Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 454 The Girl Reported in the Newspaper

Chapter 454 The Girl Reported in the Newspaper

Zhou Niannian nodded: "If the plaintiff doesn't show up for a long time, her mother can go to the court as her attorney to withdraw the lawsuit."

Now she has completely figured out Yao Jianmin's plan.

Yao Jianmin must have known about the exhumation of Zhao Yuzhu's coffin and the news about Zhao Yaxin's refusal to withdraw the lawsuit.

Since they couldn't persuade Zhao Yaxin to withdraw the lawsuit, they chose to make Zhao Yaxin unable to appear at the court hearing.

And the person who carried out this matter was Zhao Yaxin's mother.

Zhou Niannian felt a little angry.

"I don't understand what her mother is thinking, is there water in her head?" Wu Xuan understood the ins and outs of the matter and was very angry.

Zhou Niannian remembered what Zhao Yaxin said about her mother thinking that the Yao family would be fine if they lost money, and sighed.

Zhao Yaxin's mother was both fearful and resigned to her fate.

"Let's go back first, and talk to Zhao Yaxin's mother tomorrow." Yang Jiarui looked at the time, "It's getting late."

No one else objected.

Zhao Yaxin was locked up by her mother, not by the Yao family, and they were relieved a lot.

When I got home at night, Zhou Niannian felt very tired, remembering what Lu Qingfeng said yesterday about studying abroad, sighed again, and went to Lu's house.

Lu Qingfeng just came back, and when he saw her coming in, the corners of his mouth curled up, "You just came back too?"

Zhou Niannian nodded, "Have you filled out the application for studying abroad?"

Lu Qingfeng pursed his lips and nodded silently.

Zhou Niannian felt a little melancholy.

She hoped that Lu Qingfeng would go abroad for further study, but on the other hand, she was not willing to be separated from Lu Qingfeng for so long.

Seeing her biting her lips lightly, Lu Qingfeng stepped forward and hugged her tightly without saying a word.

For the first time, the two young people experience the feeling of reluctant separation.

After a long time, Zhou Niannian asked softly, "How long will it take to go abroad after the application is approved?"

"I still need to apply for a visa, and it won't be soon, probably in early April." Lu Qingfeng said softly.

Zhou Niannian breathed a sigh of relief, the two of them still have a month to go.

She bit her lip lightly, a thought formed in her heart, she reached out and hugged Lu Qingfeng tightly.

With Zhao Yaxin's matter and Lu Qingfeng's going abroad, Zhou Niannian didn't sleep well all night.

She woke up before dawn.

Unable to fall asleep in bed, she decided to go for a run.

The sky was not completely bright yet, and the light blue sky looked a little dark. Zhou Niannian walked out of the gate and ran slowly along the road.

Before he ran far, he saw a figure staggering towards him.

She blinked, and when the figure passed her by, she grabbed her, "Yaxin, why are you here?"

It was Zhao Yaxin who ran over in a panic. She ran forward in a hurry and didn't notice Zhou Niannian.

It wasn't until Zhou Niannian grabbed her suddenly that she staggered and stabilized herself, only to realize that it was Zhou Niannian who grabbed her.

"Sister Nian Nian." She called out with her trembling lips, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

Seeing that she was wearing very thin clothes, Zhou Niannian pulled her forward, "Come on, tell me to go home."

Taking her back home, Zhou Niannian found out his thick coat and put it on for her. Seeing that her face was pale and her lips were so chapped, she poured a cup of hot water for her.

Li Xiangxiu had already gotten up to cook. Seeing Zhao Yaxin's distressed appearance, she shook her head distressedly, and brought out a bowl of hot porridge for her, "Son, drink the hot porridge before you have the strength to talk."

Zhao Yaxin was holding the hot porridge, and tears fell down.

It wasn't until she finished her porridge that Zhou Niannian asked her, "What happened? Why did you come out at this time?"

Zhao Yaxin wiped away tears, "I went home yesterday and wanted to send my mother and younger brother to a relative's house in the countryside, but my third uncle beat me unconscious from behind."

"I didn't realize I was tied up until I woke up."

When Zhao Yaxin said this, strong anger shot out in his eyes.

"My mother and my third uncle didn't want to go to court anymore after taking money from Yao's family. They tied me up just to go to the court to withdraw the lawsuit for me."

Zhou Niannian had already guessed this matter yesterday, so she was not surprised, but seeing Zhao Yaxin's pale face and angry expression, she couldn't help feeling very distressed for this girl.

Her father died tragically, and she only wanted justice, but found that it was her own relatives who had been blocking her on the way to justice, and they even hurt her in order to prevent her from seeking justice.

It is conceivable how angry she is inside.

She gently embraced Zhao Yaxin, "We went to your house to look for you last night. At that time, we guessed that your mother might have detained you. I thought I would talk to your mother again today."

"How did you escape?"

Zhao Yaxin sniffed, "It's my younger brother. After you left yesterday, my younger brother secretly let me go in the middle of the night while my mother was fast asleep."

"Sister Niannian," she pulled Zhou Niannian, with a very excited look in her eyes, "I just realized that my younger brother is actually very supportive of my approach, and he doesn't want to spend the money my dad bought with his life."

"But my mother sees him closely and doesn't allow him to go out."

"My brother told me to persevere and seek justice for my father."

Zhou Niannian saw her uplifted as if seeing light suddenly in despair, and patted her hand, "That's great, you two, sister and brother, will definitely make it if you work hard together."

"Mmm, yes!" Zhao Yaxin nodded heavily.

Li Xiangxiu cooked the meal, and called the rest of the Zhou family to get up for dinner one after another.

Zhou Niannian had a simple meal and took Zhao Yaxin out.

Bai Yuqing came out of the room, just in time to see two people going out.

"Mom, why are there any guests at home?" Her eyes glanced at the two empty bowls on the table.

Li Xiangxiu put away the bowl, and said casually, "Oh, no, it's because of Niannian's work relationship, the girl reported in the newspaper."

Reported in the newspaper?Bai Yuqing looked through the window again, and fell on Zhou Niannian and Zhao Yaxin who had already walked outside, and the eyes became intriguing.

Zhou Niannian sent Zhao Yaxin to Guan Ping's home.

Guan Pengtian went to Guangcheng for the past few days, and Guan Ping was the only one at home, so Zhao Yaxin happened to ask Zhao Yaxin to help take care of Guan Ping.

Moreover, Guan Ping lives in the family area of ​​the school. The school is a public place, and it is not easy for outsiders to enter, so it is relatively safe.

"If you have nothing to do these two days, you will not go out at school. If Lawyer Li wants to find you, I will bring her here." Zhou Niannian told Zhao Yaxin.

Zhao Yaxin nodded gratefully, "Don't worry, sister Nian Nian, I will obey you."

Guan Ping knew about Zhao Yaxin's affairs from the newspaper, and he also supported Zhou Niannian's actions, and said to Zhao Yaxin: "Girl, you can live with the old man at ease, and nothing will happen."

Yao Jianmin has been extremely irritable for the past two days, and everything he sees is not pleasing to the eye.

Almost all the employees of the Happy Restaurant were scolded by him once.

Seeing Sun Delai come back from the outside, he pinched out the cigarette in his hand irritably, and asked him: "How is it? Did you hear any news?"

(End of this chapter)

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