Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 445 Who is Zhou Niannian?

Chapter 445 Who is Zhou Niannian?

The newspaper that Yao Shijie must read every day is the Kyoto Daily. He frowned and glanced at the smaller newspaper on the Kyoto Daily, "Why is there an extra newspaper today?"

The secretary said in a low voice: "This is a new newspaper published today, called Legal Moment, you should read this first."

Yao Shijie raised his head and glanced at the secretary, noticing the strange expression on his face, his face sank, and he waved his hand to let the secretary go out first.

The secretary backed out and closed the office door for him.

Yao Shijie picked up the newspaper on the table, his eyes paused for a moment on the four big characters of legal time in the upper left corner, lowered his eyes and casually scanned the content below, and stopped when he touched a familiar name.

After a while, after he finished reading the contents of the newspaper, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

He held the newspaper in his hand, and the newly issued newspaper was immediately rolled into a piece of waste paper.

Yao Shijie closed his eyes to adjust his breath, picked up the phone on the table, and paused again when he was about to dial the number.

He hesitated, put down the phone, got up and left the office.

Yao Jianmin didn't have the habit of reading newspapers, so he didn't know that he had become the protagonist of today's newspaper.

He went to the Happiness Restaurant early in the morning and directed the staff in the store to start cleaning and prepare the lunch.

When the back kitchen was lecturing the chef and the help kitchen, he called the manager Sun De to come over, "How is the matter with the Zhao family going?"

Sun Delai said with a troubled face, "That girl from the Zhao family is hiding somewhere, and she hasn't been seen in the past few days. I found someone to guard the hospital, and I haven't seen her send money to the He family."

Yao Jianmin curled his lips, and said disdainfully: "Do you think they really asked for money from the He family? A bunch of poor ghosts, they probably have never seen so much money in their entire lives. They took the money and didn't swallow it themselves. How could they give it away?" To the He family?"

Sun Delai bent over and did not dare to answer, but his dark face was a bit disapproving.

Yao Jianmin blew out a smoke ring, swayed his legs crossed, and continued: "Last time, I gave the Zhao family so much money because I didn't want my dad to know about it."

He snorted coldly, "But she can get my Yao family's money, but she may not be able to spend it. You are also a waste. You found someone to deal with a dead girl, and even sent someone to the investigation bureau for me to deal with."

Sun Delai lowered his head and didn't dare to speak. He didn't know that the girl was so lucky that someone helped her.

"Is the person you are looking for reliable? Don't fucking get into the trap, and recruit them all three times and two times?"

Sun Delai came to his senses and waved his hands again and again, "No, Brother Jiang understands the rules of Taoism, so he won't talk nonsense."

"That's good," Yao Jianmin exhaled a smoke ring enjoying himself, "That's good, then I'll go find the girl surnamed Zhao."

The phone in the store rang, which was very abrupt and harsh.

Yao Jianmin gave Sun Delai a look, and he stepped forward to answer the phone knowingly. When he heard the voice on the other end of the phone, his expression changed, and he whispered to Yao Jianmin, "It's your father."

Yao Jianmin immediately stood up, took away the cigarette dangling from his mouth, and answered the phone, "Dad"

Immediately, a violent shout rang out from the other end of the phone: "You bastard, get out of here immediately."

Through the phone, Yao Jianmin felt his ears tremble, and then there was a busy tone on the phone, and he was hung up.

He put down the phone impatiently, picked up the coat next to him, "Keep an eye on it, I have something to go home."

Although he didn't know why his father was so angry and asked him to go back, Yao Jianmin didn't dare not go back.

As soon as he rushed home, he saw his mother winking at him as soon as he entered the house.

Before Yao Jianmin could react, a newspaper fell on his head.

"Bastard, explain to me, what's going on?" The violent roar resounded throughout the living room.

Yao Jianmin pulled the newspaper off his head, and didn't dare to look at his father's face, so he quickly glanced at the newspaper.

At the time of the rule of law, what the hell?
He continued to look down, saw his name at a glance, and froze immediately.

"Have you finished reading it?" Seeing him finish reading the newspaper, Yao Shijie came over silently, and said with a cold snort, "Come on, what's going on?"

"Deducting workers' wages and sending people to force the money that has already been lost, you bastard, is this what I teach you on weekdays?"

"You also see the money?"

The more Yao Shijie spoke, the angrier he became, he stepped forward angrily and kicked Yao Jianmin.

Yao Jianmin staggered and fell to the ground. Yao Shijie was about to kick him again, but his wife hugged his waist, "Old Yao, calm down. Don't be angry with children because of your age."

"Jianmin is still young, and there are many things he doesn't understand. You just need to teach him slowly."

Yao Shijie's wife, Xu Guihua, pulled her husband to the sofa and sat down, while winking at Yao Jianmin, signaling him to say a few soft words to coax his father.

Yao Shijie was pulled onto the sofa, and he still stared at Yao Jianmin with hatred, "You say you're a bastard, you can't read well since you were a child, and you're going to do a bastard job."

"You don't like reading, you insist on going into business, and I give you money to support your business, so why are you making such a fuss for me?"

He thought of Yang Ming's sarcastic smile in the factory today, and he became even more angry. He picked up the teacup on the table and threw it at it.

"You're going to piss me off."

Xu Guihua pulled his arm, and the teacup was deflected, and it hit Yao Jianmin's feet, shattering to the ground.

Yao Jianmin pursed his lips a little unconvinced, "I didn't expect things to turn out like this, but a few farmers, their decoration didn't meet my requirements, so why should I deduct some money?"

"How did I know those people would be so noisy?"

After hearing his justification, Yao Shijie became even more angry, and glared at Xu Guihua, "Look, you are used to it, and you still don't know how to repent."

Xu Guihua reassured him, and glared at Yao Jianmin, "Stop saying a few words, no matter how angry you are with your father, I will never forgive you."

After finishing speaking, he persuaded Yao Shijie softly, "The child is not sensible, so let's close the door and hit him however we want, but we are still a family when we go out."

"This matter has been in the newspapers now, we can't just ignore it, it's the people from our old Yao's family who say it's thrown away."

She picked up the newspaper on the ground and stared at the name on it, "Who is in charge of this legal moment, why dare to report it regardless of everything?"

"And this guy called Zhou Niannian, who is it? Don't you know our Yao family? How dare you write such a manuscript?"

Yao Jianmin's sister-in-law Huang Yujuan came down from upstairs, her eyes flickered when she heard Zhou Niannian's name, she walked down slowly, "Mom, what happened?"

Xu Guihua has always looked down on her eldest daughter-in-law, thinking that Huang Yujuan's marriage to her son is high-ranking. Hearing this, she said coldly, "Didn't you say you are going back to your mother's house today? Why are you still dawdling at home?"

(End of this chapter)

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