Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 432 Beautiful New Colleague

Chapter 432 Beautiful New Colleague
Zhou Niannian is already used to Ah Liang's existence, and often ignores that it is a bird.

But in the eyes of outsiders, she was a bit too conspicuous as an intern who reported for duty on the first day and brought a bird with her.

"The intern at Legal Moment, right? Go inside the office, and the first one on the right is the one." She bit the bullet and asked a person in the office. The person looked her up and told Zhou Niannian kindly. .

Zhou Niannian walked straight in with the birdcage under the eyes of everyone.

"Which charming girl is this? She brought a bird with her when she came for an internship. She thought she was out to visit the garden?"

"Hmph, it looks like a rich family stuffed it in to pass the time."

"I'm really envious. Why don't I have rich parents? If my family is rich, I will raise ten or eight cats."

"You can pull it down, you tremble with fear when you see a cat, and you still have a cat."

"Then I can't keep other pets, as long as I feel it."

As Zhou Niannian walked all the way, he could hear low discussions around him from time to time.

Her back straightened even more, but she was complaining to Ah Liang in her heart, "It's all your fault for making me make a fool of myself on the first day."

Ah Liang didn't take it seriously, "One day these people will know that Master Bird is not just a pet."

"When I blind their dog's eyes one day, let's see how they still laugh at you."

Zhou Niannian curled her lips, wanting to tell Ah Liang to let it go, but saw a piece of paper posted on the first office on the right hand side, which said Legal Moment.

She knocked lightly on the door, and a serious "Come in." came from inside.

Zhou Niannian opened the door and went in, and saw four desks in Nuo Da's office, among them a middle-aged man wearing glasses was sitting behind one desk near the window.

"Who are you looking for?" The middle-aged man raised his head, revealing his slightly bald sideburns, his eyes turned from Zhou Niannian's face to the birdcage she was carrying, and his brows suddenly frowned.

"Hello, I'm the new intern Zhou Niannian." Zhou Niannian walked in, bent slightly, and said with a smile.

Hearing that she was a new intern, the man frowned even more.

He stood up, a well-fitting tunic suit stuck to his body, without a single wrinkle.

"My name is Meng Wenbin, and I'm the editor-in-chief of Legal Moment." His eyes fell on the birdcage in Zhou Niannian's hand again, as if he was enduring something, he pointed to the table closest to the door, "You sit on that one location."

"Okay, thank you, Editor-in-Chief Meng." Zhou Niannian scanned the table and saw that there was nothing on the table, so he put the bird cage on the table.

She opened the drawer, found a rag, and began to wipe the table quietly.

Meng Wenbin coughed softly behind her twice, "Well, I'll call you Xiao Zhou, Xiao Zhou, we are an office after all, and it really won't affect you if you bring a bird in. In the future, the bird will Don't take it with you."

Zhou Niannian turned her head and met Meng Wenbin with disapproving eyes.

Once again, she felt in her heart that she should throw Ah Liang out.

"Sorry editor, this bird is not only my pet, it can also help me with many things, so I bring it to work." She smiled and found a reason that was not too outrageous .

Meng Wenbin frowned even tighter, making it clear that he didn't believe that a bird could help people, "Comrade Xiao Zhou, don't mess around with your words."

"Hello!" There was another knock on the door, and then the door was pushed open, and a girl in her early twenties walked in, wearing a white sweater with a floral skirt, and a pair of high heels, standing at the door. It is eye-catching.

The most surprising thing was that the girl's long hair was draped over her shoulders and curled into wavy curls. Her bright oval face was only the size of a palm.

"Are you Editor-in-Chief Meng? I'm Wu Xuan, a reporter sent by Kyoto TV. Hello." The girl introduced herself gracefully with a flick of her hair.

Meng Wenbin's words were interrupted, and a look of displeasure flashed in his eyes. Seeing that Wu Xuan was very polite and didn't want to show his face directly, he nodded and pointed to the table opposite Zhou Niannian, "Sit here."

Wu Xuan stepped on her high-heeled shoes and walked over, the scent of jasmine-like perfume faintly diffused in the room.

Meng Wenbin's brows could almost pile up into a mountain.

"Well, let me tell you something." He straightened out the folds on the clothes that didn't exist.

"Dangdang, Dangdang!" There was a rude knock on the door, interrupting Meng Wenbin's words again.

Zhou Niannian swore that she really saw the muscles around Editor Meng's mouth twitch three times.

"Come in!" Editor Meng's voice was obviously not as gentle as before.

The door was pushed open again, and a man with a bag slung across his body walked straight in, saluted with a slap, and shouted loudly: "Report, legal hour intern Yang Jiarui is here to report."

Meng Wenbin was startled by the loud voice and straight standing posture, and he didn't react for a long time.

There was giggling in the room, and Wu Xuan, who was opposite Zhou Niannian, saw Yang Jiarui's appearance, and couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Zhou Niannian stood up in surprise when she saw Yang Jiarui coming in.

After Yang Jiarui saluted, he heard laughter, turned his head to look at Wu Xuan, his eyes fell on Zhou Niannian, and raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Comrade Xiao Zhou, you are here too."

Zhou Niannian waved his hands with a smile, "Yes, what a coincidence."

Meng Wenbin watched the two greet each other familiarly, and snorted, "You two know each other?"

Yang Jiarui nodded, but didn't say much.

Meng Wenbin pointed to the table next to Zhou Niannian, "Sit here."

When Yang Jiarui saw that Zhou Niannian was next to him, he immediately sat down happily.

Meng Wenbin closed the door heavily, heaved a sigh of relief, and was finally able to speak quietly.

"Let me tell you something."

It was this opening sentence again. Zhou Niannian found that Editor-in-chief Meng really liked this sentence. She was keenly aware that Meng Wenbin paused after speaking this sentence, as if confirming that no one really knocked on the door this time.

"Let me talk about the purpose of our establishment of Legal Moments. Our country's legal team needs to be rebuilt to enhance people's awareness of the legal system, publicize legal awareness, and enhance the common people's concept of protecting their own rights and interests. That's why the column Our Legal Moments was established. "

"Currently the main staff are the four of us. The three of you will be responsible for formulating the theme, interviewing, typesetting, and proofreading, and then sending it to the printing team responsible for the newspaper. They will be responsible for printing and publishing."

When Meng Wenbin said this, he paused, his eyes fell on Wu Xuan, and then turned to Zhou Niannian.

"So the work in our group will be more difficult, and I am a more disciplined person. I hope that we will be more rigorous in our work, and don't think that work is a place for walking and relaxing, and we still bring pets to work."

"Don't even think that work is a place for beauty contests. Dressing up enchantingly and stepping on high heels are not allowed."

 I have something to do today, I'm busy, there are only two updates, October is over, thank you for your support this month, let's work hard together next month, okay!
(End of this chapter)

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