Chapter 455
On a very cold day, Sun Delai was sweating profusely.

"The Zhao family said they searched everywhere, but they still couldn't find Zhao Yaxin."

"A bunch of trash!" Yao Jianmin cursed sullenly, "So many people can't find a girl's film."

Sun Delai lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

Yao Jianmin impatiently kicked off the table, but because of too much force, he suddenly touched his toes.

He wailed and thumped the table angrily, "Even you are here to bully me!"

After cursing a few words, he pressed the table, frowned and said, "Do you think the Zhao family teamed up to trick me?"

"Maybe they let the girl surnamed Zhao go on purpose?"

Sun Delai shook his head uncertainly, and said, "Isn't it possible? We gave you a lot of money. Where have those poor ghosts seen so much money?"

"Besides, they are also afraid of our Yao family, so they shouldn't dare to lie to us like this?"

Yao Jianmin snorted, but did not speak.

A waiter came in outside, holding a note in his hand, and handed it to Yao Jianmin, "Boss, there is a girl at the door asking me to give it to you."

"What girl?" Yao Jianmin thought it was another romantic debt he provoked outside, so he waved the note impatiently and knocked the note to the ground.

The note landed lightly at Sun Delai's feet. He lowered his head and accidentally caught a glimpse of the words on the note. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he quickly picked up the note.

"Boss, boss, look!" He excitedly handed the note to Yao Jianmin.

"What are you looking at!" Yao Jianmin's impatient voice stopped abruptly when he touched the words on the note.

There was only one sentence on the palm-sized note: Zhao Yaxin was hidden by Zhou Niannian.

Yao Jianmin grabbed the note and asked the waiter, "Who gave this note? Where is the person who delivered the note?"

The waiter pointed out the door, "Let's go, she handed the note to me and left."

"Idiot!" Yao Jianmin glared at him, and strode to chase out the door, only to see a slender figure disappear across the street.

He frowned, looked down at the paper on the note, his eyes became more gloomy, "It's Zhou Niannian again!"

"Boss, did you see anyone?" Sun Delai came out of the restaurant.

Yao Jianmin shook his head.

"Then is the news on this note credible?" Sun Delai asked hesitantly.

The corner of Yao Jianmin's mouth twitched into a wicked smile, "Whether he is credible or not, come on, let me tell you, you can arrange it."

When Zhou Niannian went to work in the morning, she told Meng Wenbin and others about her encounter with Zhao Yaxin.

Knowing that Zhou Niannian had arranged Zhao Yaxin properly, the other three were relieved.

"We have to hurry up and sort out the content of the second issue of the newspaper. Nian Nian, you hurry up and sort out the content of the manuscript." Meng Wenbin said.

Zhou Niannian nodded.

The Zhao family's case is still four days away from the trial, and they will print the second issue of the newspaper before the trial to create another wave of public opinion.

When I was busy in the afternoon, I suddenly heard a noise coming from outside.

Wu Xuan, who loves to be lively, sat up straight when she heard the movement outside.

"What happened outside?"

She poked her head out with bright eyes, met Meng Wenbin's displeased eyes, waved her hands with a smile, and simply stood up.

"Editor-in-Chief, as a reporter, you must uphold the spirit of going up when there is excitement. I'll go out and have a look first."

As soon as she finished speaking, she pulled Zhou Niannian who was closest to the door, and the two of them ran out of the office in a hurry.

"The editor-in-chief's face is probably going to be dark." Zhou Niannian chuckled.

"Never mind her." Wu Xuan stuck out her tongue, "Come on, go and have a look outside the door."

A lot of people had gathered outside the door, and many colleagues from the lobby of the newspaper had also gone outside. Seeing Zhou Niannian and Wu Xuan coming out, they all had weird eyes.

Zhou Niannian frowned, and heard a sad and angry wail.

"Tell Zhou Niannian to come out!"

"Zhou Niannian, return my daughter."

The onlookers were divided into two rows, and Zhou Niannian saw a middle-aged woman standing behind the crowd, wearing a white padded jacket, with disheveled hair and a sad expression.

It's Zhao Yaxin's mother.

As soon as Zhao Yaxin's mother saw Zhou Niannian, she jumped up and grabbed Zhou Niannian's arm tightly.

"Did you hide my girl? Did you?"

She looked angry and angry, as if she was very worried about her daughter.

Zhou Niannian's eyes turned cold, "Aunt Zhao, you said that I hid your daughter, do you have evidence?"

"Without evidence, your nonsense is slandering me, you know?"

Zhao Yaxin's mother's eyes flickered, and suddenly she sat down on the ground and began to cry.

"Girl, where are you? Are you trying to make mom worry to death?"

"The Yao family has already paid us so much money and apologized. Didn't we all agree not to file this lawsuit?"

She cried with snot and tears, "The big guy judged me, my family said they don't want to go to court, and my daughter is going to the court to withdraw the lawsuit."

"But this girl surnamed Zhou ran to my house over and over again, insisting on persuading my daughter to file a lawsuit. My daughter disagreed, so she took my daughter away and hid her."

She patted the ground and cried, "Oh my God, this is bullying our orphans and widows, we have no one to rely on."

"Zhou Niannian, you black-hearted person, just to make news, you forced my daughter to sue."

The onlookers gradually realized the identity of Zhao Yaxin's mother.

After all, the Zhao family's affairs are the hottest topic these days.

The onlookers looked at Zhou Niannian with subtle expressions.

"Why is this so, people don't want to go to court anymore, how can they force them to do so?"

"That's right, this is a reporter, selfish."

There were quite a few newspaper colleagues standing in front of the newspaper office, but Zhou Niannian had only been here for a few days, so he was not familiar with them.

Their impression of Zhou Niannian was only a girl who dared to bring a bird to work, and even the old man Meng, who was always known for being rigid and mean, acquiesced.

Listening to Zhao Yaxin's mother's words now, coupled with their professional nature of journalism, many people immediately started to think about it.

"It seems that in order to create news heat, it really does everything."

"That's right, it seems that people are not very old, but their means are not small."

Some people took out their cameras and took pictures of Zhou Niannian and Zhao Yaxin's mother.

Wu Xuan was so angry that she jumped up and stretched out her arms to stop her, "Whatever is being filmed, it is a colleague of a newspaper."

The person who took the photo was not happy, "They are all journalists, who doesn't want to join in the excitement? What's wrong with colleagues? Can colleagues disregard professional ethics?"

Wu Xuan stomped her feet angrily, turned her head to Zhao Yaxin's mother and said, "Hey, what are you talking about, we went to your house together yesterday, and we didn't even see your daughter."

"It's clear that you hid your daughter yourself, how could it be us who hid it?"

Zhao Yaxin's mother lowered her head and covered her face and cried, "Didn't you miss my daughter? How can I hide it?"

 The second update will be after ten o'clock, these two days are really busy, sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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