Chapter 452

Yao Jianmin led the four of them into a private room of Xingfu Restaurant, clapped their hands, and waiters served the dishes one after another.

The dishes are exquisite, rich in color and fragrance, and it can be seen that the chef's craftsmanship is good.

Yao Jianmin opened a bottle of wine, poured it for Meng Wenbin and the others, sat down with a smile on his face, raised his glass first and said, "Come on, let's have a drink together tonight."

Meng Wenbin didn't take the wine glass, and asked directly: "Mr. Yao, if you have anything to say, just talk about it. I'm not used to drinking."

The smile on Yao Jianmin's mouth gradually faded, he put down his wine glass lightly, and leaned back on the chair.

"It's no big deal to call everyone here today. I had some misunderstandings with the villagers of Zhaojia Village. You already know about it."

He lit a cigarette, exhaled a smoke ring, and continued: "Now I have apologized to those people, and the Zhao family also expressed their willingness to withdraw the lawsuit."

"I'm looking for you all, I hope you can give me face, give our Yao family a face, this matter will be reported in the newspaper and have a happy ending, how about it?"

Meng Wenbin didn't speak.

Yao Jianmin tilted his head and looked at Zhou Niannian, "The article is still written by Mrs. Lu, I think your writing skills are quite good."

"Not to mention the friendship between me and Brother Lu, our Yao family can be counted among the people in the capital, and we can also count two points of friendship with your Zhou family. Why do you do things so badly?"

Zhou Niannian looked at him with a half-smile, "We do our own work, to be honest, if you follow the law, how can you get into trouble?"

Yao Jianmin picked up the wine on the table, glanced at Yang Jiarui and Wu Xuan who were silent, "It seems that you don't want to give face to someone Yao, and you don't want to give face to our Yao family."

Meng Wenbin stood up, "I think we don't agree with each other, so I won't accompany you. Let's leave first."

Zhou Niannian, Yang Jiarui, and Wu Xuan all stood up and walked outside.

The door of the private room was full of men in black.

Meng Wenbin's face suddenly darkened, "Are you guys planning to discuss it and fail to make a move?"

"I tell you, you are breaking the law, you know?"

"We are reporters and editors. If you dare to touch us, we will only be exposed more severely."

Yao Jianmin laughed from behind, "What editor Meng said, when did I plan to use force?"

"Isn't this asking you to come back and have a good talk?"

"Look at the table full of food, without taking a sip of wine, and you leave in a hurry, isn't it a pity."

"Come on, let's chat while eating."

The people standing at the door blocked the door tightly, and they couldn't get out at all.

It seems that Yao Jianmin has made up his mind to spend time with them, or is Yao Jianmin deliberately trying to hold them back?
Zhou Niannian frowned, always feeling that Yao Jianmin's move was somewhat inexplicable.

Yang Jiarui whispered with a dark face: "How about we rush out?"

Meng Wenbin secretly regretted agreeing to Yao Jianmin's coming out to talk, he subconsciously turned his head to scan Ah Liang, and asked Zhou Niannian in a low voice, "Why don't you let Ah Liang out?"

The corners of Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched. In such a narrow space, let Ah Liang go out, fearing that those people would mess up and accidentally hurt them.

She glanced at Wu Xuan, and said in a low voice: "When things get messy, take this opportunity to take pictures of the food and people on the table, and then take a few photos of the decoration inside the Happy Restaurant."

chaos?What messed up?Wu Xuan's eyes lit up, she was not afraid, but excited, "Are you going to let Ah Liang out?"

Meng Wenbin also looked at Zhou Niannian eagerly.

The corners of Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched, "This place is narrow, it's not suitable for Ah Liang to come out."

Can't you let Ah Liang out?Meng Wenbin and Wu Xuan looked blank, so how did they get out?

Do we have to rely on a few of them?
Meng Wenbin clenched his fists, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and was about to rush out first, but Zhou Niannian pushed him away with a smile and stood at the front.

"Get out of the way, we're going out."

The thugs in black didn't speak, they just took another step forward, looking down at Zhou Niannian, trying to create a sense of oppression on Zhou Niannian.

Wu Xuan took the opportunity to take the photo and took this scene.

Yao Jianmin looked at it and smiled, "Tsk tsk, you are worthy of being a reporter, and you still don't forget to take pictures at this time."

Wu Xuan made a funny face at him, and took another picture of him and the dishes on the table.

Yao Jianmin clapped his hands, "What's the use of taking pictures of these? I just invited you to dinner with good intentions, and I didn't hit you."

Zhou Niannian didn't bother to pay attention to him, and whispered to Meng Wenbin and others, "Follow me closely."

Meng Wenbin grabbed her tightly, "Forget it, you're a girl, don't hurt you, let me be in front."

Zhou Niannian broke away from her hand and told her again: "Follow me closely."

Then they walked straight forward, the black-clothed thugs were not afraid when they saw her, they couldn't help but look at each other, and they also took a step forward, almost blocking Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian moved a bit, and pushed forward with both hands at the same time.

The black-clothed thugs smiled contemptuously, "Oh, I thought we were the door, just push it lightly, and we walked away."

"Haha," the black-clothed thugs laughed wildly, and before they could make a joke, they all turned into wailing.

The two men in black at the front fell straight to the man in black behind them as if they had been hit by a giant object.

The men in black piled up at the door suddenly collapsed into a ball.

"Oh, you smashed me to death."

"Damn, fat man, you crushed me to death, get up quickly."

There was a mess outside the door, but there was some space at the door.

Zhou Niannian glanced at the stunned Meng Wenbin and Wu Xuan, "What are you doing in a daze, let's go."

After all, go out first.

In the narrow corridor, men in black got up one after another to stop them.

They had been ordered in advance not to do anything to these reporters, they could only reach out to stop them.

But Zhou Niannian was not afraid at all, he opened his bow with his left and right hands at the same time, one in each hand, directly picked up the two black-clothed thugs, and fell on the black-clothed man next to him.

The man in black immediately collapsed again.

Suddenly a road opened in front of her.

Where she walked, no man in black could stop her for a second, and was thrown away by her before he got close to her.

"Damn it!" Wu Xuan held up the camera, Kakaka took pictures, and shouted with bright eyes: "Nian Nian, you are too good."

In less than 3 minutes, Zhou Niannian finished throwing the man in black, and they also arrived at the lobby on the first floor smoothly.

Wu Xuan held up the camera and frantically took pictures.

Angrily, Yao Jianmin chased him out from upstairs, and shouted at the man in black: "Stop them, tell them to leave their cameras behind."

The men in black who had fallen to the ground surrounded them one after another.

Zhou Niannian squinted her eyes and stopped being polite to them. She opened her bow with both left and right hands simultaneously and kicked with a spin. For a while, no one could get close to her. She protected Wu Xuan tightly.

Yang Jiarui also had some kung fu in his hands, and immediately joined the battle.

Only Meng Wenbin was a typical scholar, surrounded by men in black.

"Let Ah Liang go." Zhou Niannian yelled at him.

(End of this chapter)

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