Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 434 An Apprentice Taught by Old Guan

Chapter 434 An Apprentice Taught by Old Guan
The person behind the desk is the editor-in-chief of the Kyoto newspaper.

Holding a teacup and listening to Meng Wenbin's complaints with a smile on his face, he put down the teacup after he finished complaining, walked up to Meng Wenbin, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Old Meng, do you know why you have been working in the newspaper for so many years and are still just an ordinary editor?"

Meng Wenbin froze for a moment, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said with a sullen head, "I know, because I'm too serious, rigid and boring."

He and the editor-in-chief have almost entered the newspaper office one after another. After so many years, he has become the editor-in-chief, but he is still only a small editor.

The editor-in-chief smiled, "You see, you also know your own problems. Let me tell you, this person is not good for his appearance. You haven't gotten along with them yet. How do you know that the three of them are not good enough?"

Meng Wenbin lowered his head, and muttered, "Everyone in the newspaper knows that Legal Moment is a temporary unit, and they don't want to come here. Who can be assigned?"

After several years of turmoil in China, there are very few lawyers in the country, the judicial system is not perfect, and people's concept of the legal system is even worse.

The Kyoto News Agency received a request from its superiors to set up a column group for legal time, and run it for a period of time to see the effect of subsequent operations before deciding what to do with this temporary unit.

The whole newspaper knows that such temporary column groups often die after running for a period of time, and there are not many that can really be incorporated into the organization system and officially run.

Although there are many opportunities in the new unit, the work is also difficult.

Therefore, when the newspaper wanted to choose one of the current editor-in-chiefs as the editor-in-chief, all the editor-in-chiefs flinched and refused to accept this hot potato.

After all, they have already achieved the position of editor-in-chief. If this temporary unit cannot continue to operate and is disbanded, if they return to the original unit, they will have no place for themselves.

Everyone can figure out such an account clearly.

In the end, the editor-in-chief set his sights on Meng Wenbin.

Meng Wenbin is a person who is not lacking in talent and ability. The only thing is that he does not know how to do things flexibly and is rigid and boring, so he has not been popular in the newspaper office for so many years.

"Lao Meng, you're making the mistake of subjectivism again. I told you that although this unit is temporary, the higher-ups really take it seriously. It will be an opportunity for you if it works well."

After the editor-in-chief finished speaking, seeing Meng Wenbin still looking unhappy, he couldn't help but sighed and sat next to him.

"Let me talk to you, the girl who came in with the bird cage, her father is from the financial department"

Meng Wenbin muttered: "I'll say it's because of connections."

"What are you messing with? Listen to me." The editor-in-chief glared at him angrily, "He is a top student at Kyoto University, and he is Guan Lao's closed disciple. He was taught by Guan Lao."

He bumped Meng Wenbin with his arm, and said in a low voice, "I heard that Mr. Guan himself called the higher-ups to recommend it."

"Guan Lao's student?" Meng Wenbin froze for a moment.

He may not know about others, but Guan Ping naturally knows that they are the editors of the newspaper.

They also sorted out Guan Ping's materials and reported it.

"That female reporter has been in the TV station for more than a year. She runs social news and works in a hurry. She has a lot of skills."

"That big soldier, he is a top student at the National Defense University. He used to work in the investigation office and handled cases seriously."

The editor-in-chief patted Meng Wenbin on the shoulder, "These people were carefully selected by the superiors, and they were definitely not done in a perfunctory manner."

"Young people, they always have a certain personality. As the editor-in-chief, you have to lead them, but you can't suppress them. If you have anything to do, you should take more care of them."

Yang Jiarui came back with the office supplies, and saw Zhou Niannian and Wu Xuan lying on the table teasing Ah Liang.

Putting the things returned by the general on the table, he also pulled a chair and sat next to Zhou Niannian, "I really didn't expect to meet you here, we will be colleagues from now on."

Zhou Niannian was also very happy to meet familiar people as colleagues, "Why did you come here for an internship? Aren't you also a sophomore?"

Yang Jiarui raised his eyebrows, with a touch of confidence between his eyebrows, "I have finished my junior year of self-study, and entered the internship ahead of schedule."

Zhou Niannian smiled, um, I checked her eyes, they are all those who are graduating early.

"Oh, not bad, brother soldier." Wu Xuan finally stopped teasing Ah Liang, turned her head and winked at Yang Jiarui charmingly, "I admire you very much, do you have a date?"

Obviously, Yang Jiarui had never met such a passionate and bold girl, so he subconsciously cast a glance at Zhou Niannian and said nothing.

Wu Xuan curled her lips, put her hand on Yang Jiarui's shoulder, and leaned in front of him, "Tsk tsk, she's still shy, I like it."

The faint fragrance of jasmine rushed into Yang Jiarui's nostrils, he subconsciously moved back, and pushed Wu Xuan's hand away in displeasure, "Sorry, I'm not used to being so close to people."

It was the first time Zhou Niannian saw Yang Jiarui who was at a loss, and couldn't help laughing.

Wu Xuan held her chin and looked at Yang Jiarui with a hurt face, "What? Don't you think I'm not beautiful? Don't you think I'm beautiful?"

Yang Jiarui frowned tightly, and there was already faint sweat on his forehead.

It was at this time that Meng Wenbin opened the door and came in. When he saw that Wu Xuan was almost lying on top of Yang Jiarui, his face darkened again.

"This is an office, not a place for you to talk about love."

"Yang Jiarui, what are you doing in a daze? Don't hurry up and distribute the office supplies."

Wu Xuan stood up straight with a bored face, and Yang Jiarui stood up as if he had been pardoned, and moved the things in the box.

The so-called office utensils are pens, rulers, paper, notebooks and the like.

Wu Xuan was also assigned a camera.

"Wu Xuan, you have been a reporter and have been in the news. From now on, you will be responsible for taking pictures and processing pictures." Meng Wenbin watched Wu Xuan play with the camera twice, and seemed to be dissatisfied and threw it on the table. He couldn't help but said with distress: "Take care Be careful, it took a lot of effort to apply for it."

Wu Xuan pursed her lips and muttered, "It's not as good as what I use at home."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help being happy when she heard this sentence, it seems that this Wu Xuan has a good family background.

Meng Wenbin began to assign work, "Yang Jiarui, you are mainly responsible for the design, typesetting and school delivery of each issue of the newspaper. In addition, you are a boy, so you should take more responsibility for field work. You are in charge of all the work related to the investigation bureau. .”

"Zhou Niannian, you are a graduate of a major. You are responsible for the topic selection planning, drafting, writing, and content sorting and checking of each issue of the newspaper."

After Meng Wenbin finished speaking, he looked around at the three people, "Well, for the time being, let me know what coordination is needed. Our first issue of the newspaper will be scheduled for review, printing, and Zhou Niannian in a week. You will be in charge this afternoon. Set out the theme of the first issue."

Speaking of this, Meng Wenbin looked at Zhou Niannian meaningfully, "I heard that you are a student taught by Mr. Guan, so don't let me down."

 There is another update at [-]:[-] pm, keep asking for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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