Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 450 Then find a way

Chapter 450 Then find a way

"My mother said that with the money from the Yao family, my younger brother can be admitted to a good university smoothly, and the life of the family can live on, so let me stop worrying about it."

When Zhao Yaxin said this, the expression in his eyes was very hurt.

"I didn't agree, so she hit me."

Zhao Yaxin couldn't help crying, "It was my father's life in exchange for it. No matter how much money the Yao family gave, my father would not be able to survive."

"I don't have a father anymore."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but have a sore nose and almost burst into tears.

The importance of parents to children No matter how tired the children are outside, they still have a backer when they go home.

She embraced Zhao Yaxin and patted her shoulder lightly, letting her vent out her unwillingness and resentment.

The only good thing is that they acted very quickly. Before the Yao family found the Zhao family, they conducted an autopsy with the Bureau of Investigation.

If the Yao family gave the money first, I am afraid that the Zhao family would not agree to open the coffin for an autopsy.

Zhao Yaxin will encounter even greater resistance.

Seeing this scene, Wu Xuan couldn't help but her eyes turned red.

Meng Wenbin fell silent.

Zhao Yaxin waited for her mood to stabilize before asking Zhou Niannian: "Sister Niannian, I came here today to ask, have my dad's autopsy results come out?"

Zhou Niannian looked at Meng Wenbin.

Meng Wenbin came back to his senses, "Xiao Yang went to the Investigation Bureau early in the morning to read the autopsy report, and it should be out soon."

As soon as the words fell, Yang Jiarui came in from the outside.

Zhao Yaxin stood up eagerly, and looked at Yang Jiarui eagerly.

Yang Jiarui pursed his lips, his voice dry, "The autopsy results came out, and the cause of your father's death was the rupture of a cerebral blood vessel caused by an external force."

Zhao Yaxin's body shook.

Zhou Niannian supported her, "Steady yourself up, now only you can seek justice for your father."

Zhao Yaxin bit her lips tightly, and slowly stood up straight, with strong hatred in her eyes, "I will definitely let the Yao family give my dad justice."

Zhou Niannian sighed.

Things are a bit troublesome now, the Yao family wants to spend money to settle things, and the people in the village who took the money, especially the money accountant, if he doesn't testify, no one can prove that Yao Jianmin really beat someone.

The He family took money from the Yao family. If the Yao family was not held accountable, it is very likely that Yao Jianmin would have escaped so easily.

"Let's meet with Accountant Qian in the afternoon and see if we can persuade him to testify." Meng Wenbin said to Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian nodded, "The He family."

Zhao Yaxin sighed faintly, "Uncle He's family has already taken money from Yao's family, and Aunt He said that their family has no other requests."

"These people are really." Wu Xuan muttered indignantly, "Didn't you say you broke your leg? Then you won't be able to make money for the rest of your life. What is the Yao family's compensation enough for?"

Zhou Niannian sighed but was not surprised.

In the minds of the common people, they still pursue stability more, and they are more resigned to their fate in their bones. What's more, many people don't have the concept of work-related compensation. enough.

As for the broken leg, I only blame my own bad luck.

To put it bluntly, people's legal concepts are too weak now.

Yao Shijie was very concerned about the progress of this matter at the Yao family's side.

He stayed at home these two days and didn't go to the factory because he was afraid of asking about Yao Jianmin.

At noon, he specially called Yao Jianmin back and asked about the progress of this matter.

Yao Jianmin told him proudly, "Those villagers have collected the money and have no other demands. They won't talk nonsense. Don't worry."

Yao Shijie relaxed a little, "Did the Zhao family agree to withdraw the lawsuit?"

Yao Jianmin nodded, "Aren't they making a scene just to ask for more money?"

"Our family gave a lot of money this time, and Zhao Yuzhu's mother-in-law personally promised that she would go to the court to withdraw the lawsuit."

Yao Shijie glared at Yao Jianmin bitterly, "You also know that our family spent a lot of money this time, if you do things like this in the future, be careful that I will break your leg."

Yao Jianmin hung his head, not daring to speak.

He has always been a little cowardly in front of his father.

After Yao Shijie criticized Yao Jianmin, he paced around the living room with his hands behind his back. After walking around twice, he picked up the phone at home, "No, I'd better call and ask."

He made two phone calls, checked around, and finally got the news that the Zhao family had not withdrawn the lawsuit.

After hanging up the phone, Yao Shijie's expression turned ugly, "The Zhao family never withdrew the lawsuit. I heard that the Investigation Bureau has sent someone to perform an autopsy on Zhao Yuzhu."

Yao Jianmin's expression changed, "How is it possible? The Zhao family dared to lie to me."

Yao Shijie stared, "Why don't you go and find out what's going on?"

Yao Jianmin turned around and left, leaving Yao Shijie in the room thinking about how to suppress this turmoil quietly.

After a while, he got up and made another call.

The voice on the other end of the phone was a little hoarse, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Yao Shijie hummed, "I want to hear your opinion on the matter of Xiaosi."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and then there was a chuckle, "Brother, the public doesn't prosecute this kind of matter, but it's because a group of reporters exaggerated the matter."

"Let's go two ways at the same time. Let the other party withdraw the lawsuit. If they don't withdraw the lawsuit, they will try to put pressure on the newspaper. If the newspaper doesn't report anymore, even if the other party wants to make a fuss, it won't work if no one helps her. .”

Yao Shijie sighed, "The newspaper has put pressure on it, but it's useless. This matter has become too big, and it has attracted the attention of the higher authorities. It's not good to just order it to stop reporting."

The other party sneered, "Then let those reporters change their words. If they have to report, then find a way to let them report what we need."

Yao Shijie hung up the phone thoughtfully.

Zhou Niannian and Meng Wenbin followed Zhao Yaxin to Zhaojia Village and met Accountant Qian. As soon as Accountant Qian saw them, he waved his hands and drove them out.

"Yaxin, how many times have I told you that I have nothing to say to you."

Zhao Yaxin looked at Accountant Qian pleadingly, "Uncle Qian, I beg you, please think about it again, what happened that day, okay?"

Accountant Qian was a little impatient, "I told you everything. Your father was arguing with the Yao family. Seeing that the Yao family refused to pay, he yelled that he was going to hit the wall and commit suicide. I didn't hold him back, so he hit the wall."

Zhao Yaxin cried and shook her head, "Impossible, no, my dad won't hit the wall, how could he hit the wall."

Zhou Niannian embraced Zhao Yaxin, "Accountant Qian, you said he hit the wall by himself, what did he say before hitting the wall?"

Accountant Qian looked flustered, "I didn't say anything, I just wanted money."

After he finished speaking, he sighed, and said to Zhao Yaxin: "Yaxin, it's not that uncle is talking about you, the Yao family also gave your family a lot of money, why do you insist on it, and be careful until the end."

(End of this chapter)

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