Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 435 What I want is the theme

Chapter 435 What I want is the theme
Did you find out about your background so quickly?No wonder when he came in he didn't mention that he was not allowed to bring Ah Liang to work, Zhou Niannian raised his eyebrows in surprise.

It was indeed recommended by her teacher that she came here for an internship. Zhou Niannian pursed her lips. Meng Wenbin could not wait to connect her with the teacher.

If she couldn't choose a good topic this afternoon, Meng Wenbin might try to satirize her.

After Meng Wenbin finished speaking, he pointed to Wu Xuan and Yang Jiarui, "For this first issue of the newspaper, the layout must be finalized first. You two should discuss this afternoon to finalize the layout."

"At three o'clock in the afternoon, let's have a meeting to discuss."

During lunch, Zhou Niannian went to the staff canteen of the newspaper office.

Yang Jiarui sat down across from Zhou Niannian after eating dinner, and asked with concern, "Xiao Zhou, have you decided what theme to use for the first issue of the newspaper?"

Zhou Niannian picked up a mouthful of fried cabbage with too much vinegar, and glanced at Yang Jiarui, "Have you figured out how to type it?"

Yang Jiarui also had a sad face all of a sudden.

"Time is tight and the task is heavy. I didn't expect to let us fight a tough battle when we come up."

The faint smell of jasmine perfume wafted over, Wu Xuan put the lunch box next to Yang Jiarui, and asked hastily, "What are you talking about? You are so happy."

Zhou Niannian.
Which of her eyes was so happy to see them.

"Can you sit next to me?" Yang Jiarui frowned and glanced at Wu Xuan.

Wu Xuan lifted her wavy hair charmingly, and said two words with a smile: "No!"

Yang Jiarui felt depressed for a while.

"The editor-in-chief said let's discuss the layout together. I'll stay away from you. How can we discuss it?" Wu Xuan said confidently.

Yang Jiarui frowned, "It's time for dinner, we'll talk about work in the afternoon."

Wu Xuan smiled and blinked her eyes, "I'm an active person, I can balance eating and working."

While admiring Wu Xuan's flirting with Yang Jiarui, Zhou Niannian was absent-mindedly thinking about the topic.

Yang Jiarui couldn't say no to Wu Xuan, so he could only turn his grief and indignation into appetite, he ate with a sullen head, finished his meal in two or three bites, and said to Zhou Niannian: "I'm done eating, you take your time."

After finishing speaking, without even looking at Wu Xuan, she turned around and left, as fast as a wolf chasing after her.

Wu Xuan curled her lips, "Innocent boy, you can't help being so funny, when a man from abroad meets me, who doesn't have bright eyes."

"Have you ever been abroad?" Zhou Niannian raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Wu Xuan nodded, "Well, to be precise, I grew up abroad, and I just came back from country M with my parents the year before last."

It turns out that she grew up abroad, no wonder Wu Xuan is quite open in her words and deeds.

But she could tell that Wu Xuan was just joking with Yang Jiarui, she just liked to tease him.

"There are many lawyers abroad, right?" She chatted with Wu Xuan while eating.

Wu Xuan nodded, "Well, the lawyers and judges there are very busy with their work, because they are always needed in many places, such as citizens to protect their own rights, such as enterprises to protect their own interests, etc."

The two chatted while eating, and Zhou Niannian probably had some ideas about the topic of the first issue of the newspaper.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Meng Wenbin called the three of them together to discuss.

After listening to Yang Jiarui and Wu Xuan talk about the layout design ideas, Meng Wenbin looked at Zhou Niannian, "Have you thought about the theme of the first issue?"

Zhou Niannian said: "We are a newly established newspaper. My idea is to formulate a series of themes around the purpose of our newspaper's founding. Each issue has a theme, and purposeful publicity is the only way to achieve the goal of water dripping through stone."

"In addition, we can join forces with TV stations, procuratorates, courts and other places to do some publicity activities on a regular basis, and we can also regularly ask them for manuscripts on cases."

Zhou Niannian narrated his thoughts.

When she first spoke, Meng Wenbin frowned at first, a little absent-minded.

But after listening to a few words, he gradually sat up straight, and he was very absorbed in listening.

"Editor-in-Chief, what do you think of my idea?" Zhou Niannian finished speaking, and seeing Meng Wenbin staring blankly at him, he asked again.

Meng Wenbin rolled his eyes and frowned, "It's been empty talk for a long time, big talk, I have thought about these thoughts, but what I want is the theme, the theme of this issue."

"As for what you just said, what is the real time of the case you mentioned?"

"The case is tracked and reported in real time." Zhou Niannian repeated.

"Yes, this is it."

Zhou Niannian thought he didn't understand, and explained again: "Well, this is equivalent to serialization. For example, now there is a case that the public is more concerned about. We can follow up its progress like a TV station, and then set aside a newspaper for each issue. module to report."

"At the same time, based on the legal knowledge involved in this case, we can ask professional knowledge to analyze it."

Meng Wenbin snorted, "You put it simply, do you know how many units you have to cooperate with in a single sentence?"

As he spoke, he patted the table, "Do you think that the procuratorate and the court are run by us, and if you want them to cooperate, they will cooperate?"

"That is to apply to the superior, do you know?"

Meng Wenbin waved his hand, "Don't think about those distant, empty, unrealistic things, what I want is the theme, the theme of this newspaper!"

"But, editor-in-chief, I think it's just us." Zhou Niannian tried to explain his thoughts, but was interrupted by Meng Wenbin displeased.

"It's almost time to get off work, I just want the theme, your fake and empty ideas, save yourself to go back and think about it slowly."

"Our newspaper is a weekly magazine, and there is one page a week. The time is urgent. I don't have time to listen to you."

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips in displeasure, feeling that she had been thinking hard all afternoon and the results of her labor had not been respected.

She really felt that her plan was feasible.

"Editor-in-Chief, I think Xiao Zhou's idea is quite good, why don't we discuss it, in case it is done." Yang Jiarui helped Zhou Niannian fight for it.

Wu Xuan also agreed, "Yes, editor-in-chief, let's solve problems together."

Meng Wenbin sneered, "Let's solve it together? It sounds good. When the superiors criticize and punish, who of you can stand up for me?"

"Am I the editor-in-chief, or are you the editor-in-chief?"

"We are short on time and have heavy tasks. Shouldn't we solve the current problem first?"

Yang Jiarui and Wu Xuan saw that Meng Wenbin was getting more and more angry as he talked, so they could only keep their mouths shut.

Meng Wenbin glanced at Zhou Niannian with a sullen face, "What about Guan Lao's closed disciples, is this what Guan Lao usually teaches you?"

Zhou Niannian's face suddenly darkened.

It seems that Meng Wenbin has a lot of opinions on her, and he always talks about the teacher.

She could tolerate Meng Wenbin criticizing herself, after all, he was her boss, but she could not tolerate him criticizing her teacher at every turn.

(End of this chapter)

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