Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 461 I'm Not Vegetarian

Chapter 461 I'm Not Vegetarian

Zhou Hongshan's voice sounded later, "These words make sense. I have taught the children in my family since they were young that they must have a clear conscience in everything they do."

"My kids have never let me down and I'm so proud of them."

There was a moment of silence in the room.

Then there was a slightly angry and high-pitched voice, "Brother Zhou's words are obviously disrespecting our Yao family?"

Zhou Hongshan asked unhurriedly: "I don't know how you want me to give face?"

The unfamiliar voice who spoke before said with a smile: "It's simple, as long as Ling Ai stops chasing after my Yao family's affairs, our Yao family will be grateful."

Zhou Niannian pushed the door open and walked in.

The people in the room obviously didn't expect someone to come in at this time, they were taken aback, and at the same time they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the person who came in was Zhou Niannian.

"So it's my niece." Yao Shijie said with a smile.

There was also a chubby middle-aged man sitting next to him, who should be the one whose voice was unfamiliar to Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian saw that his face was somewhat similar to Yao Shijie, and guessed that he should also be from the Yao family.

"Thanks to the Yao family, I have been suspended from the newspaper." She stood beside Zhou Hongshan, looking at Yao Shijie calmly, "I am no longer a member of the newspaper. I don't understand why you are looking for my dad. What's the meaning."

Zhou Hongshan didn't know about Zhou Niannian's suspension. Hearing this, he turned to look at her in surprise and frowned.

"Yeah, my daughters have been suspended from their jobs, and you still chased after my wedding banquet to talk about it, isn't it a bit inappropriate."

Zhou Hongshan's face darkened, "Since this matter has reached the court, I believe that everyone has their own conclusions. I don't understand what the Yao family has been persecuting my daughter. What does it mean?"

"What do you mean? Why don't you ask what else your daughter did?" Yao Shijie narrowed his eyes, obviously a little angry.

The fat man next to him grabbed his arm, shook his head at him, then raised his wine glass and looked at Zhou Hongshan with a smile.

"Brother Zhou, we Ming people don't speak dark words. If Ling Ai can tell the whereabouts of that girl surnamed Zhao, my Yao family will be very grateful. If there is any need in the future, please send me to the Zhou family."

"The Yao family and the Zhou family are considered to be the top families in Kyoto. I believe that the people above don't want our two families to become enemies, right?"

When he said the last sentence, there was a hint of threat in his words.

Zhou Niannian frowned and wanted to say something, but Zhou Hongshan stopped him by raising his hand.

Zhou Hongshan stood up slowly, "I don't understand Brother Yao, you heard it just now, my daughter has been suspended."

"This matter has nothing to do with our Zhou family. As for the person surnamed Zhao you mentioned, if you can't find her, you can ask the Bureau of Investigation to find someone for you."

"My daughter is not a policeman, so she has no obligation to help you find someone, right?"

Yao Shijie slapped the table angrily, "Zhou, you won't give my Yao family face, will you?"

Zhou Hongshan glanced at him, "I still say the same thing, if the Yao family comes to congratulate your child's wedding, I will welcome you with both hands."

"If it's for other things, then I'm sorry, please go back, both of you."

After finishing speaking, she took Zhou Niannian's hand and walked out of the private room.

Walking all the way downstairs, Zhou Niannian pulled Zhou Hongshan back, and said worriedly, "Dad, I'm sorry."

Zhou Hongshan patted her on the head, "I'm sorry for what?"

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips, "Will this matter affect your work? Will the Yao family treat our family?"

Zhou Hongshan smiled, "What are you thinking? If the Yao family could do something to me, they wouldn't come to congratulate me today."

He snorted coldly at this point, "Besides, I, Zhou Hongshan, am not a vegetarian. Don't worry, the Yao family dare not do anything to our family."

Zhou Niannian breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Hongshan was in the financial department, and the Yao family was mainly responsible for managing the state-owned factory. In theory, the Yao family could not make things difficult for the Zhou family.

"Nian Nian, why didn't you tell Dad that you were suspended?" Zhou Hongshan changed the subject and brought up Zhou Nian Nian's work.

Zhou Niannian took his arm and walked forward, "Well, he told me to rest for a few days, don't worry, I'll be fine after the trial of this case is over."

Zhou Hongshan turned his head, took a deep look at her, and smiled gratifiedly, "Well, it's good to avoid the limelight, my daughter will comfort me when she grows up."

Zhou Niannian made a grimace, "Don't worry, you are not a vegetarian, and neither am I."

She had already made up her mind that as soon as Zhao Yaxin's case came to fruition, she would sue the two tabloid newspapers that reported indiscriminately.

Let them exaggerate at will and report false news.

After Zhou Niannian and Zhou Hongshan left, Yao Shiqiang who was sitting in the room couldn't help but sighed, "Brother, you are too impatient."

Yao Shijie snorted, "Look at Zhou's attitude, it's clear that he doesn't give our family face."

Yao Shiqiang pursed his lips, but did not speak.

He also didn't expect Zhou Hongshan to be soft and hard.

"There are still two days until the court session. At this point, I can only go to court. Fortunately, those people in Zhaojia Village have agreed to help testify." Yao Shijie patted the table unwillingly, "It's a pity that I can't find that A girl named Zhao."

If you find a girl surnamed Zhao, asking her to withdraw the lawsuit is the easiest way, so that Yao Jianmin won't even have to go to court.

Yao Shiqiang sighed, "Have you discussed this matter with the third child?"

Yao Shijie shook his head, "The youngest is in Hong Kong recently, and I can't get in touch. When he comes back, the day lily will be cold."

Not long after Zhou Niannian returned to his seat, he saw the Yao family leave with sullen faces.

She shrugged and continued to eat with her head down.

On March [-], Zhao Yaxin's case, which had been making a lot of noise, finally went to court.

Although the trial was not open to the public, Zhou Niannian, Yang Jiarui, Meng Wenbin, and Wu Xuan all participated in the trial as witnesses.

In the court, lawyer Li Anming faced the unanimous testimony of Zhaojia Village people that Yao Jianmin did not beat Zhao Yuzhu, and asked them calmly and sharply one by one without rushing.

The people in Zhaojia Village are all liars, and lying naturally has loopholes. Li Anming seized a loophole and asked.

In the end, Accountant Qian finally broke through the psychological defense line, admitting that Yao Jianmin had indeed hit Zhao Yuzhu, which also caused Zhao Yuzhu to hit the wall and break his head.

Yao Jianmin lost his mind in court at that time, jumped up and yelled at accountant Yao for taking money from the Yao family and not doing anything.

Li Anming accused him of buying witnesses on the spot. At the same time, Zhou Niannian, Meng Wenbin and others proved that Yao Jianmin had sent people to chase and beat Zhao Yaxin.

The Bureau of Investigation also issued the statements of the arrested thugs, proving that they did pursue Zhao Yaxin under Yao Jianmin's instructions.

At the same time, Zhao Yuzhu's autopsy report was issued.

The witnesses and material evidence were complete, and the court sentenced Yao Jianmin to life imprisonment on the spot for the crime of illegally beating a person to death and intentionally injuring others.

(End of this chapter)

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