Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 446 Let Yao Jianmin Come Out to Receive the Summons

Chapter 446 Let Yao Jianmin Come Out to Receive the Summons

The smile on Huang Yujuan's face froze, and she stroked her hair unnaturally, "Well, I forgot something just now, so I'm leaving now."

Xu Guihua waved his hand, "It's okay, let's go."

Seeing Huang Yujuan pick up the things left at the door and walk out, Xu Guihua snorted, "Come back early to cook, and ah, the prices have risen recently, everything is expensive, don't bring everything to your mother's house."

Huang Yujuan's body froze, her face turned blue and pale, and she didn't speak.

Yao Shijie glared at Xu Guihua, "Isn't my in-laws in poor health recently? It's also right for my daughter-in-law to bring some things back to her natal home to have a look. Let's go."

Xu Guihua pouted, but said nothing.

Huang Yujuan hummed lightly, "Thank you Dad, thank you Mom."

She lowered her head and carried her things out of Yao's house. As soon as she went out, her whole face suddenly darkened, and she spat on the ground bitterly, "Old godmother!"

Remembering that she seemed to have heard Zhou Niannian's name from Xu Guihua's mouth just now, Huang Yujuan walked out slowly carrying her things.

Walking to the newsstand outside the gate, she paid for a newspaper.

The enthusiasm for selling newspapers promoted the legal moment, "This is a new newspaper published today, and many people come to buy it."

Huang Yujuan picked up the newspaper and glanced at it, and was about to put it down uninterestedly, but suddenly saw Zhou Niannian's name in the lower right corner.

She paused, then looked up, and after reading the whole newspaper, she couldn't help but sneered, and gloated, "You deserve it!"

She has long disliked Yao Jianmin, his uncle.

Xu Guihua took over the family's financial power and demanded that all the wages earned by the family be handed over to her.

On weekdays, when she wanted some pocket money, Xu Guihua would be like cutting her flesh, muttering and cursing and refusing to give it.

Yao Jianmin eats lazy at home all day, and often goes to gamble. Xu Guihua doesn't know how much gambling debt he has filled up behind his back.

Huang Yujuan was filled with anger when she remembered that she also used her own wages to fill the gambling debts.

A few days ago, Yao Jianmin said that he wanted to learn from the third uncle of the Yao family, and also wanted to start a business, and wanted to open a big restaurant.

Without further ado, Xu Guihua took out 5000 yuan and gave it to him.

That's 5000 yuan. How can you use so much money to open a restaurant? Isn't it all secretly used by Yao Jianmin for gambling, otherwise why would he deduct other people's wages?

It must be because I lost the bet and had no money to give.

Huang Yujuan got on the bus in a good mood, this time Yao's house was quite lively.

Thinking of Zhou Niannian who reported this incident, the smile on her face faded a little.

She also knew Zhou Niannian, she almost became Zhou Niannian's sister-in-law.

Thinking of Zhou Changguo, who was once engaged to her, Huang Yujuan felt indescribably annoyed.

Back then when something happened to Zhou's family and the house was stolen, her parents advised her not to insist on her marriage with Zhou's family. She was also afraid of suffering and suffering with Zhou Changguo in the future, so she ruthlessly resigned from Zhou's marriage.

Yao Jianshu, the eldest son of the Yao family, also liked her very much and pursued her all the time. After she withdrew from the Zhou family's marriage, she got engaged to Yao Jianshu and soon married into the Yao family.

After marrying into Yao's family, she realized that Yao Jianshu was a man without his own opinions, who listened to everything.

And her mother-in-law, Xu Guihua, is stingy and selfish. She is afraid that she will subsidize her mother's family, and she will control her salary to death. Dry.

Even if she wanted to split up and live alone with Yao Jianshu, Xu Guihua didn't agree, and Yao Jianshu was submissive and didn't dare to agree.

When Huang Yujuan thought of this, she couldn't help but regret it.

If she had known that the Zhou family would be back in less than two years after being sent to the new city, and that Zhou Changguo's father had returned to his post, she would not have rejected the Zhou family's marriage.

Like the Zhou family, the status of the Yao family is still not as good as that of the Zhou family.

What's more, Zhou Changguo's personality is as gentle as jade, and he treats her as if holding her in the palm of his hand. The Zhou family's parents are also very gentle. After she gets married, she can be the master of the family, so there is no need to do everything in the Yao family like now.

Thinking of Zhou Changguo's face, Huang Yujuan felt a little dazed, and didn't even notice that the car passed by.

When the Yao family was interrupted by Huang Yujuan's appearance, Yao Shijie's anger eased a little.

"No matter who Zhou Niannian is, I'll call someone first to see if there is any way to suppress this matter, and I won't report it later."

Yao Shijie glared at Yao Jianmin when he said this, "You should also find a way to settle the workers you hired, and those who should lose money should lose money, and don't make any more trouble."

Yao Jianmin nodded quickly and stood up, "I'll find someone to deal with it right away."

Yao Shijie snorted, "I'm going to retire this year, don't let me be thrown into someone's hands when I'm about to retire."

Xu Guihua asked worriedly: "Old Yao, Jianmin can lose money, but the newspapers have already been sent out, so we can't take them back, can we?"

Yao Shijie frowned and said nothing.

There was a knock on the door.

Xu Guihua stood up and knocked on the door. There were two men in uniform standing at the door, "Excuse me, is this Yao Jianmin's house?"

"Yes." Xu Guihua nodded.

The visitor took out a piece of paper with a stamp on it and shook it, "Is Yao Jianmin at home? Someone went to the court to sue him for maliciously deducting workers' wages, refusing to pay the injured workers, and maliciously hurting people."

"This is a subpoena from the court. Yao Jianmin, please come out and answer the subpoena."

Xu Guihua was dumbfounded, and shouted into the room in panic: "Old Yao, come out quickly."

Yao Shijie had already heard the conversation outside the door in the living room.

His whole face was completely dark, and he obviously didn't expect people from the court to come to his door.

"You take care of what you caused yourself. I can't afford to lose this man." He gave Yao Jianmin a glare.

Yao Jianmin went out to accept the summons with a sad face.

The people from the court turned and left. Xu Guihua closed the door and pulled Yao Shijie with a panicked expression, "Old Yao, why did this go to the court? Isn't it just a matter of money?"

"What should we do now? Our fourth child won't be arrested and sentenced?"

"You can't just ignore it, Lao Yao."

Yao Shijie glared at her impatiently, "Shut up."

Xu Guihua's wailing was choked in his throat.

Yao Shijie walked around the room twice with his hands behind his back, then picked up his coat, turned around and went out. Before leaving, he gave Yao Jianmin a look, "Go and contact the Zhao family in person, and be kinder, and follow their request for compensation." Try to talk to them."

Yao Jian nodded nonuo.

On the newspaper office, Meng Wenbin was yelled into the office by the editor-in-chief.

As soon as he entered the office, the editor-in-chief threw the newspaper on the table angrily, "Meng Wenbin, you are so courageous, you dare to report anything."

Meng Wenbin looked at him puzzled, "What did I report? Is there anything that shouldn't be reported?"

The editor-in-chief was so choked that he didn't say a word. After a long while, he patted the table angrily, pointed at the newspaper on the table, "Don't tell me you didn't know the background of the Yao family in advance?"

 There will be three shifts today. Friends who have a monthly pass, remember to vote for it.

(End of this chapter)

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