Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 442 Two Key Evidences

Chapter 442 Two Key Evidences
"The law is a weapon to protect us," Zhou Niannian thought for a while, and said, "Just like you did for the Yao family this time, you should be paid for your work."

"The Yao family refuses to pay now, so we can sue them and use the weapon of the law to help us get our wages back."

The three men half-understood.

"Third Brother, is this weapon really capable?" Uncle Zhang asked Uncle Zhang in a low voice after hitting Uncle Three.

Sanbo silently took out a dry cigarette and smoked it, but he didn't understand.

Meng Wenbin pushed his eyes and said with a serious face: "I am the editor-in-chief of Legal Moment and their leader. Since we said we will do our best to help you, we will definitely be able to help you."

"Please trust us."

The three men looked at each other without speaking.

Zhao Yaxin stomped her feet, "Third Uncle, the leader has already spoken, you should believe it, right?"

Uncle San glanced at Second Uncle Zhang and Uncle Li before nodding his head, "You can ask whatever you want."

Zhou Niannian glanced at Meng Wenbin, and changed his opinion of Meng Wenbin again.

Although he is rigid in his actions, this man has a sense of justice, which is commendable.

Many people may be full of a sense of justice when they are employees, but after they sit in the leadership position, they will forget what they insisted on initially due to various considerations.

The three uncles began to answer Zhou Niannian's questions. With Zhao Yaxin's help, the interview went smoothly.

In fact, the matter itself is not complicated.

Most of the men in Zhaojia Village are masons and carpenters. There is a decoration team on weekdays. Zhao Yaxin’s father, Zhao Yuzhu, is the team leader. A good hand at work.

The Yao family is going to open a happy restaurant and wants to hire a group of people to do the decoration.

Zhao Yaxin's father, Zhao Yuzhu, took the job and led the decoration team to work. He paid half of the deposit of 1000 yuan as agreed at the beginning, and paid the rest of the wages after the decoration was completed.

The decoration team consisted of eight people. At the end of the work, Yao Jianmin came to inspect and pointed out a lot of problems, one of which was that the decoration on the roof was not hung properly, so people had to go up and hang it again.

A man named He Cheng fell off a scaffold and broke his leg while climbing up to hang decorations.

After He Cheng was sent to the hospital, Zhao Yuzhu took the rest of the people to repair the place Yao Jianmin pointed out, and then went to the Yao family to ask for the remaining wages.

The person who came out to receive the reception was Sun Delai, the manager of the Xingfu Restaurant, but he said that there are still many places in the restaurant that are not up to standard, and the rest of the wages will be deducted, and he refuses to bear He Cheng's medical expenses.

Zhao Yuzhu was so angry that he had a quarrel with Sun Delai, and the people present beat Zhao Yuzhu with their hands.

When Zhao Yuzhu came back, his nose was bruised, his face was swollen, his head was smashed, and he died within an hour of arriving home.

Then there was the scene where Zhao Yaxin and her family went to make trouble at the entrance of the Happy Restaurant.

"When your father went to the Happy Restaurant to ask for wages, didn't anyone accompany him?" Zhou Niannian asked with a frown.

Zhao Yaxin wiped away tears, "Yes, Second Uncle Qian, who is in charge of the decoration team's money, went with him. At that time, he sent my dad back and said that the Yao family beat my dad."

Yang Jiarui asked, "What about Uncle Qian, is he willing to testify?"

Zhao Yaxin shook her head sadly.

Zhao Sanbo spit on the ground angrily, "The one surnamed Qian has changed his words now, saying that I was afraid that I remembered it wrong that day, and the Yao family didn't hit the jade pillar at all."

Changed your tune?Zhou Niannian and Yang Jiarui looked at each other.

This kind of temporary change of mouth is either threatened or charged for hush money.

"Fuck, this heartless person surnamed Qian must have taken money from Yao's family. Yu Zhu was so kind to him back then, and this bastard is doing such a thing now." Second Uncle Zhang cursed indignantly. money accountant.

It's more difficult without witnesses.

"You are a legal major, what do you think should be done next?" Meng Wenbin asked Zhou Niannian in a low voice.

Zhou Niannian thought for a while before saying, "Let's report this matter first, and use the power of public opinion to arouse sympathy for the Zhao family and attract more people's attention."

"Then let Yaxin go to the court to sue the Yao family for deducting wages, but the chain of evidence for this matter is not complete, and two key pieces of evidence are needed."

"What evidence?" Zhao Yaxin asked impatiently, "I will find a way to prepare whatever is needed."

Zhou Niannian shook his head, "The chain of evidence emphasizes fairness and legal benefits. It's not something you can prepare. You need someone with a fair identity to investigate and collect evidence."

Zhao Yaxin was a little disappointed, "What is the key evidence you mentioned?"

"First, the paperwork your father signed with the Happy Restaurant, and second, the certification and physical evidence that your father was beaten by the Yao family." Zhou Niannian said.

"The witness is only one surnamed Qian, and the one surnamed Qian refuses to admit it now, what can we do?" Sanshu Li sighed.

Zhou Niannian wasn't worried that Accountant Qian wouldn't admit it, "I'll help you find a lawyer. If he doesn't admit it, the lawyer can ask him to admit it, but with physical evidence."

When she said this, she paused, and looked at Zhao Yaxin with hesitation, "The physical evidence requires your father's autopsy report to prove that the real cause of her death was indeed caused by external force."

Zhao Yaxin's expression changed suddenly.

Zhao Sanbo jumped up anxiously, "How can this be done? My brother has already been buried, and he is safe in the ground. How can we do an autopsy?"

Uncle Zhang and Uncle Li also disagreed, "Death is the most important thing, and the soul of the dead should not be disturbed."

"That's right, as we used to say, you have to keep the whole body when you die, and you can't open the coffin for an autopsy."

Zhou Niannian did not speak. The reason why she hesitated was because she knew that the exhumation of the coffin for autopsy was currently unacceptable to many people in China.

Wu Xuan obviously didn't understand their anxiety, she put down the camera and said, "He was beaten to death, if we can't give him justice, then it will be called death, okay?"

"Otherwise, do you think he can be willing to die?"

Zhao Sanbo glared at Wu Xuan angrily, "How do you talk like a lesbian? Shut up if you can't speak."

Why can't she speak?
Wu Xuan angrily wanted to refute, but was pulled back by Yang Jiarui.

"What are you doing?" Wu Xuan glared at Yang Jiarui bluffing.

"Shut up!" Yang Jiarui growled in a low voice, before turning his head to the angry Zhao Sanbo, "Sanbo, I understand your feelings. I worked in the investigation office before, and I have encountered this kind of thing before."

"Although my colleague speaks directly, the truth is correct. Think carefully about whether this is the truth."

Zhao Sanbo snorted, turned to Zhao Yaxin and said: "Xinni, let me tell you, if you dare to agree to this matter, if you dare to move your father's grave, you are unfilial, and your mother will not agree."

Zhao Yaxin bit her lip and said nothing.

Zhou Niannian patted her on the shoulder, and said softly, "Think about this matter carefully, let's go back and sort out the materials first, and you can come to us at any time when you have a decision."

(End of this chapter)

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