Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 441 She is afraid of being jealous

Chapter 441 She is afraid of being jealous

Zhou Niannian was taken aback by the sudden request.

"Why?" She asked in confusion, "Why can't Wu Xuan?"

Yang Jiarui is a man, she can understand Lu Qingfeng's request, but Wu Xuan is a girl.

Lu Qingfeng pursed his lips sullenly, then snorted after a while, and said aggrievedly: "She likes you too."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but chuckle.

After working together for so long, Lu Qingfeng is jealous.

But isn't this jealousy somewhat inexplicable?

It's okay to eat the jealousy of men, but even the jealousy of women.

"You eat some tasteless vinegar." Zhou Niannian looked at him with a smile on his chin, "Wu Xuan is a girl, and the love she said is the relationship between us girls, it's normal."

Lu Qingfeng snorted, "She hugged you just now, anyway, stay away from her in the future, and she is not allowed to hug you casually."

Zhou Niannian: "."

After waiting for a long time without her answer, Lu Qingfeng turned around dissatisfied, "Are you hesitating?"

Seeing the displeasure conveyed by his slightly squinted eyes, Zhou Niannian immediately expressed his sincerity with a smile, "No, absolutely not."

Lu Qingfeng still stared at her dissatisfied.

"Brother, you are driving, can you concentrate!" Zhou Niannian helplessly raised his hand to promise, "I promise, I won't let her hug me in the future, and I will maintain a normal colleague relationship with her, okay?"

Only then did Lu Qingfeng look away in satisfaction and concentrate on driving.

The corner of Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched.

She and a female colleague can only have a normal colleague relationship, okay?

Lu Qingfeng is so jealous that even she is afraid.

When I got home at night, the whole Zhou family was there.

Seeing that she came back safely, the whole family was relieved.

Zhou Niannian didn't want to worry Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu, so she didn't mention the Zhao family's affairs. She only said that her colleagues had a dinner together and encountered a few robbers. She and her colleagues went there to help.

Seeing that she was fine, Li Xiangxiu nagged her a few words and let her go upstairs to rest.

On the second day of work, when Zhou Niannian walked into the Jingdu Newspaper office with Ah Liang, he once again got the attention of many people.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that I really have a background. I brought the bird to work yesterday, but I didn't get any criticism from old man Meng, and I brought it today."

Because Meng Wenbin has always been known for his rigidity and seriousness in the newspaper office, some colleagues secretly called him Old Man Meng.

When Zhou Niannian came in with the bird yesterday, many people were already silently waiting to see how Meng Wenbin would scold and cry Zhou Niannian.

As a result, after waiting for a day, I didn't see the excitement as I imagined.

Today, Zhou Niannian came to work with the bird as usual.

"I heard that old man Meng criticized, but people don't listen."

"There must be a background in the family, otherwise I wouldn't be so arrogant."

Zhou Niannian carried Ah Liang through the crowd without looking sideways, and walked into the office of Legal Moment.

Meng Wenbin had already come first, and when he saw her, he nodded with a serious face, his eyes fell on Ah Liang, and he actually said: "Ah Liang looks very energetic today."

Zhou Niannian: "."

Did Ah Liang's supernatural power last night scare the editor-in-chief?

People who pretended to pass by the door to watch the excitement heard Meng Wenbin's words, slipped and almost fell on the door.

Is this still the most rigid and stern old man in the Kyoto newspaper office?
To flatter a bird?

Who can tell them the background of this new intern?
Why did old man Meng give in?

The person who overheard this sentence straightened up in embarrassment, turned around and ran to the joint office, and decided to quickly spread his latest discovery: the new interns are not easy to mess with.

Zhou Niannian didn't know what happened outside, but only knew that when she went out with Ah Liang again, she got many bright smiling faces.

"Why are these people so warm to us today?" Wu Xuan scratched her head in confusion.

Yang Jiarui glanced at her, and snorted coldly: "Don't be sentimental, people are passionate about Xiao Zhou, not you."

Wu Xuan glared at him, "You will die if you don't tell the truth?"

Yang Jiarui hehe, followed Meng Wenbin out.

They asked Zhao Yaxin to interview the Zhao family in detail today, and Meng Wenbin also insisted on going with them.

Wu Xuan walked behind with her arm around Zhou Niannian's shoulders, muttering softly, "What do you think is wrong with these people? Could it be that they also knew about the hunger thing that happened last night? Otherwise, why are they so warm to us all of a sudden?"

Zhou Niannian was also at a loss, "I don't know either, don't worry about it, let's go to work first."

This was their first interview, and Zhou Niannian was very serious, and had already listed a lot of questions before they set off.

Zhao Yaxin had already explained when she returned to the village early in the morning. When Zhou Niannian and the others arrived at Zhaojia Village, Zhao Yaxin had already greeted them at the entrance of the village.

Seeing Zhou Niannian and the others, Zhao Yaxin trot excitedly to meet them.

"I have invited my uncle who works with my dad to my house, let's go to my house to talk."

She said that she was a little depressed, "It's just that three uncles were called, and everyone else had family problems, so they couldn't come."

Zhao Yaxin's expression was a little sad, but there was also a hint of anger.

In fact, those uncles didn't have any problems at home, but they were afraid of the Yao family, and they didn't want to have any more troubles. They would rather accept the reality that they couldn't get paid, than go out and offend the Yao family.

Of course, they didn't believe that people like Zhou Niannian could help them.

Zhou Niannian glanced at Zhao Yaxin's expression, and probably guessed what Zhao Yaxin didn't say.

"It's okay. We came here today to understand the process of the matter and take some photos. Let's discuss what to do next." Zhou Niannian patted her hand.

Zhao Yaxin bit her lip and nodded.

Her house was a little cold, only three old men in cotton jackets, squatting on the ground and sighing.

Seeing Zhou Niannian and his group come in, the three men stood up clapping their hands.

The older man with gray hair frowned, and asked Zhao Yaxin hesitantly, "Xinni, are these the reporters you mentioned? Can they really help us get wages?"

Zhao Yaxin nodded, "Third Uncle, Second Uncle Zhang, Third Uncle Li, you can answer whatever they ask later, they will definitely help us."

The three old men looked at each other with hesitant expressions.

Among the three people, the third uncle was Zhao Yaxin's biological uncle, and the second uncle Zhang and the third uncle Li agreed to come because they got along well with Zhao Yaxin's father on weekdays.

Seeing the hesitation of the three of them, Zhou Niannian took a step forward and said in a slow voice, "Three uncles, we are all reporters and editors of Legal Moment. Legal Moment is a newly established newspaper column. The purpose of establishment is to Help our common people use the weapon of law to protect themselves."

Sanbo looked at Zhou Niannian blankly, "Law? What is law?"

(End of this chapter)

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