Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 453 It turns out that Nian Nian is the best

Chapter 453 It turns out that Nian Nian is the best
When the man in black's fist was about to come down, Meng Wenbin finally realized that Ah Liang was in his hand, and opened the birdcage with a bang.

Ah Liang, who had been eager to try for a long time, flew out immediately, and pecked the man in black on the face.

In the lobby of Nuo University, tables, chairs and benches were seen taking off, and after a while, the thugs in black were lying on the ground one after another.

Zhou Niannian pulled Wu Xuan, Yang Jiarui pulled Meng Wenbin, and the four rushed out quickly.

After running for a long distance, seeing that no one was catching up behind them, the four of them leaned against the wall panting for breath, then looked at each other and smiled softly.

Wu Xuan smiled and bent over holding her stomach, looking at Zhou Niannian with bright eyes: "I thought A Liang was already good enough, but I didn't expect that Niannian is the best."

Yang Jiarui lifted his lips. He had seen Zhou Niannian's supernatural power before, so he was not particularly surprised.

Even Meng Wenbin, who always had a stern face, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and muttered, "What's all this?"

The subordinate under him who was the least used to seeing him, who thought he was a coquettish girl, suddenly turned into a Hercules in front of him.

Meng Wenbin felt that he was frightened, and there was something wrong with the way he looked at Zhou Niannian.

He thought that when Zhou Niannian came to report on the first day, he was so picky about Zhou Niannian, Zhou Niannian didn't even have a finger to throw himself out, it was really giving himself too much face.

After seeing Zhou Niannian's ability to throw black-clothed thugs, Meng Wenbin had no doubts about Zhou Niannian's ability to throw himself out with one finger.

Zhou Niannian calmed down a bit, "I think something is wrong with Yao Jianmin. Those thugs should have received his orders in advance, and they don't really want to fight us."

If you really want to get serious, the four of them can't get out so easily.

Yang Jiarui frowned, and was the first to realize Zhou Niannian's meaning, "He seems to be dragging us on purpose."

"You feel it too?" Zhou Niannian glanced at Yang Jiarui.

Yang Jiarui nodded, "If he really wants to calm things down and ask us to change the report, there is really no need to invite all four of us here. This is not logical."

Zhou Niannian nodded.

Indeed, if Yao Jianmin really wanted the newspaper to change the report, he could invite the director above, or even Meng Wenbin and others to dinner, there was really no need to call all four of them over.

This, on the contrary, has a feeling of wanting to cover up.

"Not good, Yaxin!" Zhou Niannian suddenly stood up straight, his face changed suddenly.

They came out to find Zhao Yaxin, but they were stopped by Yao Jianmin on the way.

"No, Yaxin is probably in danger." Zhou Niannian said with a serious expression, "Let's go to Zhaojia Village to look for it."

Meng Wenbin and Yang Jiarui looked at each other and stood up straight, "Let's go together."

Wu Xuan installed the camera, and cursed angrily, "Yao's name is really wicked. He has dragged us for so long. So he wanted to trouble Yaxin."

The four people were talking on their lips, but they didn't delay at all, and arrived at Zhaojia Village as quickly as possible.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening, and the village was pitch black, with only a few houses with lights on, and the occasional sound of a dog barking.

Following the memory of the last time they came, they knocked on Zhao's door.

The yard was pitch black, and they knocked for a long time before they heard the door of the main room creak and open.

"Who is it?" came the voice of a panicked woman.

"Aunt Zhao, it's me, Yaxin's friend, please open the door." Zhou Niannian said softly outside the door.

The yard was quiet, and it took a while for footsteps to come gradually.

The door was opened with a small gap, and Zhao Yaxin's mother poked her head out of the door, holding an oil lamp in her hand, squinting at Zhou Niannian.

When she saw Zhou Niannian's face clearly, her expression changed slightly, and she subconsciously pulled the door with one hand, "Why are you looking for Yaxin so late? She's not at home."

Zhou Niannian frowned, "Then do you know where she went? At noon, she said that she would send you and your brother to a relative's house. Hasn't she come back?"

Zhao Yaxin's mother shook her head, "No."

She said with a gloomy face, "This dead girl must have gone to some classmate's house again. It's really worrying."

Zhou Niannian carefully looked at her angry face, "Auntie, do you think she might have gone to a classmate's house? I have something to do with her."

Zhao Yaxin's mother seemed a little impatient, "I don't know which classmate's house she went to, it's so late, let's talk about things tomorrow."

She was about to close the door.

The door of the main room opened at this time, and Zhao Yaxin's younger brother came out, "Mom, my sister"

"What is your sister, your sister?" Zhao Yaxin's mother's complexion changed suddenly, and she slammed the yard door shut, "Your sister has gone wild, why do you still mention her?"

The voice of Zhao Yaxin's mother blaming her son came from the yard.

The four people standing outside the door looked at each other, and through the cold moonlight, they could clearly see the doubt in each other's eyes.

Zhou Niannian released Ah Liang, patted her on the shoulder lightly, "Go and see if Zhao Yaxin is at home."

"Let's go first, talk as we go." Seeing Ah Liang fly into Zhao's house, she greeted Meng Wenbin and others in a low voice.

The four walked out of the village silently.

Wu Xuan let out a long breath, "Do you want Ah Liang to go and see if Zhao Yaxin is at home?"

Zhou Niannian nodded, "You also found that something is wrong with her mother?"

Wu Xuan sneered, "Her mother thought we were fools, if her daughter didn't come back so late, wouldn't she be nervous at all?"

Yang Jiarui agreed with Wu Xuan's point of view once in a while, "Yes, she also said that Zhao Yaxin has gone out to the wild. Zhao Yaxin is grieving over her father's death and working hard. How can she be in the mood to go wild."

"Her brother clearly had something to say when he came out, so he was stopped by her mother." Meng Wenbin said slowly.

Zhou Niannian nodded lightly, "If the prediction is correct, Zhao Yaxin must be at the Zhao family."

As soon as she finished speaking, the sound of Ah Liang flapping her wings came from the darkness.

"Zhao Yaxin was tied up by her mother." Ah Liang whispered.

Zhou Niannian was a little annoyed, and silently patted Ah Liang on the head, then turned to the others and said, "We guessed right, let's go back first, she won't be in danger at home."

She didn't say anything about Zhao Yaxin being kidnapped by her mother.

But when Wu Xuan saw Ah Liang came back, she more or less guessed it.

"Nian Nian, where did you get such a clever bird? Not only can it help save people, but it can also help you with reconnaissance. It's really amazing." She looked at Ah Liang with admiration.

"I will also buy a bird to raise some other day."

Ah Liang flapped her wings proudly, and snorted disdainfully, Lord Bird, I am a phoenix bird in the sky, how can I be compared with ordinary birds in the world.

Meng Wenbin was still thinking about Zhao Yaxin.

"It seems that the Yao family and the Zhao family have reached a settlement. The Zhao family agreed to watch over Yaxin. When the trial comes, Yaxin is the plaintiff. If she cannot appear in court, there will be no way for the trial to proceed normally."

(End of this chapter)

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