Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 449 I will not withdraw the lawsuit

Chapter 449 I will not withdraw the lawsuit
In the end, Zhou Niannian did not resist Lu Qingfeng's pleading and let go.

Lu Qingfeng got what he wanted, and he reluctantly took out his hand after a long time.

"I really want to marry you home as soon as possible." Lu Qingfeng took a deep breath and mumbled something after a long while.

Zhou Niannian felt the changes in his body and didn't dare to move rashly, just giggled.

After a while, she suddenly realized something was wrong, and glanced at Lu Qingfeng.

There was indeed something wrong with Lu Qingfeng tonight. Apart from his extra enthusiasm, there was another point that he didn't urge himself to mention marriage.

In the past, every time he was in love, Lu Qingfeng would pester her, telling her to quickly persuade Zhou Hongshan to fix the date of their marriage.

But today he didn't.

"What's wrong with you? Did something happen?" She asked while holding Lu Qingfeng's arm.

Lu Qingfeng froze for a moment, then said in a dull voice, "Today the director of our department came to talk to me."

Zhou Niannian looked at him puzzled, but did not urge him.

Lu Qingfeng gently rubbed her hair, and then said in a low voice: "Our school has applied for two places to study in country M this year. The head of the department said that I am the most qualified according to the rankings of the comprehensive scores. , all the teachers in the department want me to go.”

Study abroad?

Zhou Niannian froze for a moment, then turned his head in surprise.

After a while, she asked, "What do you think? Do you want to go?"

Lu Qingfeng didn't speak, just lowered his head and gave her a hard peck, pressed her into his arms, and said sullenly: "I don't want to go, I can't bear you."

Listening to his beating heart, Zhou Niannian reached out and hugged him.

Neither of them spoke, just quietly listening to each other's heartbeat.

After a long time, Zhou Niannian said softly: "If you have the opportunity to go abroad for further study, go ahead. It's always good to learn more, and I know you don't like messing around with clothes."

Lu Qingfeng didn't speak.

Zhou Niannian sat up straight, and seriously talked about it with him.

"Before you were also confused, didn't you know what to do? I heard that the enterprises in country M are developing rapidly. If you go abroad and have a look, maybe you will know what you have thought when you come back."

Lu Qingfeng didn't know this truth, he just looked at the delicate face of the girl in front of him, "It's going to be a year and a half, I don't want to be separated from you for so long."

Zhou Niannian was silent.

Thinking about how she and Lu Qingfeng grew up together, it was more than a year before they were sent to separate from each other, but she hadn't fallen in love with Lu Qingfeng at that time, so she didn't feel uncomfortable.

But now that the two are in love with each other, and they really have to be separated for such a long time, thinking about it, she feels a little bit reluctant.

She gently snuggled into Lu Qingfeng's arms, and sighed softly: "I'm not willing to leave you either."

Lu Qingfeng hugged her arm tightly and didn't speak.

"We still have a long life in the future, which is good for your future, go ahead, I'll be waiting for you." After a long time, she made up her mind, looked up at Lu Qingfeng and said.

Lu Qingfeng looked at her deeply, hugged her tightly in his arms, and gave a low hum after a long time.

To give the girl he loves a better life, he must have his own career, Lu Qingfeng said secretly in his heart.

That night, Zhou Niannian suffered from insomnia.

Although she knew that even if Lu Qingfeng wanted to go abroad, it would still take some time to go through the formalities, but when she thought about the separation of the two, she still felt sad.

I tossed and turned all night, and when I went to work the next day, I felt a little tired and irritable.

Wu Xuan went out in the morning, and came back angrily before noon.

"What's the matter? Who messed with you?" Zhou Niannian asked strangely.

Wu Xuan threw the camera aside and patted the table angrily, "Idiots, a bunch of ignorant people, are these people fools?"

Zhou Niannian and Meng Wenbin looked at her in puzzlement.

After losing her temper, Wu Xuan pulled up a chair and sat down and said, "I went to Zhaojia Village for an interview today, and those people have all changed their tune now, saying that the Yao family is all right."

"Are they fools? They all changed their mouths in one night."

Changed your tune?Zhou Niannian raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Meng Wenbin obviously thought about it too, and murmured: "I didn't expect the Yao family's actions to be quite fast."

Wu Xuan was stunned for a moment before realizing, "What do you mean? It means that the Yao family has already given them money?"

Zhou Niannian nodded, "If the expectation is good, the salary should be more than the previous salary."

Wu Xuan's face suddenly darkened, "These people are too spineless, aren't they? Just give them some money and say hello to them, forget the time when they didn't give money?"

"Can't you fight for yourself?"

"Nian Nian, editor-in-chief, what should we do now?"

Meng Wenbin didn't speak, but his expression was not good-looking.

Zhou Niannian sighed, and just about to speak, Zhao Yaxin knocked on the office door.

Zhao Yaxin's hair was a little disheveled, and there was another slap mark on her face.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Niannian frowned and pulled her to sit down.

Zhao Yaxin started to cry silently as soon as she sat down, and she sobbed after a long while and said, "Yao Jianmin brought people to our village yesterday, and paid all the wages owed for the previous work, and went to the hospital to see Uncle He, and left it to Uncle He. paid 500 yuan."

"He also gave my mother a sum of money, saying it was compensation to my family, and hoped that my family could go to court to withdraw the lawsuit."

Zhou Niannian's expression changed, it seemed that the Yao family wanted to spend money to settle the matter.

"Your family doesn't want to withdraw the lawsuit, does it?" Wu Xuan stood up suddenly, and burst out a series of words like a musket, "Our newspaper has set the fire on fire. If your family withdraws the lawsuit now, Isn’t that equivalent to setting us on fire?”

Zhou Niannian also stared at Zhao Yaxin, "Yaxin, what do you think?"

If the Zhao family withdraws the lawsuit, this matter will indeed be troublesome.

They have just published an edition of Legal Moment, which has caused such a big commotion. If the Zhao family withdraws the lawsuit, the previous statement in their newspaper about resolving the matter through legal channels will be tantamount to empty talk.

This is undoubtedly a very embarrassing thing for a newspaper they just published.

Of course, there are other solutions to this matter, but none of them are as simple as the Zhao family not withdrawing the lawsuit.

Meng Wenbin also looked at Zhao Yaxin with great concern.

Zhao Yaxin wiped her tears and said indignantly: "I don't withdraw the lawsuit, why should I withdraw the lawsuit? I sued the Yao family not for money, but to seek justice for my father."

"Even if Uncle He's family is unwilling to sue, I will insist on suing. I can't let my father die so wrongly."

Zhou Niannian breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, she also appreciated Zhao Yaxin's stubbornness even more.

Wu Xuan stood up abruptly, and patted Zhao Yaxin's shoulder, "Good job, I, Wu Xuan, like you for being so clear about what you like and what you hate."

Zhou Niannian chuckled, just now Wu Xuan was still here angrily scolding the Zhao family members.

"The wound on your face was caused by your mother?" Zhou Niannian asked softly after applying a towel to her.

Zhao Yaxin twitched the corners of her mouth and hummed lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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