Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 436 I hate the editor-in-chief

Chapter 436 I hate the editor-in-chief
Zhou Niannian first handed his notebook to Meng Wenbin, "Here are the themes I listed above, which are a series. The theme of the first issue is lawyers and the law. It mainly talks about the concept of law and the role of lawyers."

Meng Wenbin looked down at the neat and strong handwriting on the notebook, which listed more than a dozen topics. If you look carefully, there is a cohesive relationship between each topic.

His expression softened a lot, and he pointed to the first topic, "Well, this one is okay, let's use this one."

"We only have six days. Tomorrow you will start discussing the content, set the direction of the content and then write the manuscript."

Wu Xuan and Yang Jiarui nodded.

Zhou Niannian closed the notebook and looked at Meng Wenbin with a half-smile, "It seems that the editor-in-chief also thinks the theme I chose is okay, right?"

Meng Wenbin didn't understand what she meant, so he nodded.

"I gave you the topic you asked for, and you passed it, which means that you approve of this topic. Does that mean that I can only speak fake words?"

Meng Wenbin froze, and immediately understood what Zhou Niannian meant.

"Editor-in-Chief, my teacher arranged for me to come here for an internship. If I didn't do well, the editor-in-chief can also criticize and correct me. I can study hard and make corrections."

"But please don't associate everything with my teacher. The editor-in-chief has worked for so many years, and you must know the truth about things and not people."

"I am your subordinate now, and I need your leadership education. You don't want me to leave here in the future, and let others point at the backbone and say that the subordinates brought by Meng Wenbin are like this?"

Meng Wenbin obviously didn't expect Zhou Niannian to back up what he said without being soft or hard.

"I didn't say anything to you, you see that you are waiting for me with a mouth full of truth." He glared at Zhou Niannian with a dark complexion, instead of slapping the table and staring at him like before, he just muttered something softly.

Zhou Niannian smiled, "I'm a bit straightforward in my speech, please bear with me in the future."

After all, they still have to work together in the future, Zhou Niannian doesn't want to make the relationship too rigid.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's get off work." Meng Wenbin nodded uncomfortably, stood up and went back to his desk.

Wu Xuan secretly gave Zhou Niannian a thumbs up, and said in a low voice, "Amazing!"

Zhou Niannian curled up the corners of her mouth, but said nothing.

The three of them went back to their seats to pack their things.

Yang Jiarui leaned in front of Zhou Niannian and said in a low voice, "Let's go to work on the first day and become colleagues, let's have a meal together to celebrate."

As he said that, he glanced at Wu Xuan, hesitated and said, "Comrade Wu Xuan, you can come too."

Wu Xuan held her chin, tapped her fingers lightly on her face, and winked at Yang Jiarui with a sad face, "It's so sad, why are you called Nian Nian Xiao Zhou, and you must be Comrade Wu Xuan when you call me?"

"Can it be the same? I just met you, so of course I have to call you comrade." Yang Jiarui said as a matter of course.

Wu Xuan walked over with a smile, and put her hand on his shoulder, "What happened on the first day we met? Are we not dear colleagues?"

"Who, who is your dear colleague?" Yang Jiarui jumped up as if a cat had scratched his paw, and glared at Wu Xuan, "Can you stop making a fuss, go to dinner? Don't push me down. "

It was the first time in Yang Jiarui's 20 years of life that he met a girl as open as Wu Xuan. In his perception, girls were either gentle and reserved, or lively and playful. It was the first time he met a girl as bold as Wu Xuan.

Wu Xuan withdrew her hand bored, "Go, go, do you treat me? Handsome guy."

"I treat you!" Meng Wenbin's steady voice came from behind.

Wu Xuan froze for a moment, and made a disappointed grimace at Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian was overjoyed.

Judging by Wu Xuan's expression, she must be trying to complain about Meng Wenbin while eating.

Now that Meng Wenbin was going to have dinner with them, he naturally couldn't complain.

Meng Wenbin rolled his eyes, and said to the three of them expressionlessly: "It's the first time that the members of the Legal Hour column team have gathered together. We should have a meal to celebrate. I invite you to this meal."

"There is a new Xilaishun restaurant opened on Changxing Road, let's go there to eat."

"It's not far from our newspaper office, let's go there by bicycle."

With a word from the leader, the meal time, location and even the way of travel have all been decided.

Zhou Niannian mentioned the bird cage, "I'm not riding a bicycle, let's take the bus."

Yang Jiarui moved his lips, originally he wanted to say that he was riding a bicycle, so he could take Zhou Niannian with him, but before he could say anything, he saw Wu Xuan hugging Zhou Niannian's arm with a smile, "It's just that I didn't ride a bicycle, let's go there together .”

Yang Jiarui silently swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Meng Wenbin glanced at the three of them, and said to Yang Jiarui, "Then let's ride our bicycles and wait for them at the door."

After all, he went out first with his hands behind his back.

"See you later." Yang Jiarui waved Zhou Niannian, ignored Wu Xuan, and turned to leave the office.

Wu Xuan hugged Zhou Niannian's arm resentfully and sighed, "What should I do, will I suffer from indigestion from tonight's meal? A serious editor-in-chief, a handsome guy who is stupefied, alas"

Zhou Niannian pulled her out, "Don't you still have me? Let's just chat. Didn't you also say that Yang Jiarui is a handsome guy? He is so pretty and delicious. How could he have indigestion?"

Wu Xuan was amused, and immediately put her bag on her shoulder, "Well, haha, it makes sense."

Zhou Niannian put the birdcage in her hand, "Help me watch Ah Liang, I'll call home and say I won't go back for dinner."

She has started an internship now, and it is inconvenient to live in school. She agreed to live at home and eat at home every night.

So I have to call and talk to Li Xiangxiu first.

After finishing speaking, she remembered something and asked Wu Xuan, "Do you want to tell the family?"

Wu Xuan shrugged her shoulders and smiled self-deprecatingly, "No, I don't have dinner at home, my parents are busier than me, the probability of the three of us having dinner at the same table is really low."

She shook the bird cage, "I'll wait for you at the door."

Zhou Niannian called home from the newspaper office, talked to Li Xiangxiu, and then went out and took the bus with Wu Xuan to Changxing Road.

Meng Wenbin and Yang Jiarui have already arrived, and the food has been ordered. They came in and sat down just in time for the food to be served.

"It's not good to have dinner with the leader. I don't have the right to order food." Wu Xuan muttered softly.

Zhou Niannian chuckled, and glanced at the dishes on the table. The combination of meat and vegetables was very reasonable, and the prejudice against Meng Wenbin dispelled a little in her heart.

This person may be used to being serious and cautious.

Wu Xuan was active at the dinner table, so it wasn't dull, but Meng Wenbin didn't take their words very well, and seemed a bit out of place.

It was almost eight o'clock after dinner, Zhou Niannian and Wu Xuan had to take the bus back.

The bus stop sign to go back is a bit far away, and you have to go to the corner at the end of the road.

Meng Wenbin and Yang Jiarui insisted on pushing their bicycles to send them there.

"Lesbians must pay attention to safety at night." Meng Wenbin said with a serious face

(End of this chapter)

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