Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 457 The Best Counterattack

Chapter 457 The Best Counterattack
Zhou Niannian came to work as usual the next day.

As soon as she walked into the lobby of the newspaper office, she sensed something was wrong. Many people looked at her strangely.

Zhou Niannian walked into the office without looking sideways, and heard Wu Xuan slapping the table to lose her temper, "These people are too much, they dare to report any mess."

"What did you report?"

"Of course I reported Niannian to her." Wu Xuan was halfway through her words, when she suddenly realized something was wrong, she turned her head and saw that it was Zhou Niannian who was talking to her, so she covered her mouth all of a sudden.

"No, what didn't you report?" She smiled and hid the things in her hands behind her back, "Nian Nian, you came so early today."

Zhou Niannian walked up to her, smiled, reached out and grabbed the thing in her hand, "What's the content, so mysterious?"

"Oh," Wu Xuan rushed to snatch it from her, but couldn't touch the corner of the newspaper at all, and said anxiously, "Nian Nian, don't be angry, these small newspapers wrote indiscriminately."

Yang Jiarui also stood up and looked at Zhou Niannian with concern, "These small newspapers dare to write anything for the sake of sales, so don't take it too seriously."

Zhou Niannian stared at the headline in the newspaper: Unscrupulous journalists are forcing weak girls to file lawsuits to stir up news

What else is too enthusiastic about the reporter hiding the plaintiff in the case, the plaintiff's parents knelt down and begged the reporter to let him go

Two or three newspapers reported the news that Zhao Yaxin's mother came to make trouble at the gate of the newspaper yesterday. There were all kinds of content, but most of the blame was directed at Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian's face darkened and he didn't speak.

"Zhao Yaxin's mother clearly came here to make trouble on purpose. We tried so hard to help the Zhao family, but she still dragged her back. Is she out of her mind?" Wu Xuan thought she was angry, and patted the table angrily.

"There are also those tabloid reporters, how can they write nonsense without evidence."

Meng Wenbin, who sat behind the desk without speaking, pursed his lips, "Not everyone can stick to the bottom line of being a reporter."

He glanced at Zhou Niannian, "What do you think?"

Zhou Niannian took the newspaper and sat down slowly, "I was thinking about a question that I hadn't figured out yesterday. What is the purpose of Zhao Yaxin's mother coming here to make trouble?"

She frowned, "Are you accusing me of kidnapping Zhao Yaxin? Then she can go directly to the court or the Bureau of Investigation?"

"Or are you simply looking for trouble for me? What good does that do her?"

Yang Jiarui frowned, and asked hesitantly, "Could it be Zhao Yaxin's mother's original intention? Maybe she listened to someone else's arrangement?"

Someone else's arrangement?Zhou Niannian's eyes flashed, "You mean?"

"The Yao family!" Meng Wenbin sat up straight, and suddenly said, "It must be the Yao family."

Zhou Niannian nodded, she also felt that the Yao family was more likely.

"Oops!" She thought of something, and her expression suddenly changed.

"The Yao family is trying to use this trick to force Zhao Yaxin out." The more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was possible, and immediately stood up, "Editor-in-Chief, I'm going out."

As soon as the voice fell, she had disappeared outside.

Zhou Niannian got on the bus as soon as she left the house, and went all the way back to Kyoto University, and ran to Guan Ping's house in one breath.

Guan Ping had no class in the morning and went out late. When Zhou Niannian passed by, he was about to lock the door.

"Teacher, where is Yaxin?"

Seeing her running over panting, Guan Ping said, "She read today's newspaper in the morning, and her face was not very good. She said to go downstairs and take a walk, but she hasn't come back yet."

Zhou Niannian's heart sank, she turned around and ran out without thinking about talking to Guan Pingduo.

When she ran to the gate of the campus, she stopped in a daze.

Where will Zhao Yaxin go?

To go to the Yao family, or to the Zhao family, or somewhere else?
"She seems to be heading towards the investigation bureau." Ah Liang flew over from behind her and said quickly.

Zhou Niannian's eyes lit up, and she patted Ah Liang's head, "Thanks for having you."

She ran all the way and finally stopped Zhao Yaxin at the gate of the investigation bureau.

"Yaxin, what are you doing?" She grabbed Zhao Yaxin.

When Zhao Yaxin saw it was her, she looked very sad, "Sister Nian Nian, I've thought about it, I can't drag you down, I...I'm going to the investigation bureau to explain the situation, and ask the investigation bureau to prove that you didn't persecute me at all."

"Don't be stupid, how can you explain this kind of thing clearly?" Zhou Niannian dragged her back, "I don't care what the newspapers say about me, those are just tabloids."

Zhao Yaxin tried her best to break free, but she couldn't break free no matter what.

"But Miss Miss"

Zhou Niannian shook her head at her, "It's nothing but Yaxin, the purpose of the Yao family sending your mother to the newspaper office is to force you out. If you come out now, the Yao family may make you disappear."

She grabbed Zhao Yaxin's hand and looked at her seriously, "Believe me, Yaxin, the moment you stood in court, you won this lawsuit and paid your father justice, that is the worst thing for the Yao family." A good counterattack is the best reward for me."

Zhao Yaxin looked at her blankly, felt Zhou Niannian's strength in her hand, her expression gradually calmed down, and she murmured: "Well, sister Niannian, I'll listen to you."

Zhou Niannian breathed a sigh of relief, and pulled her to go outside, but sensitively noticed a sneaky figure across the road.

She froze, and suddenly realized that she was stupid.

The Yao family wanted to force Zhao Yaxin to come out, so they asked Zhao Yaxin's mother to make trouble, but they didn't know where Zhao Yaxin came from in the big capital of Nuo.

The only key is to keep an eye on yourself!

It is estimated that someone followed me as soon as I left the gate of the newspaper office, and my pursuit of Zhao Yaxin completely exposed Zhao Yaxin.

Yao Jianmin played a good trick: the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind!

It is obviously not safe to send Zhao Yaxin back to Guan Ping's house now.

"Sister Niannian, what's wrong?" Zhao Yaxin looked at Zhou Niannian in puzzlement when she saw Zhou Niannian suddenly stopped.

Zhou Niannian curled her lips silently and let out a sneer.

Did the Yao family think that there was nothing she could do?

"I suddenly remembered something, let's go in first." She pulled Zhao Yaxin around and walked straight into the investigation bureau.

Li Dongxing just came back from Nancheng yesterday, and today he was sorting out the materials, when he heard someone knock on the door, he looked up and saw Zhou Niannian.

"It's Nian Nian, you came just in time, I just happened to find you for something."

Zhou Niannian pulled Zhao Yaxin into the room with a smile, "I happen to have something to trouble Brother Li."

The people who followed Zhou Niannian all the way to the investigation bureau stood in the cold wind for more than an hour before seeing Zhou Niannian coming out of the investigation bureau alone, his expression changed involuntarily.

When Sun De went back and forth to report to Yao Jianmin, Yao Jianmin's eyes widened in disbelief.

"You said Zhou put the girl named Zhao in the investigation bureau? Did you see clearly?"

Sun Delai nodded, "Our people said it when they came back, and they could see clearly that there were two people when they went in, and one person when they came out."

 The second update is around ten o'clock in the evening. I've been too busy these days, and the update time is a bit irregular. I'm really sorry for the cuties. I will try to restore the normal time to update tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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