Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 437 What If I Don't Agree

Chapter 437 What If I Don't Agree

Zhou Niannian felt that Meng Wenbin was quite responsible.

I hated him so much in the afternoon. Although his face was not good-looking, he was still fulfilling his duties as a leader seriously.

She couldn't refute Meng Wenbin's kindness, so she agreed.

Zhou Niannian and Wu Xuan walked ahead arm in arm.

Yang Jiarui and Meng Wenbin followed behind pushing their bicycles.

"I didn't expect the editor-in-chief to look serious and rigid, but he's actually quite responsible." Wu Xuan muttered softly, obviously her impression of Meng Wenbin had changed a bit.

Zhou Niannian chuckled, in fact, Meng Wenbin could also directly order Yang Jiarui to take the two of them to the bus stop.

But he didn't do this, but directly with Yang Jiarui, which shows that he doesn't have much leadership airs.

It's not far away and it's here.

Zhou Niannian and Wu Xuan walked around the corner, and was about to turn around and tell Meng Wenbin to let them go back.

Suddenly a person rushed out from the street around the corner, and bumped into her and Wu Xuan.

"Ah, my bag." Wu Xuan exclaimed, and the satchel on her body was knocked to the ground.

She picked up her bag distressedly, grabbed the person who bumped into them, and shouted: "How do you walk, you can't look at the road."

The incoming person had too much momentum, Zhou Niannian was also bumped and staggered to the side, the birdcage in his hand almost fell to the ground, stood up and looked at the person who bumped him, and said in surprise: "It's you?"

The person who rushed over and bumped into them was a girl, Zhao Yaxin, the girl she met at the flyover on the day of the Lantern Festival.

At this moment, her hair was disheveled, her body was covered with dust, and her face was full of panic.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Zhao Yaxin apologized, looking at Zhou Niannian's face in panic, her eyes lit up, and she grabbed her, "Girl, please help me, please."

Zhou Niannian blinked, and was about to ask what was going on, when suddenly a group of people rushed out from the alley around the corner.

"Here it is!"

"Where are you going!"

The leader was a man in rough clothes, with tattoos on his exposed arm, followed by five or six young boys, rushing over aggressively.

Seeing Zhao Yaxin, the leading man sized up the people in Next Zhou Niannian, raised his chin, "This woman is a thief, she stole money from my master's house, thank you for helping us catch her."

Upon hearing the word thief, Wu Xuan, Yang Jiarui and Meng Wenbin all subconsciously looked at Zhao Yaxin.

Zhao Yaxin shook her head with a pale face, "I'm not a thief, no, they paid our family the money."

She grabbed Zhou Niannian in panic, "Girl, you saw it with your own eyes that day, do you remember?"

Zhou Niannian patted her hand, only to feel that her hand was trembling slightly, and it was cold.

She turned around and looked at the tattooed man in the lead, "Are you from the Yao family?"

The tattooed man froze for a moment, the corners of his mouth twisted, and he showed a cruel smile, "Yo, he's a sensible person."

He put his fists in his hands and made a rattling sound, "It doesn't matter whose family we are from, the important thing is to advise you, don't worry about things you shouldn't care about, just let people go and walk."

Zhou Niannian clearly felt that Zhao Yaxin was trembling more violently beside her, and the hand holding the hem of her clothes was also trembling more violently.

Seeing this, Meng Wenbin and Yang Jiarui put their bicycles aside, and stood in front of Zhou Niannian and Wu Xuan almost at the same time.

"Several comrades, we are all passing by, not trying to be nosy, but this lesbian said she didn't steal your money, is there some misunderstanding?" Meng Wenbin frowned and asked the tattooed man.

When his eyes swept across the tattooed man's hands, a look of disgust flashed across his face.

Meng Wenbin hates these idlers the most.

The tattooed man obviously also caught the disgust in Meng Wenbin's eyes, his face became angry, and he spat on the ground, "Damn, what kind of eyes do you have, do you look down on me?"

The younger brother behind him followed up, "Brother Jiang, what are you talking about with them? There are not many people in the capital who dare to stand in our way."

"That's right, let the younger brother teach them a lesson."

As he spoke, two thugs came up, one punched and the other kicked, kicking Meng Wenbin.

Meng Wenbin guarded against the fist, but he didn't have time to guard against the kick. He was kicked to the ground, and his glasses fell off.

He picked up his glasses in embarrassment, and before he could put them on, he was kicked several times on his body.

Zhou Niannian slapped Wu Xuan who was in a daze, "What are you doing in a daze, do you have a camera? Take pictures."

Wu Xuan let out a huff, reacted with the sensitivity of a reporter, quickly took out the camera from her bag, and pressed the shutter on the two thugs and the tattooed man.

"How dare you hit someone, tell you, I am the editor of the Kyoto newspaper, are you not afraid that I will expose you?" Meng Wenbin shouted angrily.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yang Jiarui hurried up to rescue Meng Wenbin, and fought with two thugs.

After all, he had worked in the investigation office, and he trained in the National Defense University on weekdays. He stretched out his hand a few times, and he beat the two thugs to the ground.

"I can't see it, there are still two tricks." The tattooed man spat hard on the ground and snorted coldly.

Yang Jiarui raised Meng Wenbin, "Editor-in-Chief, are you okay?"

Meng Wenbin put on his eyes in embarrassment, and pointed at the tattooed man angrily, "You are too lawless, I, I tell you, I want to expose you, expose you."

The tattooed man sneered, but the younger brother behind him suddenly pointed at Wu Xuan and said, "No way, brother Jiang, that girl took pictures of us."

The tattooed man, that is Brother Jiang, glared at Wu Xuan, "Hand over the camera."

Wu Xuan hugged the camera tightly in her arms.

"Go, take the camera for me." Brother Jiang waved his hand and led people to surround him.

Yang Jiarui and Meng Wenbin stood in front, keeping Zhou Niannian and Wu Xuan behind.

"You guys are just passing by. If you don't want to cause trouble, I advise you to hand over the person and the camera, and let's forget about tonight's business." Brother Jiang lit a cigarette and blew a smoke ring at Yang Jiarui .

"Otherwise, hum, hum, I'll let you know why the flowers are so red."

Meng Wenbin trembled his hands, obviously extremely angry, "It's okay for you to beat someone, I'm going to expose you."

Brother Jiang sneered, "Are you still afraid of being exposed, buddy? It's just that you go in and eat for a few days, and you're still a good guy when you come out again."

"If you're sensible, leave that woman and the camera behind. I'm in a good mood today, so I'll let you go."

"How about it, I'll give you 2 minutes to think about it." He took out his cigarette and easily blew a smoke ring, saying contemptuously.

Yang Jiarui and Meng Wenbin looked at each other, but did not speak for a while.

Yang Jiarui was hesitating about how to let the girls behind him go first and let them go to a nearby investigation station to report the crime.

"What if I don't agree?" A crisp voice suddenly sounded from behind, and a slender figure came out, stood at the front, and looked at Brother Jiang expressionlessly.

"Sorry, I'm not in a good mood today, and I don't want to agree to any of your conditions."

 There are only two updates today!

(End of this chapter)

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