Chapter 439

Zhao Yaxin sighed, "Why didn't you report the crime? You already did."

"But we don't have any evidence of them beating people. The comrades in the investigation office said that we negotiated a settlement, and the Yao family only gave 100 yuan. My dad was anxious and angry because of this. In addition to his injuries, he didn't survive. come over."

When she said this, her voice choked up, but she bit her lips tightly, not letting the tears flow down.

Zhou Niannian patted her shoulder lightly, "What are you going to do next?"

Zhao Yaxin wiped away tears, her face was a little confused, "I don't know, my father passed away, and before he died, he must ask me to ask for Uncle He's wages and compensation money."

She touched her pocket subconsciously, "If you didn't help me that day, I wouldn't even have the money. Uncle He's leg was broken, and he won't be able to work in the future."

"It's a pity that I don't have the ability to ask Uncle He for more compensation."

The words of more compensation made Zhou Niannian's heart move. Seeing Zhao Yaxin's face full of self-blame, she blurted out: "I will help you."

Zhao Yaxin looked at her gratefully, then shook her head, "You have helped me enough, I can't burden you anymore."

"The Yao family is in a big situation, I can't let you suffer."

After Zhou Niannian blurted out that sentence, the thoughts in her heart became clearer. She shook Zhao Yaxin's hand, "Trust me, where do you live now? Let's take you home first."

Zhao Yaxin was a little at a loss. Seeing that Yang Jiarui, Meng Wenbin and the others had no intention of objecting, she pointed to the south, "Across two alleys, my family lives in Zhaolou Village in the south of the city. Because I hide from the Yao family, I Now I’m staying at a relative’s house, two alleys away from here.”

"Let's talk as we go." Zhou Niannian glanced at Meng Wenbin, "Editor-in-chief, do you think you want to go back first?"

Meng Wenbin said angrily: "It's so late, of course we have to go together, how can I let you girls act alone."

As soon as the words fell, Ah Liang chirped twice in the bird cage to remind herself of her sense of existence.

Thinking of the bird's divine power just now, Meng Wenbin suddenly realized that he was not as useful as a bird, so he fell silent in embarrassment.

Wu Xuan couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Zhou Niannian gave her a quiet look and asked Zhao Yaxin to lead the way, while she held Meng Wenbin back.

"Editor, are these people hateful today?"

"Well, hateful!"

"Didn't you say you want to expose them? Are you scaring them, or do you really want to expose them?"

Meng Wenbin frowned and glanced at her, "Just say what you want to say, don't tempt me so obliquely."

Zhou Niannian chuckled, pointed at Zhao Yaxin's back, and said in a low voice, "I want to help this girl. Her family's affairs happen to involve the legal aspect."

"Her family and the He family were renovating a restaurant together, but the He family was accidentally injured. Now the Yao family doesn't pay compensation, and even viciously beats them to recover the money they paid before."

"This has already involved labor disputes and the issue of compensation for work-related injuries. I want to draw the attention of relevant people through our newspaper reports and help them get the compensation they deserve."

In other words, she wanted to magnify this matter through the power of the media, and make the Yao family compensate through the influence of external forces.

In fact, if this matter is put in a few years, or even ten years later, it will be very easy to solve.

As for labor disputes, which involve industry and commerce, the courts can quickly decide.

But now Huaguo is reorganizing the team of lawyers, and many laws are still incomplete, such as regulations on labor, and regulations related to industrial and commercial compensation, there are no clear regulations.

At this time, the only option is to magnify the matter first, attract the attention of the people above, and then use some channels to demand compensation from the Yao family.

"Isn't the theme of our first issue just to promote the role of law and lawyers? I think the case of the Zhao family is a good case and a good starting point."

Meng Wenbin nodded thoughtfully, and glanced at Zhou Niannian, "You think well, why are you still testing me?"

Zhou Niannian touched his nose, "See if your determination to expose them is very strong."

Meng Wenbin snorted angrily, "Those hooligans who spend all day doing nothing but producing things, stealing cats, walking dogs, and robbing houses, should teach them a lesson."

Zhou Niannian blinked, and asked tentatively, "Even if there is someone behind them?"

They may not know the Yao family, but after Lu Qingfeng gave Zhou Nian a science popularization that day, she already knew the background of the Yao family.

She was afraid that if Meng Wenbin knew the background of the Yao family, he would be afraid that something would happen and he would suppress the report.

Meng Wenbin's face darkened, and he glared at her, "Zhou Niannian, don't you speak upright, little girl? Why are you talking nonsense again now?"

"Let me tell you, what I hate the most are those children who rely on some power to run rampant. Huh, I don't care if they have the support of the heavenly king and Laozi behind them. If they do wrong things, they should be reported."

"You guys will sort out this matter tomorrow. If something goes wrong, I will take care of it. Hmph, I still don't believe it. Can't you report the real thing as an editor now?"

Zhou Niannian gave Meng Wenbin a thumbs up with a smile, and responded crisply, "Okay."

It seems that there are good old-fashioned old-fashioned, Zhou Niannian once again changed his mind on Meng Wenbin.

After sending Zhao Yaxin back, they made an appointment to meet her the next morning and go to Zhaojia Village for an interview, and the four came out.

"This time I can finally go home." Wu Xuan stretched her arms and said with emotion.

None of the four of them expected to encounter such a mess when they went out for a meal.

"There is no bus anymore, let's go, the two of us will take you back." Meng Wenbin had just finished speaking when he suddenly heard the sound of brakes in front of him.

In the dark night, a car stopped on the side of the road, and the sound of rapid braking was a bit harsh.

The door opened, and a tall man got out of the car and strode towards them.

Nothing will happen, right?Meng Wenbin froze, subconsciously looked at Ah Liang for a day, saw that there was only one person coming, and thought to himself: Just one person, this bird is enough.

Wu Xuan also paused for breathing, and only relaxed when she saw the handsome face of the tall man.

Such a handsome man should not be a bad person.

Only Yang Jiarui's eyes were slightly sad when he saw the person coming.

When Zhou Niannian saw that it was Lu Qingfeng who came, he immediately frowned and stuck out his tongue.

Oops, I forgot the time, Lu Qingfeng must be in a hurry.

Sure enough, Lu Qingfeng walked up to her, looked her up and down, and pulled her into his arms, "Are you okay? You scared me to death."

His voice was deep and hoarse, with a little panic, and he clasped Zhou Niannian's arm very forcefully, as if confirming her existence.

(End of this chapter)

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