Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 464 His Child Is Gone

Chapter 464 His Child Is Gone
Zhou Niannian was taken aback, "Why did she suddenly have a miscarriage? What's going on?"

While she was asking, she quickened her pace, and she and Qi Jiayan had already run out of the compound and walked towards the nearest bus stop.

Liang Ying has no class today, so she agreed early in the morning to go to Zhou Changguo's residence to see Zhou Changguo.

She has been living at home since she was pregnant, and she has always been in good health, so Li Xiangxiu gradually let her go out for some activities.

When Zhou Niannian went out in the morning, she heard Liang Ying say that she was going to Zhou Changguo's residence today.

Qi Jiayan sighed, "I don't know what happened. When my sister-in-law came back, she looked very pale, and then she turned red."

She also happened to have no class today. After Liang Ying saw her popularity, Qi Jiayan concluded that Liang Ying had signs of threatened miscarriage based on the knowledge she had learned.

She and Li Xiangxiu rushed Liang Ying to a nearby hospital.

After examination, the doctor said that the child could not be saved and had to undergo an operation immediately.

"Have you notified elder brother?" Zhou Niannian asked.

"I called my elder brother before you came in, and my elder brother said that he would ask for leave and come back immediately." Qi Jiayan sighed, "When my sister-in-law was pushed into the operating room, her face was all white."

Zhou Niannian felt a little uncomfortable.

When they arrived at the hospital, Liang Ying hadn't come out of the operating room yet, and Li Xiangxiu was waiting anxiously outside alone.

Seeing Zhou Niannian approaching, Li Xiangxiu grabbed her hand, sighed, but did not speak.

After waiting for about half an hour, the door of the operating room finally opened.

Liang Ying was pushed out, still not awake, lying quietly on the hospital bed.

Li Xiangxiu's eyes were a little red, watching Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan send Liang Ying to the ward, she couldn't help wiping away her tears.

"What's the matter? Go out well, and the child will be gone when you come back, and your sister-in-law will also suffer."

Zhou Niannian settled Liang Ying, looked back at Li Xiangxiu sitting there wiping her tears, and stepped forward to persuade her.

"Mom, don't be like this. If you are like this, sister-in-law will feel even more uncomfortable when she wakes up."

Li Xiangxiu nodded, choked up and said, "I know, I know, when your sister-in-law wakes up, I'll go home and make soup for her."

"Women have to take good care of them when they are in confinement, and they can't get rid of the root cause of the disease."

It took Liang Ying more than half an hour to wake up.

She stared blankly at the ceiling above her head, and gradually regained consciousness, subconsciously stroking her stomach with her hands.

The moment she touched her stomach, she remembered what the doctor said, and tears flowed down her cheeks.

Her child is no longer there.

Zhou Niannian held her cold hand, rubbed it lightly, and said softly: "Sister-in-law, if you are sad, you can cry out loud."

Li Xiangxiu glared at Zhou Niannian, and gently wiped away Liang Ying's tears, "Son, don't cry, we can't cry when we are confinement children, it won't be good if we leave the root of the disease in the future."

Liang Ying wiped more and more tears.

Qi Jiayan, who came back from helping Liang Ying get the medicine, came in and saw this scene, she couldn't help standing at the door and her eyes were red.

Li Xiangxiu choked with red eyes and said, "Let's take good care of yourself, you are still young, and you will have children in the future."

Liang Ying closed her eyes, her lips trembled, and she murmured: "There won't be any more."

Zhou Niannian's heart trembled slightly, and she felt that this matter had something to do with her elder brother.

Liang Ying's expression was not only sad about losing a child, but also a kind of sadness that was greater than heart death.

The door of the ward was pushed open vigorously from the outside.

Qi Jiayan turned her head and said to Zhou Changguo's anxious face, "Brother is back."

Zhou Changguo didn't care to say hello to her, and strode to the hospital bed. Seeing Liang Ying's pale face, his pupils shrank sharply.

Liang Ying stared at him blankly for a moment, then gently closed her eyes, "Nian Nian, let him go out, I don't want to see him."

Zhou Niannian looked at Zhou Changguo.

Zhou Changguo pursed his lips, feeling that his throat was very dry, "Liang Ying, child"

"The child is as you wished, it's gone!" Liang Ying narrated, looking at Zhou Changguo with deep sadness and sarcasm in his eyes.

Zhou Changguo's face turned pale, and deep sadness flashed in his eyes, "Liang Ying, listen to me."

"I don't want to hear what you say, I don't want to hear anything." Liang Ying suddenly sat up emotionally, and looked at Zhou Changguo with hatred on her face, "Go out."

Zhou Niannian hugged Liang Ying eagerly, "Sister-in-law, don't get excited, I'll let him out right away."

Li Xiangxiu also reacted, and eagerly pushed Zhou Changguo, "You bastard, why did you make your wife angry? Hurry up and get out!"

Zhou Changguo and Li Xiangxiu pushed and pounded, but his body did not move at all.

Liang Ying turned her head away, closed her eyes, and the tears in the corners of her eyes slowly flowed down.

When Zhou Changguo saw it, his body shook, and a look of pity flashed in his eyes.

Zhou Niannian went over to give him a hand, and said in a low voice, "Sister-in-law is emotional now, don't provoke her."

"Come out with me."

Zhou Changguo clasped his hands tightly, followed Zhou Niannian out with his head down.

After walking to the end of the corridor, Zhou Niannian let go of Zhou Changguo.

Zhou Changguo punched the wall angrily, and faint blood flowed from his fingers.

Zhou Niannian leaned against the wall, watched him finish venting, then slowly slid down against the wall, and squatted down on the ground.

"Didn't sister-in-law look for you? Did you quarrel?"

Zhou Changguo's hands trembled, and it took a long time before he said hoarsely: "When she went, she happened to see Huang Yujuan hugging me."

Zhou Niannian stood up straight and looked at Zhou Changguo in disbelief, "Are you still in contact with that Huang Yujuan?"

"Brother, don't you see what kind of person she is?"

"Are you a fool for hurting your wife and children for such a volatile person?"

"I didn't!" Zhou Changguo roared while holding his head, his voice full of pain and self-blame.

Zhou Niannian frowned and looked at him.

After waiting for a while, I heard Zhou Changguo's low voice, "After I returned to the capital, I accidentally met Huang Yujuan on the street again. She knew that I was returning to Beijing."

"Then it was the day of the wedding banquet, and it was the second meeting."

"Today she suddenly went to look for me at the station, and when she saw me, she cried and said that she was not happy at all in Yao's house, and her mother-in-law often scolded her."

When Zhou Changguo said this, he shook hands irritably.

Huang Yujuan cried and cried and suddenly threw herself into her arms and hugged him.

He was startled, and subconsciously wanted to push her away, but when he heard an exclamation, he looked up and met Liang Ying's unbelievable eyes.

When he pushed Huang Yujuan away, Liang Ying turned around and ran away.

He didn't even have time to explain. By the time he chased him out, Liang Ying had already run away.

He thought about explaining to Liang Ying when he went back to the dormitory at night, but when he got back to the dormitory, he received a call from Li Xiangxiu, saying that Liang Ying was popular...

He hurried back all the way in panic, but his child was gone.
Zhou Changguo closed his eyes in annoyance, if he didn't see Huang Yujuan, all this would not have happened.

It's all his fault!

(End of this chapter)

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