned to drive her off, but she refused.

After all, she was going for an internship, so she didn't want to make it too high-profile.

Only half an hour later, when Zhou Niannian was standing in the office of the Kyoto newspaper, she suddenly realized that she was still too high-profile.

Especially when everyone's eyes were on the birdcage in her hand, she wished she could throw Ah Liang out immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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