Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 448 What is a real hooligan

Chapter 448 What is a real hooligan

After dinner, Zhou Hongshan left everyone to talk, saying that a family meeting would be held.

Zhou Niannian and Zhou Changan looked at each other, probably guessing the theme of today's family meeting.

Sure enough, after Zhou Hongshan finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, he snuffed out the cigarette butt before saying: "Today, while you are all here, your mother and I have something to explain."

After he finished speaking, he cast a glance at Liang Ying, "Although Chang Guo is not at home, you can be the master of both of you."

These words are obviously very satisfied with Liang Ying, the daughter-in-law.

Liang Ying stroked her lower abdomen and said with a smile, "Dad, Mom, if you have something to say, just say it."

Li Xiangxiu patted Liang Ying's hand in satisfaction, and said:

"Isn't this Yuqing getting married? Chang Guo and Chang An's marriages were hasty before, and they didn't hold a serious wedding banquet. I discussed with your father, and I will make up a wedding banquet for you, Chang Guo, Chang An and Jiayan first." .”

"If you marry into the Zhou family, you can't be too wronged."

"Let's also hold a lively wedding banquet, so that relatives and friends can get to know each other."

Liang Ying and Qi Jiayan looked at each other, apparently both were surprised, and after the accident, they were more moved.

Liang Ying and Zhou Changguo were still in Xincheng when they registered their marriage. After returning, the relationship between her and Zhou Changguo was lukewarm, and the situation of Zhou's family was also unstable, so naturally she didn't have the intention of holding a wedding banquet.

Even now, between her and Zhou Changguo.
Thinking of Zhou Changguo, Liang Ying was in a daze.

In the past six months, Zhou Changguo has treated her very well, with gentle words, and will discuss things with her, and he is very enthusiastic in bed.

After she was pregnant with the child, Zhou Changguo was also very considerate to her.

But he never said he loved her.

Liang Ying always felt that she couldn't touch Zhou Changguo's heart, and didn't know what was going on in his heart.

She didn't dare to ask, because she was afraid that after she asked, the warm atmosphere between her and Zhou Changguo would be stagnant.

With such a disturbed mood, she naturally didn't think about re-organizing the wedding banquet, and Zhou Changguo didn't mention it either.

Unexpectedly, the in-laws thought of it for them.

"Mom, did Chang Guo agree to this?" She hesitated for a while and asked Li Xiangxiu.

Li Xiangxiu waved his hand, "If he has any opinions, don't worry about him, let's listen to the mother."

Liang Ying hummed lightly, "Okay, then I'll just listen to my mother."

Li Xiangxiu smiled with satisfaction, "Good boy."

After finishing speaking, he turned to Qi Jiayan, "The two of you are not allowed to have any objections. Your father and I have discussed this matter."

Qi Jiayan's eyes were a little red, she nodded heavily, "Mom, we all listen to you."

She and Zhou Changan first registered to help her. She thought she would divorce Zhou Changan after the matter was resolved, so she didn't think about holding a wedding banquet.

Now that she and Zhou Changan are in love with each other, they naturally have no idea of ​​divorce.

"Your dad and I picked a date, and it will be March 26st a week later. According to the lunar calendar, that day is February [-]th, a very auspicious day."

"Then in another few months, we will marry Yuqing in a glorious manner." Li Xiangxiu said with a red face.

At her age, all she cares about every day is her children's affairs. Now that she is managing the marriages of several children, and will soon have a grandson in her arms, Li Xiangxiu feels very comfortable.

"Since you have no objections, we will start posting and book hotels tomorrow." Zhou Hongshan made a decision.

Zhou Niannian raised her hand with a smile, "Let's book the hotel at Uncle Chen's Xinhua Restaurant. His food is affordable and high-end."

"Okay, there it is." Zhou Hongshan finished speaking and glanced at Li Xiangxiu.

Li Xiangxiu took a sip of water, and continued: "There is one more thing, about Yuqing's dowry, your father and I feel that it is necessary to explain it to you brothers and sisters."

Bai Yuqing's hand holding the teacup tightened suddenly, unconsciously tensing up.

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips, knowing it in her heart.

She had guessed that Li Xiangxiu was going to talk about it.

Li Xiangxiu briefly stated her thoughts, "Your father and I don't have much savings, what happened to Yuqing before"

The Zhou family spent a sum of money on Bai Yuqing's settlement.

Li Xiangxiu just started, afraid of making Bai Yuqing upset, so she stopped the topic in time.

Bai Yuqing lowered her head and said quietly: "Mom, I was the one who was wrong before. I've already thought about it. I don't want any dowry. Shang De also said that he only values ​​me."

Li Xiangxiu blamed herself for her slip of the tongue, and patted her hand, "Silly boy, how can a girl get married without a dowry, and the dowry is the confidence for you, a girl, to speak at your in-law's house."

"But I don't want to embarrass my parents." Bai Yuqing wrung her fingers in embarrassment.

Li Xiangxiu stopped her by the shoulder and comforted her.

Zhou Niannian watched Bai Yuqing's performance with cold eyes and did not speak.

Based on what she knew about Bai Yuqing, if the family really didn't give her a dowry, she would probably hate everyone.

"I discussed with your father and divided the injured money into four parts. You four brothers and sisters are all the same. In addition, we will also buy things for you when you marry a daughter. No matter how much, Mom may It's gone." After Li Xiangxiu finished speaking, she glanced at the faces of the two daughters-in-law, and then at Zhou Niannian.

"Both of us are the children of the two of us. We don't favor anyone. The four of you, brother and sister, all have the same money. Whether you can come here in the future depends on you."

Liang Ying and Qi Jiayan glanced at each other, expressing that they had no objection.

Zhou Niannian naturally had no objection.

Bai Yuqing hugged Li Xiangxiu gratefully, "Mom, these are enough, really."

There was a flash of unwillingness in her lowered eyes, Li Xiangxiu didn't mention jewelry.

She had seen that Li Xiangxiu still had two sets of jewelry, why didn't she propose what to do with it? Could it be that she wanted to leave it to her daughter-in-law?
After a busy day, Lu Qingfeng came home and saw that the light in Zhou Niannian's room was still on.

He flipped over from the balcony with ease.

Zhou Niannian was lying on the bed writing something, when the window on the balcony was knocked lightly, she knew it was Lu Qingfeng who came in.

Opening the window and letting him in, Zhou Niannian shivered from the cold and got into bed.

She had already changed into her pajamas and was about to go to bed, but who would have thought that this fellow Lu Qingfeng would come in again.

"It's so late, why are you here again?"

Lu Qingfeng stared at the delicate collarbone exposed by her loose pajamas, his eyes deepened, "I haven't seen you for a day, I miss you."

The voice is hoarse and magnetic.

Zhou Niannian raised her head to meet his eyes, and followed his eyes to look at herself, only to realize that her pajamas were unbuttoned. She exclaimed, pulled it up, and muttered: "Rogue!"

There seemed to be something wrong with Lu Qingfeng tonight, Zhou Niannian blinked.

 The third update is here, ask for a monthly pass!hey-hey!

(End of this chapter)

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