Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 433 Who Are They?

Chapter 433 Who Are They?

No need to think about who Meng Wenbin was talking about.

Zhou Niannian and Wu Xuan looked at each other, clearly seeing disapproval in Wu Xuan's eyes.

"Editor-in-chief, forgive me for not agreeing with your point of view," Wu Xuan gracefully lifted her big waves, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and looked at Meng Wenbin with a smile.

Meng Wenbin lowered his face in displeasure, "What do you think differently?"

"What I was talking about just now was you. We are a newspaper office, a decent place to work, not a messy place. Look at you, what's with your hair? And what do you look like wearing high heels?"

Zhou Niannian's eyes fell on Wu Xuan's big waves.

From her point of view, perm hair is really suitable for Wu Xuan, making her look charming and charming.

But at this time, hair perms have just become popular in coastal cities. Few people in the interior perm their heads, and the few people who do it will be considered unscrupulous people.

Wu Xuan dared to perm her curly hair to go to work, Zhou Niannian really admired her courage.

Wu Xuan curled her lips, "Editor-in-chief, what time is it now? Now is the time when equality between men and women is emphasized. When we girls go to work, we naturally have to dress up beautifully. This way, I feel good and my colleagues around me feel good too."

"Everyone is in a good mood, so naturally doing things will get twice the result with half the effort."

"If the editor-in-chief picks on my inability to work, I'll change it, but if the editor picks on me, I have to dress up, sorry I don't agree."

Meng Wenbin obviously didn't expect Wu Xuan to refute him openly, and he was a little bit annoyed, "You, what you are talking about is pure fallacy, fallacy."

"I don't think it's a fallacy." Wu Xuanyan's red lips curled up. "Anyway, I don't want to delay my work. Editor-in-chief, you should put more effort into your work."

Wu Wenbin's face turned black with anger, "Anyway, the work discipline has been said, one is not allowed to bring pets to work, and two is not allowed to wear makeup and high heels to work."

"If you don't listen, don't blame me for reporting to you for punishment."

Wu Xuan sneered, and gracefully stroked her fingernails, turning a deaf ear.

"Editor-in-Chief, my bird is really more than just a pet, so I have to take it with me to work, and I promise I won't delay my work." Zhou Niannian raised her hand to assure with a smile.

There is no way, she has brought Ah Liang to work today, and so many people have seen it.

Now that the head has been made, I can only grit my teeth and stick to it.

Who told her to promise Ah Liang? If she didn't bring it along and let it come in by itself, who knows what trouble it could cause.

"Yes, yes, Xiao Zhou is a bird who understands human nature and is very smart." Yang Jiarui echoed, "Editor, you will know after a while."

"You, why did you agree with me?" Meng Wenbin glared at Yang Jiarui angrily.

Among the three people who were thinking of being assigned, there was one normal one at last, but Meng Wenbin's hopes were completely shattered when Yang Jiarui opened his mouth.

"Anyway, the discipline has already been told to you. If you don't abide by the discipline, be careful that I will report it to you and punish you. You, Yang Jiarui, right?" Meng Wenbin pointed at Yang Jiarui angrily, "Go and get office supplies from me."

After that, he walked out of the office with his hands behind his back.

"Let's talk later." Yang Jiarui glanced at Zhou Niannian and followed Meng Wenbin out.

Wu Xuan rested her chin and looked at Yang Jiarui's upright figure, and couldn't help but see a nympho in her eyes, "Oh, Brother Bing? You're handsome."

"National Defense University graduates will definitely be assigned to the Investigation Bureau." Zhou Niannian said with a smile.

Wu Xuan looked over, and Zhou Niannian stood up with a smile and held out her hand, "Hi, my name is Zhou Niannian, an intern from Kyoto University."

Wu Xuan shook hands with her, "Wu Xuan, a reporter from Kyoto TV Station."

"How long have you been a reporter?"

Wu Xuan curled her lips, "It's been more than a year, and I was thrown here just after I became a full-time employee. It's called training me. Let me tell you, I used to be an outsider for news. I was out all year round."

She said with disgust and looked at the office except for four desks and a cabinet, "I'm sorry that I will be confined in this humble office in the future, and be managed by an old-fashioned old man."

"Oh, what fun is there in life?" She lay on the table with a look of lovelessness.

Zhou Niannian was amused by her exaggerated expression.

It turned out that Wu Xuan used to run social news, and often went to coastal cities, no wonder she dressed so fashionable.

Seeing her listless look, Zhou Niannian opened the cage and released Ah Liang, "Who said there is no fun? Come on, let me show you something fun, Ah Liang, come on, do somersaults and play."

"You take me as a pet?" Ah Liang's eyes shot out displeasure, "It's crazy that you let a bird do somersaults."

Zhou Niannian snorted coldly, "You made me a joke of the whole newspaper today, what happened to somersaults?"

"Do you want to turn it over? If you don't turn it over, there will be missions that won't take you with me in the future. I want to restore your spiritual power, hum, hum."

Ah Liang closed her eyes, made an expression that I could bear it, twisted her head and somersaulted in the air.

Wu Xuan stared dumbfounded at a beautiful colorful bird doing a series of somersaults in mid-air, and then seeing the bird landed on Zhou Niannian's shoulder again, she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"Wow, a bird that can do somersaults, wow, that's amazing."

She hurriedly moved the chair to Zhou Niannian, "Niannian, how did you raise this bird? It's so powerful. I've never seen a bird do somersaults before."

Zhou Niannian looked at Ah Liang's angry expression, and said with a smile: "It's called Ah Liang, and it doesn't just do somersaults."

"Really?" Wu Xuan stretched out her fingers excitedly to tease Ah Liang, "Ah Liang's name is also very nice, Ah Liang, what else are you going to do? Do another somersault."

Ah Liang turned her head arrogantly.

Master Bird's somersault is not something that someone wants it to turn over, and it will turn over.

"Hey, Ah Liang, is it angry?" Wu Xuan looked at Zhou Niannian in surprise, "It, it seems to have expressions."

Zhou Niannian glanced at the extremely arrogant Ah Liang, "Well, don't worry about it, it will be fine on its own after a while."

Ah Liang looked over indignantly, "Nian Nian, you don't like me anymore."

Zhou Niannian hehe: "When did I ever like you?"

Ah Liang snorted indignantly, and got into the bird cage in a hurry, making a corpse.

Wu Xuan laughed out loud at being teased, "Nian Nian, Ah Liang is so interesting."

She lay down on the edge of the birdcage to tease Ah Liang in a hurry.

Ah Liang was harassed by her and kept hiding in the cage.

Zhou Niannian watched this scene with a smile while holding the teacup.

In the office at the far east end of the corridor, Meng Wenbin also complained in pain: "Editor-in-Chief, go to my office and see who are all the people assigned to me?"

"A charming girl who comes to work with a pet, a well-dressed courtesan, and a silly boss, how can I bring this?"

 Check in on the first day of November. It’s a new month. Please have a guaranteed monthly pass in your hands, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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