Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 438 Ah Liang is a Master

Chapter 438 Ah Liang is a Master

Brother Jiang was stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't expect that the girl who was protected behind just now would stand up.

He looked up and down the girl in front of him contemptuously. Under the dim light, the girl's skin was as white as jade, and her skin was as white as snow. She stared straight at them with cold almond eyes.

As if he had heard some big joke, he laughed wildly, and turned to look at the brothers behind him, "Brothers, what did I hear? She said she didn't agree, she was in a bad mood, haha."

The thugs laughed and laughed maliciously.

"Stay together if you are in a bad mood."

"That's right, I promise to serve you so that you can feel good."

These words are a bit obscene.

Yang Jiarui's face suddenly sank, and he subconsciously pulled Zhou Niannian, trying to protect her behind him.

Zhou Niannian waved his hands at him, then shook the birdcage in his hand, and let Ah Liang out.

A Liang has been locked in the bird cage for a long time, and she has already become aggressive and ready to go.

As soon as the door of the birdcage was opened, it rushed out and stood on Zhou Niannian's shoulder, "Niannian, tell me, how do we clean up these messes?"

"Does this count as punishing rape and eradicating evil? I wonder if it will help me recover my spiritual power?" It looked eager to try, and couldn't help but look forward to helping it recover its spiritual power.

Everyone was dumbfounded as they watched the girl unhurriedly release a multicolored bird, glanced at them, and said indifferently, "You guys wait on my bird first, then we'll talk about it."

The thugs let out a wild laugh.

"Girl, the birds of my buddies also want to be killed."

Before the words finished, the girl yelled coldly, "Ah Liang, show them some strength."

As soon as Zhou Niannian finished speaking, Ah Liang flew out, fluttering her multicolored wings, and pounced straight towards Brother Jiang who was the closest.

Brother Jiang might as well have been pecked in the eye by him, screamed, fell to the ground rolling and howling, "Oh, my eye, my eye."

The other thugs reacted and waved their sticks to beat Ah Liang.

Ah Liang quickly moved back and forth among them, and the sticks of several people missed Ah Liang, but hit their own people.

"Hey, why did you hit me?"

"Ah, you fucking hit me on the shoulder."

"My face, you bastard, how dare you bite my face."

"Damn, why are you slapping me in the face?"

Jiang Ge, who was the leader, rolled on the ground and screamed, and the rest of the group was teased by a bird and beat each other.

Meng Wenbin, Yang Jiarui and Wu Xuan stared at the scene in front of them in astonishment.

Zhou Niannian turned to Yang Jiarui and said, "It's time to report the crime."

Yang Jiarui came to his senses, took a deep look at Zhou Niannian, turned around, jumped on his bicycle and quickly ran to report the crime.

When he came with the comrades from the investigation office, Brother Jiang and the people he brought had already fallen to the ground.

The people from the investigation office looked dull, "Didn't you say that some gangsters beat you?"

The gangsters who beat people all lay down.

Meng Wenbin, Wu Xuan and Zhao Yaxin looked at Zhou Niannian at the same time.

They didn't know how to explain the scene in front of them, saying that these gangsters were solved by a bird?
They didn't believe it when they said it. Although they saw it with their own eyes, it still felt like a dream.

The people from the investigation office followed them and set their sights on Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian smiled lightly, and lightly stroked Ah Liang, who had a high toe on her hand, "Oh, I have studied kung fu for two years, and just now I was in a hurry to defend myself, comrade, this...isn't it against the law?"

Meng Wenbin: "."

Wu Xuan: "."

Both of them looked at Zhou Niannian in astonishment, his eyes seemed to say that you pretended to be a bird, are you embarrassed?

The thugs lying on the ground hugged their stomachs and groaned. If they hadn't had any strength at all, they really wanted to jump up and scream angrily: Liar, hoot, they were beaten by a bird.

Only Yang Jiarui remained calm. He had seen Zhou Niannian's supernatural power when he was in Zezhou, and knew that if Zhou Niannian made a move, these people might not be as simple as just lying on the ground.

The investigators took the people on the ground back, and asked Zhou Niannian to go back with them and make notes.

After coming out of the investigation bureau, five people stood on the street. When the cold wind blew, everyone became more awake.

Meng Wenbin glanced at A Liang who was still standing on Zhou Niannian's shoulder with a complicated expression. He still couldn't believe that he was saved by a bird.

"From now on, well, you'll just take this one, Ah Liang, right?" Meng Wenbin's mouth twitched, "Take Ah Liang to work."

After all, he is his savior, Meng Wenbin thought in a complicated mood.

Zhou Niannian was amused, it is not known whether Ah Liang will recover some spiritual power after this fight, but she has openly obtained the right to enter and leave the office, well, it is worth it.

Wu Xuan looked at Ah Liang adoringly, with wild joy on her face, "Oh, Ah Liang, from today onwards, you are my idol."

"I really don't know Taishan with my eyes. I didn't realize that A Liang is a hidden master."

Ah Liang raised her head arrogantly, obviously enjoying Wu Xuan's admiration, "Well, yes, keep praising me, don't stop."

Although Wu Xuan couldn't understand Ah Liang's words, it didn't prevent her from continuing to express her admiration to Ah Liang.

Yang Jiarui glanced at Wu Xuan with a look of disgust, thinking that Zhou Niannian is the master who hides his secrets.

Zhou Niannian ignored Ah Liang's stinky fart, and turned to ask Zhao Yaxin, "What's going on today?"

In the investigation office just now, Zhao Yaxin didn't tell all the truth, obviously he had some scruples.

Zhao Yaxin sniffed, and looked at Zhou Niannian gratefully, "Thanks to you for what happened today, the Yao family gave us money that day, after returning home, the uncle in the village said that the Yao family would definitely not forget about it, so let's hide for a while." hide."

She was a little angry when she said this, "We buried my dad overnight, and then ran to a relative's house to hide for a day."

"Uncle He, who was working with my father, was injured and is still lying in the hospital. I went to the hospital to send money to Uncle He's house today. I didn't expect to be blocked by these people."

"If it wasn't for my quick reaction, I didn't go to the hospital because I didn't look right, or even Uncle He's family would be implicated now."

Zhao Yaxin couldn't help showing an indignant look on her face.

"Obviously he was working for their restaurant, and Uncle He was injured. Now the Yao family is not even willing to pay for the medical expenses. It's too much."

"My dad went to argue, and they hurt my dad, but now they deny it."

Looking at the anger on her face, Zhou Niannian couldn't help but think of Lu Qingfeng's saying that whether he can keep the money depends on whether Zhao Yaxin is smart or not.

Zhao Yaxin is obviously smart, but her strength is weak.

"Didn't you report the crime?" Yang Jiarui couldn't help asking after listening for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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