Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 440 You Are a Dog

Chapter 440 You Are a Dog
Zhou Niannian patted Lu Qingfeng and said with a smile, "I'm fine, it's someone else."

Lu Qingfeng pinched her nose angrily, "Why do you cause a lot of trouble wherever you go, if the investigation office didn't call Uncle Zhou, the whole family would go crazy looking for you."

Zhou Niannian muttered: "I didn't cause trouble, it hit me."

Lu Qingfeng glared at her.

Zhou Niannian stuck out her tongue with a smile.

"Oh, Nian Nian, why don't you introduce this handsome guy?" Wu Xuan approached enthusiastically.

Yang Jiarui couldn't help but give her a blank look. This woman, when she sees a good-looking man, looks like she has no bones.

Zhou Niannian stood up straight and said, "This is Lu Qingfeng, my fiancé."

After speaking, he introduced Meng Wenbin and Wu Xuan one by one. Yang Jiarui already knew each other, so there was no need to introduce them.

On the contrary, when Lu Qingfeng saw Yang Jiarui and knew that Yang Jiarui and Zhou Niannian were colleagues now, his eyes were slightly darkened.

Both Meng Wenbin and Wu Xuan were a little surprised that Zhou Niannian was already engaged.

Lu Qingfeng greeted them one by one, then turned to ask Zhou Niannian, "It's getting late."

"Let's send Wu Xuan back, you two go back to rest early." Zhou Niannian waved to Yang Jiarui and Meng Wenbin.

"Then I won't be polite." Wu Xuan winked at Zhou Niannian, and the two girls got into the car together.

Zhou Niannian and Wu Xuan sat in the back seat of the car together.

"I can't tell, you got engaged so early." As soon as Wu Xuan got into the car, she couldn't wait to pull Zhou Niannian to whisper, and then pouted at Lu Qingfeng in front, "How did you know each other? Someone introduced you?"

Zhou Niannian chuckled, "Neighbors, we grew up together."

Wu Xuan couldn't help whistling, "Tsk tsk. My childhood sweetheart, it's really enviable."

"When will I find my soul mate." She lamented and collapsed on the seat.

Zhou Niannian smiled and comforted her, "Yes, maybe we will meet soon."

Wu Xuan curled her lips, "Who knows, when I was abroad, my parents never urged me. After returning to China, I saw that the children of relatives and friends around me are all married, and now I am also anxious."

"Now when they see me, they ask me if I have a partner, which makes me afraid to go home."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help chuckling, it seems that parents urging marriage is an eternal topic.

When Wu Xuan said this, she suddenly sat up straight, took Zhou Niannian's arm, and stared at Zhou Niannian with bright eyes, with a hint of apprehension in her eyes.

"Nian Nian, although we have only known each other for a day, I really like your character, what do you think of me?"

Zhou Niannian didn't understand why she asked such a question, but she still answered her question, "You are fine."

Wu Xuan's eyes lit up, she bit her lips lightly, and asked hesitantly, "Don't you think I'm a bit open in what I say and do?"

Zhou Niannian understood what she meant, tilted her head and asked her back: "You grew up abroad, so it's normal to be more open?"

Wu Xuan froze for a moment, then shrugged mockingly, "I have been an intern at the TV station for a year, and I haven't even made a single friend. Girls think I'm too loose and deliberately seduce boys, and boys don't respect me enough. "

"Oh, don't say it, it's hard to say."

Zhou Niannian understood what was going on.

The folk customs in China at this time are still very conservative. Not to mention others, although she and Lu Qingfeng are already engaged and unmarried couples, in the public, they just hold hands and hug at most.

Foreign couples dare to kiss in public.

Wu Xuan grew up abroad, so she was naturally a bit out of place after returning to China.

"I think you're pretty good. Just act according to your own heart when you speak and act. Let them say what others like to say about you. You don't eat or drink their rice. You don't care about them." Zhou Niannian patted Wu Xuan's hand.

Wu Xuan's eyes became brighter, and she couldn't help but hugged Zhou Niannian, "Niannian, I like you."

Lu Qingfeng, who was driving in the front row, paused, and couldn't help but have three black lines on his face.

Zhou Niannian and Yang Jiarui are colleagues, so he has already sounded the alarm line.

Now here is a female colleague who actually likes Nian Nian.

Well, should he consider not letting Nian Nian come out to work in the future?
After sending Wu Xuan home, Zhou Niannian watched Wu Xuan enter the house, turned around and met Lu Qingfeng's aggrieved eyes.

"Drive home." She gave him a puzzled look.

Lu Qingfeng glanced at the seat next to him quietly: "Sit at the front."

Zhou Niannian glanced at him, then got out of the car and sat in the passenger seat again in silence.

As soon as the door was closed, Lu Qingfeng stretched out his long arms.

As soon as Zhou Niannian turned his head, he was pressed on the seat, and Lu Qingfeng's warm breath rushed towards his face.

She couldn't help but widen her eyes, and felt that Lu Qingfeng was pecking her lips anxiously and angrily.

Fortunately, it was late at night and there were no people on the road.

If someone sees them, the two of them openly kissed me in the car, it is estimated that the whole capital will be famous.

After a while, Lu Qingfeng let go of Zhou Niannian and started the car.

Zhou Niannian touched her sore lips, and couldn't help muttering: "You belong to the dog."

Lu Qingfeng pursed his lips and did not speak.

The light in the car was a little dark, Zhou Niannian saw that Lu Qingfeng's side face was a little tense, and his jaw was straight.

This is not happy?

She blinked and didn't understand where Lu Qingfeng's sudden emotion came from.

"Lu Qingfeng, what's wrong with you?" She asked puzzled.

Lu Qingfeng remained silent.

Zhou Niannian turned her face to the side and looked at him intently.

Lu Qingfeng focused on the road ahead.

"Mr. Lu?"


"Brother Qing!"

"Squeak!" There was a screeching slam of the brakes, and the car suddenly stopped on the road.

Zhou Niannian fell forward suddenly due to inertia, but he didn't touch the front interior, but was grabbed by Lu Qingfeng, and was gagged again, showing his dog nature.

When Lu Qingfeng was finally satisfied, he pressed her forehead against her forehead, and said in a rough voice with a little panting, "Call again."

Zhou Niannian looked at him with some confusion in his eyes, and realized it in a moment.

The bright red lips parted slightly, "Brother Qing?"

"En!" Lu Qingfeng responded softly.

"Brother Qing!"

Lu Qingfeng's warm big hand gently covered her lips, and his voice became hoarse, "Stop barking."

Zhou Niannian blinked, and saw Lu Qingfeng's eyes glowing hotly, and muttered in a low voice: "I really want to throw you on the bed right now."

She reacted instantly, pushed Lu Qingfeng's hand away, and sat back on the co-pilot seat honestly, "Rogue!"

Lu Qingfeng slowly sat back in the driver's seat, "It would be abnormal if I didn't play tricks on you."

In the darkness, Zhou Niannian couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, the car was filled with an ambiguous and exciting atmosphere.

After a long time, Lu Qingfeng started the car again, Zhou Niannian let out a sigh of relief, and decided not to provoke him anymore.

Unexpectedly, Lu Qingfeng suddenly said: "Don't get too close to Yang Jiarui and that Wu Xuan."

(End of this chapter)

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