Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 456 Zhou Niannian's Body

Chapter 456 Zhou Niannian's Body

Wu Xuan choked for breath, and obviously realized that something was wrong with her words.

She glared at Zhao Yaxin's mother angrily, "You spout blood!"

Zhao Yaxin's mother wiped her tears, and suddenly grabbed Zhou Niannian, plopped down on her knees, and begged with tears all over her face:

"I beg you, our family really doesn't want to go to court, please let my daughter go."

"How about I kowtow to you, please."

She knelt on the ground and kowtowed, looking helpless and pitiful.

The surrounding discussions grew louder.

"Isn't this girl too cruel?"

"That is, in order to create a topic, I will not hesitate to force people."

Amidst the discussion, more and more people believed Zhao Yaxin's mother, and began to condemn Zhou Niannian verbally.

Zhou Niannian, who had been silent all this time, sneered, squatted down slowly, and looked at Zhao Yaxin's mother calmly.

"You said that Zhao Yaxin disappeared, and after meeting me, when and where did we meet?"

Zhao Yaxin's mother's crying paused, "Well, it was six or six o'clock this morning. You went to my house to find my daughter."

"Oh?" Zhou Niannian sneered, "Then what did we talk about then?"

Zhao Yaxin's mother's eyes flickered, and she half-covered her face and cried, "What else can I say, just those words that force my daughter to sue."

Zhou Niannian immediately asked: "Did I take Zhao Yaxin away at that time?"


"That's strange. You were at home at the time, and you watched me take your daughter away with your own eyes. Don't you mother and daughter know how to resist?"

Zhou Niannian looked at Zhao Yaxin's mother with a puzzled expression, "I'm curious, with my body, I can forcibly take your daughter away regardless of your mother and daughter's resistance?"

There was a burst of laughter from the crowd.

Many people's eyes fell on Zhou Niannian and Zhao Yaxin's mother.

Zhou Niannian looked slender, even a little fragile. On the contrary, although Zhao Yaxin's mother was pale, she had a thick waist, and she looked like a woman who was used to farm work.

Could it be that a woman who is used to farm work can't resist a pampered and charming girl?What's more, there is Zhao Yaxin's mother and a daughter who is almost the same age as Zhou Niannian?

Can two people resist a girl?

Someone in the crowd yelled loudly: "As long as the girl has a body, she can fall if the wind blows. Auntie, how can you not resist?"

The laughter rang out one after another.

Wu Xuan's expression gradually calmed down, and the corners of her mouth twitched when she heard this sentence, her eyes swept around Zhou Niannian.

Nian Nian has the strength to knock down a big man with one finger, what kind of wind can blow her down?

Zhao Yaxin's mother's expression changed slightly, and she quickly waved her hands, "No, she didn't take it away at that time, she must have gone to my house to take it away quietly later."

Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched: "That means you never saw Zhao Yaxin who I took away with your own eyes, did you?"

"I..." Zhao Yaxin's mother was a little speechless, wanting to say that she saw it, and the question returned to the topic of why she didn't resist.

If I wanted to say that I didn't see it, then my previous accusation against Zhou Niannian immediately became a lie.

Zhou Niannian stood up slowly and looked down at her: "You never saw me take Zhao Yaxin away with your own eyes, but you deliberately made trouble here and accused me at will."

"Do you know that what you have done has constituted arbitrarily framing and slandering the reputation of others. I can go to court to sue you and demand compensation from you."

Her voice was cold and her eyes were cold and stern, which made Zhao Yaxin's mother shrink her neck subconsciously and forgot to cry.

"Why is this still involved in a lawsuit?"

"I didn't beat you or scold you, but I just said a few words, please let my daughter go, and stop scaring me here."

Zhou Niannian sneered, "Is it to scare you, we can try."

"You mother is really strange. If your daughter is missing, shouldn't you call the police and find someone?"

"You don't go to the police to find someone, but you are pestering me around here. If you don't know, you think you don't care about your daughter at all!"

Zhao Yaxin's mother's eyes flickered.

"She doesn't care about us." Meng Wenbin's voice came from behind, and he walked up to Zhao Yaxin's mother with a straight face.

"I've already called the police. Someone deliberately caused trouble at the door of our newspaper and framed our newspaper's reputation."

"The comrades from the Investigation Bureau will come later, go and tell the comrades from the Investigation Bureau how your daughter disappeared!"

Zhao Yaxin's mother's complexion changed, and she stood up from the ground.

Yang Jiarui gave her a cold look, then turned around and said loudly to the onlookers, "I can testify that I didn't see Zhao Yaxin at all when I went to Zhao's house with Comrade Zhou Niannian yesterday."

Wu Xuan quickly raised her hand, "There is me, there is me, I can also testify."

Meng Wenbin took a step forward, "I can also testify."

The three of them stood side by side with Zhou Niannian, with serious expressions on their faces.

The four stand together like a rope, welcoming and facing any incoming wind together.

"The comrades from the Investigation Bureau will arrive here in about 5 minutes, so be prepared to explain to them." Yang Jiarui looked at Zhao Yaxin's mother and sneered.

Zhao Yaxin's mother turned pale, touched her tears, pointed at Zhou Niannian and shouted: "I, I will still make trouble with you tomorrow. If my daughter doesn't come home for a day, I will come every day."

After all, he pushed away the crowd of spectators and ran straight away.

Meng Wenbin snorted, then turned his head and waved to the onlookers, "It's okay, everyone leave."

After that, he patted Zhou Niannian on the shoulder, "Go back to work."

The corner of Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched. This was probably the limit of Meng Wenbin's ability to comfort others.

Wu Xuan took her arm, "Nian Nian, don't be angry, we don't have the same knowledge as this kind of person."

Zhou Niannian shook his head, and said thoughtfully: "Don't you think it's strange that Zhao Yaxin's mother came to make trouble?"

What exactly is Zhao Yaxin's mother going to do?
The same question was asked by Sun Delai to Yao Jianmin in the teahouse opposite the Jingdu newspaper office.

Yao Jianmin was sitting on the seat by the window, wearing sunglasses and watching Zhao Yaxin's mother running away, the corners of his mouth gradually turned up.

"Boss, she made such a fuss, she can't find Zhao Yaxin, and it doesn't help the case, why should we arrange such a useless performance?"

Yao Jianmin gave him a sideways look, "Useless? Who said it was useless?"

Sun Delai scratched his head, with a confused look on his face, "I really can't think of any other effect other than ruining Zhou Niannian's reputation."

"If you can think of it, wouldn't anyone be able to be the boss?" Yao Jianmin sneered disdainfully and waved.

Sun Delai listened to him, heard Yao Jianmin whisper a few words to him, couldn't help his eyes light up, and gave a thumbs up, "Gao, this trick is really high."

(End of this chapter)

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