Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 458 This is Enough

Chapter 458 This is Enough

"What does it mean to send someone to the investigation bureau?" Yao Jianmin murmured, exhaling a smoke ring.

Sun Delai didn't dare to answer the words. Yao Jianmin had a particularly violent temper these days. He was afraid that he would be scolded if he said something wrong.

Yao Jianmin pondered for a long time but couldn't figure out what Zhou Niannian wanted to do, "Could it be that he wants the investigation bureau to protect him?"

He slammed the cigarette butt on the table and sneered, "Do you think there is nothing I can do if I send it to the investigation bureau?"

Yao Jianmin stood up, grabbed the coat next to him and went out.

When he got home, he told Yao Shijie about the situation.

"At the Bureau of Investigation?" Yao Shijie frowned and knocked on the table, then stood up and made a few phone calls.

When he put down the phone, he had a weird look on his face, "They said he wasn't in the investigation office at all."

"What? Not in the investigation bureau?" Yao Jianmin almost fell off the sofa in surprise, "Impossible, our people saw people go in with their own eyes, and they didn't come out at all."

Yao Shijie remained silent with a sullen face.

"Dad, what should we do then?" Yao Jianmin lost his mind for a moment.

He originally planned to use money to settle the Zhao family, but as long as the Zhao family detained Zhao Yaxin and went to the court to withdraw the lawsuit, there would be no disturbance in this matter.

Who would have thought that Zhao Yaxin would run away, not only did they run away, but now they are not even Zhao Yaxin's people.

"Why don't you find a solution with Uncle Three?" He murmured looking at Yao Shijie.

Yao Shijie shook his head, "This matter is not enough for your third uncle to take action."

Yao Jianmin was momentarily disappointed.

In his mind, Yao Shicai, the third uncle of the Yao family, is an omnipotent person. Although the third uncle travels away for a long time, he hasn't seen him once for several months.

But since he was a child, all the rare things he ate, used, and seen were brought back by his third uncle.

In his mind, there is nothing Yao Shicai can't do.

Yao Shijie lingered in the room for a while, and said in a low voice: "The day after tomorrow is the day when the Zhou family will hold a wedding banquet for their two sons. When the time comes, your mother and I will sit at the banquet and talk to the Zhou family."

Yao Jianmin's eyes lit up.

Zhou Niannian returned home, still thinking about what happened today in her mind.

Zhao Yaxin left home in the middle of the night and met her very early in the morning.

Now there are no cameras that will be everywhere in the streets decades later. According to common sense, it is absolutely impossible for the Yao family to know that she took in Zhao Yaxin.

But the Yao family just knew the news.

If she didn't know the news, Zhao Yaxin's mother would not have gone to the newspaper office to find her by name and make trouble.

How did the Yao family know?

Seeing that the only people in her family who brought Zhao Yaxin home, Zhou Niannian frowned, and stopped the hand that opened the door.

The door opened from the inside, and Bai Yuqing was standing at the door, wearing a red overcoat and dressed up brightly.

She is probably about to get married, and she always likes to wear some particularly bright colors recently.

Seeing Zhou Niannian standing at the door, she was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Zhou Niannian with a half-smile, then lowered her voice and said, "Oh, I got off work early today, it seems that no one is looking for trouble with you."

Zhou Niannian narrowed his eyes, met her gloating eyes, and sneered, "The Yao family made trouble with me, are you happy?"

Bai Yuqing looked at her pretending to be innocent, "No, I'm actually quite worried about you. It's hard to get into trouble with such a person."

She shook her head pretending to be worried, and shook the bag in her hand, "Shang De invited me to dinner, so I won't talk to you any more."

After finishing speaking, he rubbed shoulders with Zhou Niannian and walked out with his waist twisted.

Zhou Niannian looked at her back, his eyes turned slightly cold.

Zhao Yaxin's mother was clearly the one who went to the newspaper office to make trouble for her, and she also speculated that the mastermind behind the Yao family was also her speculation, and she didn't mention it to anyone outside the office.

She just deliberately said that the Yao family was testing Bai Yuqing, but she didn't look surprised at all.

Zhou Niannian could almost conclude that Bai Yuqing must have been involved in this matter.

She was careless, thinking that it was not dawn and the family had not woken up yet, so she took Zhao Yaxin home, but she forgot that there was such a scourge at home.

"Niannian, why didn't you come in when you got home? Why are you standing there in a daze at the door?" Li Xiangxiu saw Zhou Niannian standing at the door and called out to her.

Zhou Niannian came back to her senses, entered the door, and saw Li Xiangxiu writing under the light with her eyes.

"Mom, what are you writing?" She leaned over to read.

"Isn't it going to be a wedding banquet for your elder brother and second brother the day after tomorrow? There are more guests, so I will arrange the seats for the guests first."

Without raising her head, Li Xiangxiu wrote down the names of the guests sitting at each table on the paper.

"If you're okay, help mom copy a copy and give it to the hotel." She beat her waist, and after writing the names of a table, she raised her head and glanced at Zhou Niannian.

"I read today's newspaper. Someone asked you to make trouble. Are you okay?"

Zhou Niannian took out a pen from the drawer, and shrugged with a smile on her shoulders, "Do you think I have something to do?"

Li Xiangxiu looked her up and down, then shook her head, "It's not like, it's fine, come here and copy the list for me."

Zhou Niannian sat next to her and helped her copy it, and asked casually, "Mom, why didn't you ask me if I really detained the girl?"

Li Xiangxiu sneered without raising her head, "What is there to ask, you are my raised daughter, how can mom not know about you?"

Zhou Niannian's heart warmed up, she smiled and said nothing.

That's why she doesn't care much about those tabloid slanders.

No matter what those newspapers say about her, her relatives firmly trust her.

that's enough!
After she finished copying the list, Lu Qingfeng came.

Li Xiangxiu packed up the list and went to cook, and waved her hands, "You two go upstairs to talk."

Zhou Niannian pulled Lu Qingfeng upstairs, and said as soon as he entered the room: "I'm fine, don't worry."

Lu Qingfeng held her in his arms and kissed her forehead, "Of course I know you're fine, my girl, how could you be overwhelmed by such rumors?"

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but laugh.

"However," Lu Qingfeng hesitated, and said in a low voice, "You may also have to be mentally prepared, your work may be affected."

"After all, you are now the voice of the intern of the Kyoto newspaper. If the influence is not good, the newspaper may"

Zhou Niannian frowned, but she ignored it.

"It's okay, if I'm really expelled, I'll go back to school and study honestly." She muttered.

Lu Qingfeng smiled lowly and rubbed her hair.

"By the way, Brother Li has returned from Nancheng, and he has collected a lot of evidence against the eight brothers of the Cheng family who illegally stole and resold national cultural relics."

"Also, he also pried open the mouth of one of the brothers of the Cheng family, confessing that Bai Yongsheng had dealt with them."

"Brother Li said that this time a warrant can be issued to arrest Bai Yongsheng."

Zhou Niannian relayed to Lu Qingfeng what Li Dongxing told her today.

(End of this chapter)

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