Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 444 The Editor-in-Chief Will Be Flexible

Chapter 444 The Editor-in-Chief Will Be Flexible
Zhao Yaxin felt that her suppressed pain was about to pour out.

Zhou Niannian gently embraced her, "Now is not the time to cry. After you fulfill your father's wish, you can go to his grave and cry bitterly, and tell her that you have lived up to his expectations."

Zhao Yaxin raised her head, looked at Zhou Niannian with tears in her eyes, "Will that day come?"

"There will be!" Zhou Niannian and Wu Xuan promised in unison.

Zhao Yaxin looked at her, then at Wu Xuan, her eyes gradually became firm.

Seeing her calm down, Zhou Niannian came over with a pen and paper, "Come on, I'll help you write the indictment. Our newspaper will be printed tomorrow and will be published the day after tomorrow. I will accompany you to the court in the morning of the day after tomorrow."

"Also, I have already contacted a lawyer for you. He is a very honest lawyer. You can hand over the case to him with confidence."

"As soon as the court files the case, you immediately request an investigation and evidence collection. Let the Bureau of Investigation and the lawyer open the coffin for an autopsy and collect evidence. As for Accountant Qian's testimony, the lawyer will talk to him."

Zhao Yaxin felt a lot more at ease when she saw that she had arranged the follow-up matters for herself, and the arrangement was orderly.

Zhou Niannian buried herself in writing the indictment, and Wu Xuan chatted with Zhao Yaxin because she didn't understand legal matters.

When Meng Wenbin and Yang Jiarui came back, Zhou Niannian had already written the lawsuit.

Seeing Zhao Yaxin's presence, Meng Wenbin's eyes lit up, but he was used to being serious, and there was no happy expression on his face.

"You are here, our director has already passed the review, don't worry, we will do our best to help you." Meng Wenbin said.

Zhao Yaxin gratefully expressed her thanks again and again.

"Be careful when you go back these two days, and don't tell anyone about our arrangement." Yang Jiarui whispered, "The Yao family didn't ask for money last time, so it won't be so kind. You should pay attention to safety when you go back. It's best not to do anything. go out."

Zhou Niannian frowned, Yang Jiarui's words reminded her.

The last time the thugs hired by the Yao family were sent to the investigation bureau, Yao Jianmin will definitely inquire about the origins of these people after getting wind of them.

There has been no movement in the past few days, maybe he is holding back his big move.

"What he said makes sense, you must pay attention to safety."

Zhao Yaxin nodded, "I will find a place to hide these two days."

After sending Zhao Yaxin away, Zhou Niannian went back and asked Meng Wenbin, "The editor-in-chief has no objection to our content?"

Meng Wenbin shook his head.

Zhou Niannian felt a little strange, "Is the editor-in-chief... not very clear about Yao Jianmin's background?"

Meng Wenbin looked up at her, and slowly raised his eyes for a while, "Oh, I forgot to mention this."

Zhou Niannian: "."

Did I forget or did it on purpose?
Wu Xuan chuckled, tilted her head and blinked at Meng Wenbin with her big bright eyes, "Editor-in-chief, you've turned bad."

Yang Jiarui cleared his throat solemnly, and glared at Wu Xuan, "What are you talking about? The editor-in-chief is for work, so he does something and doesn't do it."

"You're just flattering me." Wu Xuan muttered disdainfully.

Meng Wenbin glanced at the three of them with a dark face, and shouted: "Is there nothing to do? Talk about my little mistake here."

The three of them immediately sat back in their seats.

Zhou Niannian smiled and gave Meng Wenbin a thumbs up, "Just to say, editor-in-chief, your little mistake is really awesome."

After finishing speaking, she clearly saw Meng Wenbin's mouth twitch, but instead of yelling at them, she sat back on the chair uncomfortably.

Zhou Niannian laughed secretly. Actually, isn't Meng Wenbin so rigid?
At least he knew how to work around this matter.

As a subsidiary newspaper of the Kyoto Daily, "Legal Moment" is published once a week. The first issue of the newspaper is very important. Previously, all government agencies and institutions were required to book.

Therefore, the circulation of the first issue of the newspaper was quite considerable, and many people were attracted by the stories and cases reported in the newspaper.

After all, domestic media information is not well-developed now, and TV sets are only available to a small number of households. Ordinary households still read newspapers to obtain the latest information.

Most of the current newspapers still report major news or policy changes. This is the first time that such a real-time report of a storytelling nature is still in progress.

Many people were immediately attracted by the reports on Legal Times, and this case immediately attracted the attention of many people.

In particular, Zhou Niannian wrote at the end of the newspaper that with the changes in national policies, there will be more and more workers in society. How to protect the rights and interests of workers and ensure that workers can get their labor income in a timely manner is a topic worthy of attention.

This matter suddenly attracted widespread attention, especially among many workers.

Of course, many people who knew the Yao family read the newspaper, and the content of the discussion was on another level.

Yao Shijie, the patriarch of the Yao family, went to the work unit as usual today. In fact, he is almost 55 years old and will retire in October today.

The higher-ups had appointed someone to pick him up since last year, but Yao Shijie only handed over the work at the machinery factory, and he still held the factory and mine in his own hands.

The person who took his place was called Yang Ming, and he dared not say it on the surface, but in fact, he was already full of anger behind his back.

Yao Shijie refused to delegate power.

The mining factory and the machinery factory were all built by him, and most of the people inside are his direct subordinates. Even if someone surnamed Yang takes over, it will be difficult to convince the public for a while.

Yao Shijie walked into the factory slowly with his hands behind his back, ready to start the daily routine inspection.

"Master Yao, good morning."

As soon as he entered the factory building, Yang Ming came out, saw him, and greeted him with a smile.

Yao Shijie nodded his chin reservedly, "Director Yang is also here to inspect the factory?"

The smile on Yang Ming's face was unusually bright, "I thought Director Yao couldn't come to inspect the factory today, so I went first by myself. I didn't expect Director Yao to be so dedicated and stick to his post because of family problems."

Yao Shijie frowned, why can't he come to inspect the factory?
Something happened at home. When he went out in the morning, the house was fine.

He couldn't bear to ask Yang Ming, but nodded with his lips pursed, ready to enter the workshop, and planned to call home after wandering around to ask if something happened.

Yang Ming stopped him and shook the newspaper in his hand, "Director Yao has devoted most of his life to the factory. Let me tell you, although work is important, children's education is also important."

After finishing speaking, he walked away slowly with his hands behind his back and the newspaper in his hand.

Yao Shijie stood where he was, frowning tightly, obviously not understanding what Yang Ming meant.

Yang Ming has always been respectful in front of him, this is the first time he has spoken to him in a strange way.

What happened that he didn't know about?

Yao Shijie thought of the newspaper dangling in Yang Ming's hand just now, and lost the intention of patrolling the factory.

When he went out in the morning, the newspaper at home had already been delivered, and before he could read it, Yao Shijie turned back thoughtfully, went back to his office, and asked his secretary to bring in today's newspaper.

The secretary came in with two newspapers in his arms, hesitant to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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