Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 462 She's Not a Soft Persimmon

Chapter 462 She's Not a Soft Persimmon
Immediately after the court pronounced the verdict, people from the Bureau of Investigation stepped forward and handcuffed Yao Jianmin.

Yao Jianmin yelled loudly and was dragged down.

Zhao Yaxin wailed loudly in court, crying uncontrollably.

Zhou Niannian's eyes felt hot when she saw it, she knew how difficult it was for Zhao Yaxin to persevere all the way.

In order to fight this lawsuit, she experienced the fear of being threatened and beaten, the anger and sadness of protesting with her relatives, and countless battles between heaven and man in her heart.

Zhao Yaxin cried for a long time before she calmed down a little. She bowed deeply to Zhou Niannian, Meng Wenbin and others who were on the witness stand.

Everyone in Zhaojia Village felt ashamed to see Zhao Yaxin, and left in despair.

Zhou Niannian stepped forward to help Zhao Yaxin, and hugged her.

A group of people came out of the court, and Zhou Niannian asked her what her plans were in the future.

Zhao Yaxin thought for a while, and said solemnly: "I'm going to find a school to repeat my studies and take this year's college entrance examination. I'm going to go to university and work hard to learn more knowledge and help more people."

Zhao Yaxin's mother is very patriarchal. Zhao Yaxin has wanted to take the college entrance examination for the past two years, but her mother has always disagreed, saying that the family's money can only be used for her brother's education.

Zhao Yaxin's eyes that had been soaked with tears were shining brightly.

After going through this incident, she feels that she has grown up a lot and understands that her future must be won by herself.

"Sister Nian Nian, I also want to study law, and strive to become a good lawyer like Sister Nian Nian and Attorney Li in the future."

Zhou Niannian patted her on the shoulder, "Well, I believe you can do it."

Encouraged by Zhou Niannian, Zhao Yaxin nodded excitedly, "Yes, I will work hard, Sister Niannian, I will go to Sister Haiyun's store, thank her for taking in these two days, and I will go first."

Zhou Niannian waved her hand, "Say hello to Sister Haiyun for me."

She left Zhao Yaxin in the investigation bureau that day, and asked Li Dongxing to send Zhao Yaxin to Cao Haiyun's shop in disguise at night.

The Yao family never imagined that Zhao Yaxin would hide in a small noodle restaurant and help Cao Haiyun make noodles in the back kitchen.

Zhao Yaxin left, and only Zhou Niannian, Wu Xuan, Yang Jiarui, and Meng Wenbin were left at the gate of the court.

The four looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"It's really refreshing." Wu Xuan couldn't help but raised her arms and shook them, her face full of cheerfulness.

Yang Jiarui and Meng Wenbin were more reserved, but they couldn't help but smile.

"To celebrate the success of our first case, how about we go out and have a meal together?" Yang Jiarui suggested.

Zhou Niannian agreed with a smile, "Okay, the editor-in-chief treats you?"

Meng Wenbin glared at her feigning displeasure, "I'm going to celebrate just one case. After a long time, why don't you make me poor?"

After speaking, I couldn't help being happy.

"But before I go to eat, I have something to do." Zhou Niannian pointed to the court mysteriously, then turned and walked in.

Wu Xuan looked blank, "Didn't you just come out? Why did you go in again? Editor-in-Chief, wait a minute, I'll follow in and have a look."

She trotted in behind Zhou Niannian, and when she saw Zhou Niannian took out the indictment that she had prepared a long time ago and formally sued the two tabloids that slandered her, her eyes widened.

"You are still amazing, Nian Nian, why didn't I think of suing them." She gave a thumbs up with admiration, "For such people, they should be sued."

Zhou Niannian chuckled, "That's because you have a weak sense of the legal system. If you have time, read more about the legal system."

"Haha, you are advertising for our newspaper, you should ask the editor for money." Wu Xuan patted her with a smile.

When the two came out of the court, Wu Xuan couldn't help but tell Meng Wenbin and Yang Jiarui about Zhou Niannian suing the tabloid.

Meng Wenbin and Yang Jiarui were a little surprised at first, but then they very much agreed with Zhou Niannian's approach.

The four of them found a restaurant nearby, ordered a few dishes and chatted while eating.

"I can imagine that our newspaper sales will reach another level this week." Wu Xuan said excitedly, "We won the lawsuit, and Niannian sued those small newspapers. caused a great commotion."

Yang Jiarui did not refute Wu Xuan this time, "That's right, we don't have to worry about the content of this week's newspaper."

Zhou Niannian thought about it a little more, "We should think about the case of Yaxin in the newspaper. In the final analysis, this matter was caused by labor relations."

"I think it is possible to invite professionals to analyze the current domestic labor-capital relations and suggest further improvement of labor-capital relations laws and regulations to the superiors."

Meng Wenbin couldn't help but patted the table, his expression a little excited, "This idea is good, it's wonderful."

"As expected of a professional who has to study law, the angle and depth of seeing the problem is different from others."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing, this was the first time Meng Wenbin praised her so bluntly in person.

Wu Xuan rolled her eyes, pulled Zhou Niannian and muttered in a low voice: "You don't know, during the two days you were away, Yang Jiarui and I were almost scolded to death by the editor-in-chief."

"For a while, we think that what we write is not professional, and for a while, we think that what we write is not deep."

"You should hurry back to work."

Zhou Niannian smiled softly, "I don't plan to go back to work for the time being, I'll go after the conclusion of my case against the tabloid office."

As soon as the voice fell, there was silence at the dinner table.

Yang Jiarui and Wu Xuan looked at each other without speaking.

Meng Wenbin frowned, and took a deep look at Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian looked at the food on the table indifferently.

She really didn't plan to go to work as soon as possible. At the beginning, because the small newspaper sued her, she said that she had affected the image of the newspaper, and she was directly suspended from her job without a face-to-face notice.

Now that the lawsuit is over, she doesn't want to go back to work without a clear statement.

She, Zhou Niannian, is not an easy persimmon.

"You shouldn't go back like this." Meng Wenbin said slowly, "I understand what you mean."

Yang Jiarui and Wu Xuan also slowly reacted.

"That's right, the editor-in-chief must give an explanation for this matter, otherwise Niannian will not be allowed to go back." Wu Xuan said angrily.

Yang Jiarui glanced at Meng Wenbin thoughtfully, "This depends on what the editor-in-chief does."

Meng Wenbin rolled his eyelids, "Don't test me, kid, I'm not that kind of person."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing.

Meng Wenbin was indeed not the kind of person who would make his subordinates feel wronged.

She didn't go to work. Apart from being unwilling and unconvinced, she had another consideration.

Lu Qingfeng's application to study abroad has been approved, and she wants to spend more time with Lu Qingfeng before he goes abroad.

She still had an idea in her mind, Zhou Niannian cocked her lips, and decided to implement her idea with Lu Qingfeng tomorrow.

At Yao's house, when Xu Guihua returned home, his eyes were swollen from crying.

"Old Yao, you must think of a way. Jianmin is still so young, and if he is sentenced to life imprisonment, Jianmin's life will be finished." She pulled Yao Shijie and cried with snot and tears.

(End of this chapter)

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