Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 459 Let's start dating as a lover

Chapter 459 Let's start dating as a lover
Li Dongxing went to Nancheng and gained a lot.

With the search warrant from the investigation bureau, he didn't go directly to search the Cheng family, but first went to the Cheng family's family to meet the head of the Cheng family.

The head of the Cheng family read the search warrant and expressed their full cooperation. At the same time, they also made it clear to everyone that they would no longer protect the eight brothers of the Cheng family.

Without the protection of his family, Li Dongxing's work went smoothly.

After listening to Zhou Niannian's report, Lu Qingfeng rubbed her hair and hummed, "Just leave these matters to the investigation bureau, and you don't need to ask any more questions."

Zhou Niannian nodded.

If the Bureau of Investigation can successfully catch Bai Yongsheng, she will have something on her mind.

For this person who kidnapped her in the previous life, Zhou Niannian always had a thorn in his heart.

Lu Qingfeng's words about Zhou Niannian's work finally came true the next day.

As soon as Zhou Niannian entered the office, she saw Meng Wenbin sitting behind the desk with a dark face, without saying a word.

Wu Xuan and Yang Jiarui also looked bad.

"What's the matter, I've been so sullen early in the morning." Zhou Niannian asked curiously.

Wu Xuan glanced at her, but hesitated to speak.

Meng Wenbin pursed his lips, stood up, hesitated before saying in a low voice: "I received a notice from the director this morning about you. Your work."

He stopped a little bit speechless.

"You want to fire me?" Zhou Niannian asked calmly.

"No, that's not true." Meng Wenbin shook his head, "The higher-ups say they will let you rest for a few days, and come back to work after this matter is over."

Yang Jiarui stood up unconvinced, "What kind of thing is this? The four of us made a discussion and decision to report this matter. Why should Niannian alone bear the consequences now?"

"That's right, editor-in-chief, let's go to the editor-in-chief to protest." Wu Xuan shook her hair and stood up.

Meng Wenbin smiled bitterly: "Do you think I didn't protest? I had a table with the editor-in-chief just now."

"But he didn't decide this matter alone, me."

Zhou Niannian smiled, "It's just a few days of rest, don't worry, the court will be held in three days."

"As long as we persist until the day of the trial, if the court judges that Yaxin has won, it will prove that all our reports are true."

She shrugged, "My family has a happy event in the past two days, let me rest for two days just to go home and help my parents."

"But." Wu Xuan grabbed Zhou Niannian eagerly, "This is clearly aimed at us, and we don't want us to continue doing this, so should we just swallow it like this?"

"What did you say that you affected the honor of the newspaper, bah, you just found an excuse to stop us from doing this."

Zhou Niannian shook her head, "That's why you are more difficult than me. I will go home and rest, but you still have to keep going."

She turned her head and glanced at Meng Wenbin.

Meng Wenbin's lips were tight, "Don't worry, unless I'm fired, I will definitely stick to this matter."

Zhou Niannian's eyes were a little hot.

Meng Wenbin felt a little too serious and rigid at first.

But after actually getting along, you will find that there is justice and tenacity in his bones.

She shrugged, "Then I'm relieved, I'll leave Ah Liang here, if there's anything I can do to help you."

If people outside heard this, they would definitely feel extremely awkward.

But all the people in this office have seen A Liang's skills, so they didn't feel awkward, but accepted it very naturally.

Zhou Niannian patted Wu Xuan's shoulder, "Then I'll go first, you guys work hard."

Wu Xuan nodded, and watched Zhou Niannian leave, she couldn't help but pouted and muttered: "When Niannian was here, I didn't feel that once she left, why would I feel that I have no backbone."

Yang Jiarui glanced at her angrily, "You didn't have a backbone."

"Yang Jiarui, who are you talking about?" Wu Xuan was so angry that she wanted to hit him.

Meng Wenbin shouted with a dark face: "Is there nothing to do? Why don't you hurry up and finalize today's newspaper?"

Zhou Niannian was afraid that Li Xiangxiu would worry about her, so instead of going home, she went straight to the store opened by Lu Qingfeng and Li Chengyu.

Both of them have no class today and are both in the store.

Seeing Zhou Niannian approaching, Lu Qingfeng's eyes widened, and guessing the reason, he rubbed her head and took her into his arms.

Zhou Niannian said sullenly, "I've been suspended."

Although he acted indifferent in front of Meng Wenbin and others, Zhou Niannian still felt unwilling and indignant deep in his heart.

"Social reality is like this. All we can do is keep our hearts and do our best." Lu Qingfeng hugged her tightly, "I'll take you out for a day, okay, where do you want to go?"

Zhou Niannian wanted to shake her head, thinking that after a while, Lu Qingfeng was going to go abroad, and the two of them would soon be separated, and the thought came to her lips and she swallowed it back.

"Let's go to the zoo." She stood up straight and looked at Lu Qingfeng with vigor, "We haven't been to the Kyoto Zoo for a long time."

Lu Qingfeng pinched her nose pamperingly, "Okay, it's up to you."

Li Chengyu came out of the small warehouse in the middle, and when he saw this scene, he curled his lips, "It will irritate me."

Zhou Niannian made a face at him, "You can also take Xiaomeng with you when you find time."

Li Chengyu paused, turned around as if nothing had happened and hung up the clothes in his hands.

He and Yue Xiaomeng have been acting strange recently.

The two have been together for more than half a year, and recently Yue Xiaomeng hinted several times that he wants to go to his house for a while.

According to common sense, the two of them have been dating for so long, so they should take Yue Xiaomeng home to have a look.

But when Li Chengyu thought of his mother's picky personality and Yue Xiaomeng's family background, he knew without thinking that his mother would definitely not agree with the matter between him and Yue Xiaomeng.

His mother would use all kinds of disgusting words to pick on Yue Xiaomeng.

Thinking of Yue Xiaomeng's equally quick-talking personality, Li Chengyu felt that there would be a world war between these two people together.

He hated such a scene very much, so he pretended not to understand Yue Xiaomeng's hint, and planned to delay it for a day.

Recently, he used the reason that the shop was too busy not to go to Yue Xiaomeng.

Zhou Niannian didn't notice Li Chengyu's expression, she thought about going to the zoo, so she hurriedly dragged Lu Qingfeng away.

"Before you go abroad, we have to visit all the interesting places and scenic spots in Kyoto again." Zhou Niannian put Lu Qingfeng's arm and announced with a smile.

She and Lu Qingfeng grew up together. In fact, the two of them have been to many places in Kyoto. At that time, they went with Zhou Changguo, Zhou Changan, Li Chengyu and other children from the compound.

The two have never been there as lovers.

Lu Qingfeng turned his head and looked at her deeply, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Zhou Niannian stood on tiptoe and kissed him, "Mr. Lu, let's start dating as lovers."

Lu Qingfeng pointed to his lips, "Let's have a grand opening ceremony!"

Zhou Niannian bent her eyes, raised her head, closed her eyes, and kissed her own lips, starting the dating ceremony for two people.

(End of this chapter)

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