Chapter 447
"What is the background of the Yao family, and what does it have to do with whether we want to report?" Meng Wenbin pushed his eyes and asked calmly.

The editor-in-chief was stunned for a moment, then patted the table angrily, "Are you playing dumb with me?"

"Do you know that the boss of the Yao family is in charge of the factory and the mine, the second child is in charge of the electrical equipment factory, and the in-laws of the Yao family's second child are still in charge of the core department."

"The higher-ups have already called me to ask me just now, and the implication is that I did not strictly control the content of the newspaper."

At this point, the editor-in-chief pressed the table and glared at Meng Wenbin, "Don't you understand what this means?"

"It means that we have already offended the higher-ups by reporting like this."

Meng Wenbin's face darkened, "Whose is the top? Is it ours?"

"The above-mentioned purpose for us to establish Legal Moment is to publicize the role of law, to encourage people to use the weapon of law to protect their rights and interests, and to help the country rebuild the legal system."

"Now that we have such good material, you want me to pretend I didn't see it and not report it?"

"Sorry, this is not my Lao Meng's style of doing things, and it also violates my Lao Meng's standards of life."

The editor-in-chief was stunned for a moment, seeing Meng Wenbin's downcast face, he didn't speak for a while.

The atmosphere in the room was a little stagnant.

Meng Wenbin picked up the newspaper on the table, "The report has already come out, and if there is no explicit instruction not to allow me to report, I will continue to report."

"If the newspaper office wants to punish, let the higher-ups punish me alone."

After that, he turned around and left with the newspaper.

The editor-in-chief looked at his back, let out a long breath, sat on the chair, and muttered: "Stubborn, who will give us clear instructions on such things."

Meng Wenbin returned to the office and saw Zhou Niannian, Wu Xuan and Yang Jiarui all looked at him helplessly.

"What are you looking at? You don't need to work anymore?"

Wu Xuan leaned forward, with an excited and gossip look on her face, "Editor-in-Chief, have you been scolded?"

Meng Wenbin glared at her angrily, "What's that expression on your face? You know I've been scolded and you still ask?"

When the editor-in-chief called him over at the door just now, the whole building probably heard the yelling at him.

Wu Xuan looked at him eagerly, "Then what does the editor-in-chief say?"

Meng Wenbin snorted, put the newspaper on the table, and said slowly: "Don't ask him what to say, you should ask me what to say."

Zhou Niannian looked at Meng Wenbin in admiration, "The editor-in-chief is mighty."

You don't need to ask this question to know that Meng Wenbin has withstood the editor-in-chief's gunfire.

"Awesome, editor-in-chief!" Yang Jiarui also gave a thumbs up.

Meng Wenbin glared at the three of them, "Is there nothing to do? What else should I be busy with?"

Zhou Niannian shook the paper in his hand: "I'm going to make an appointment with a lawyer for a manuscript today, so I'm leaving first."

"I still have to go to Zhaojia Village to find some picture materials." Wu Xuan put on her camera and ran away.

Only Yang Jiarui was left. He glanced at Meng Wenbin and shrugged: "I made an appointment with the Investigation Bureau today to accompany Zhao Yaxin to the autopsy."

In the blink of an eye, Meng Wenbin was the only one left in the office.

He froze for a moment, shook his head, and suddenly felt that these three young people who he thought were very unreliable, in fact, seemed not so unreliable.

At the very least, they were serious when they were working, they all ran ahead and left him in the office.

Is there no one who wants to go with him?
What is he doing alone in the office?

There were protests from around the corner.

Meng Wenbin's eyes fell on Zhou Niannian's table.

Oh, no, there is also Ah Liang, Zhou Niannian left in a hurry and left Ah Liang in the office.

Meng Wenbin walked over slowly, and stared at Ah Liang for a while, "Are you feeling bored too?"

Ah Liang widened her eyes and nodded, thinking about it, she forgot it in the office just now.

Meng Wenbin looked at Ah Liang for a while, obviously not hearing her eagerness to go out, and spread his hands, "Well, let's live together with each other."

At last I don't feel so alone.

Satisfied, Meng Wenbin sat back behind his desk to prepare materials.

Ah Liang lowered her head dejectedly, who wants to depend on you for life.

The emergence of Legal Moment, and its novel method of tracking and reporting the event in real time, caused a stir in the city.

Many people are discussing this matter.

Zhou's dinner table is no exception.

But their focus is in another direction.

"There may be a lot of people involved in this matter. You have to pay attention to safety and don't be too careless. If you really can't make up your mind about many things, tell Dad. Dad will help you out." Zhou Hongshan told Zhou Niannian with concern.

Li Xiangxiu was also a little worried, "Yes, your father is right, nothing is more important than your safety."

Bai Yuqing is going to marry Chen Shangde in one month, and she has been busy with Bai Yuqing's marriage recently, so she hasn't even read the newspaper.

If Yang Shutong hadn't told her today, she wouldn't have known about it.

"Don't worry, Dad, Mom, I know how to measure." Zhou Niannian smiled and took a mouthful of rice.

Zhou Changan patted her on the head, "Dad, Mom, don't think that Nian Nian is easy to bully, besides, she still has me and elder brother, whoever bullies her, my elder brother and I will not allow it."

"If nothing else, I'll break that man's leg first."

Zhou Niannian made a face at him, then turned to ask Qi Jiayan, "Jiayan, you don't care about your second brother, you are still so crazy when you talk."

Zhou Changan sneered, "Your second sister-in-law likes my madness, what's wrong?"

Qi Jiayan glared at him embarrassingly, this person always speaks carelessly and without restraint.

Since she and Zhou Chang'an got together that day, now it's time for the two of them to mix things up, and Zhou Chang'an follows her in everything, often making her feel that happiness comes suddenly and unreal.

Bai Yuqing took a mouthful of rice with a sullen face, remembered something, and said, "Dad, Mom, the Chen family is moving tomorrow, are you going?"

Chen Shangde's father was promoted to another level, and he was about to move out of this compound and live in the compound on the east side of Fuxing Road.

This matter has long been spread in the compound, and many people sent the practice ceremony to the Chen family.

Moving to the compound over there means that the Chen family has a higher level, and there are a lot of people who go to the Chen family to curry favor recently.

Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu didn't go, but tomorrow is the official day of the Chen family's moving. As in-laws, it is really unreasonable for them not to go.

"Your mother and I have already picked out the presents, the three of us will go there together tomorrow." Zhou Hongshan said lightly.

Bai Yuqing's eyes lit up, and she said with a smile, "Thank you Dad, thank you Mom."

The engagement between her and Chen Shangde made Zhou Hongshan unhappy, and Bai Yuqing was a little worried that Zhou Hongshan would not support her.

After getting engaged with Chen Shangde, recently Chen Shangde's mother also took her to some banquets.

She has deeply experienced the happiness brought by power, and also knows that after she marries into the Chen family, if she wants to gain a firm foothold, she will naturally need the support of the Zhou family behind her.

So these days, she has been acting very well at home.

(End of this chapter)

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