Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 465 Because I Love Her

Chapter 465 Because I Love Her

Seeing Zhou Changguo like this, Zhou Niannian knew that he also felt uncomfortable.

She sighed, took out her handkerchief, and dried the blood on his hands.

"My sister-in-law is the saddest when the child is gone. She is emotional now, so don't provoke her."

"When her mood gradually stabilizes, you can explain to her carefully."

Speaking of this, Zhou Niannian remembered that Liang Ying had asked her about Huang Yujuan.

She pursed her lips and said in a low voice: "Brother, actually sister-in-law...she cares about you very much."

"On the day of the make-up wedding banquet, when she saw Huang Yujuan, she had a strange expression."

"I think in my sister-in-law's heart, she should be very disturbed. Brother, it's your dereliction of duty that sister-in-law doesn't feel safe."

Zhou Changguo hung his head and murmured after a long while: "I know."

Lu Qingfeng thought about coaxing Zhou Niannian after returning home, but he knocked on the door of Zhou's house for a long time, but no one answered.

Apparently no one was home.

He frowned and went home, and asked Yang Shutong if he knew where the Zhou family had gone.

Yang Shutong replied: "It seems that Chang Guo's daughter-in-law is not feeling well, so she followed her to the hospital."

Lu Qingfeng guessed that Zhou Niannian should have gone to the hospital too, hesitated for a while, and decided to go to the hospital.

It would be bad if the little girl kept getting angry with him.

He reached into his pocket, found the household registration book, took out the household registration book and shook it at Yang Shutong.

"Mom, I have brought back the household registration book at home."

Yang Shutong, who was sitting on the sofa reading a book, turned her head, her presbyopic glasses drooped a little, revealing her sly eyes.

She winked at her son treacherously, "Didn't I show the household registration book to Nian? What's the matter? You two didn't go to register?"

Lu Qingfeng raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Do you know that Niannian wants you to register in order to register?"

Yang Shutong chuckled, "Who am I, your mother, that Nian Nian's tricks have deceived me?"

She put down her book, took off her glasses, and looked at Lu Qingfeng strangely, "You really haven't registered?"

Lu Qingfeng pursed his lips and shook his head sullenly.

"Why?" Yang Shutong was puzzled.

Lu Qingfeng sighed, "I also want to register with her, but then?"

"I went abroad not long after the registration, leaving her alone in the country with an empty room? What if I do something abroad?"

Yang Shu slapped him on the head together, "Ah bah bah, good spirits, bad ones don't work."

Lu Qingfeng looked at his mother helplessly, "Mom, I'm serious, I'm not afraid of ten thousand but just in case, I mean in case."

"What if something happens to me, what should Nian Nian do?"

"And I still don't have enough ability to give her a good life. I will finish my studies abroad as soon as possible and start my own business after returning home."

"At that time, I will marry her again and give her a happy and stable life."

"If something happens to me, Nian Nian is not married yet, and she can find another good man to take care of her for the rest of her life."

Yang Shutong pouted, "Are you willing? How come I don't know when my son became so great?"

Lu Qingfeng pursed his lips, "Of course I don't want to, so I will take good care of myself and come back safely as soon as possible."

"But Mom, because I love her so much that I love her madly, so I have to think a little more about her."

Yang Shutong shrugged, a little unbearable, "You should tell Nian Nian, tell your mother, it really makes me feel bad."

Lu Qingfeng was a little depressed.

"Before I said anything, she got angry and left."

Yang Shutong gloated and sat back on the sofa, "You deserve it! Who made you think so much?"

"If I read Nian Nian, I will be angry too. The girl wants to entrust herself to you with affection, but you are better off not wanting it."

"Do you know how big a blow you are to people?"

Lu Qingfeng smiled wryly.

After Yang Shutong finished having fun, she couldn't help but said seriously: "Son, although what you said just now made me, a mother, feel very sour, but I still have to say, your decision is very manly."

"Well, as expected of mother's son, enough man."

Lu Qingfeng glanced at her helplessly, "Did you want to praise yourself for so long?"

Yang Shutong nodded sincerely, "That's a good guess."

Lu Qingfeng stared at the sky speechlessly.

"However, you still have to explain this matter to Nian Nian, so that she can understand your thoughts." Comrade Yang Shu said.

Lu Qingfeng nodded, got up and stood up, "I'm going to the hospital."

Li Xiangxiu went home to make soup, and Qi Jiayan had class in the afternoon, so they went back together.

Zhou Niannian stayed with Liang Ying in the ward.

Zhou Changguo has been squatting in the corridor dejectedly.

This is what Lu Qingfeng saw when he came over.

"Brother, sister-in-law." He frowned, didn't he mean that Liang Ying was not feeling well?Why does Zhou Changguo look like the sky is falling?
Zhou Changguo's body trembled, and he murmured: "The child... fell!"

Lu Qingfeng was startled, he wanted to ask something, but seeing Zhou Changguo's appearance, he swallowed the words again.

He patted Zhou Changguo's shoulder lightly, "Brother, you have to be strong, sister-in-law still needs you to take care of her."

Zhou Changguo's hands trembled, and hesitation flashed in his eyes.

Liang Ying must hate him very much now, right?
Can he still take care of Liang Ying?

Lu Qingfeng walked to the door and poked his probe inside.

Liang Ying lay quietly on the bed and fell asleep. Zhou Niannian sat on the head of the bed, and when she heard the movement, she turned her head and met Lu Qingfeng's eyes.

She frowned, got up and walked out.

"Why are you here?" She gently closed the door.

Lu Qingfeng pointed to the room, "Is sister-in-law okay?"

Zhou Niannian shook her head, "She was very sad and just fell asleep."

Not to mention Liang Ying, even she was very sad. The child in Liang Ying's womb was the child that the whole Zhou family was looking forward to, and it was the first child of the Zhou family's grandchildren.

As a result, the child died in less than three months.

Zhou Niannian sighed silently.

Seeing her sad expression, Lu Qingfeng reached out and shook her hand, "You take care of sister-in-law first, and we'll talk about our affairs later."

Only then did Zhou Niannian realize that she was originally angry with him, and when something happened to Liang Ying, she actually forgot about it.

Probably because she is not a little girl in her heart, so she is more rational and calm.

But she didn't want Lu Qingfeng to see that she wasn't angry so easily, Zhou Niannian slandered inwardly, and pulled out her hand.

"Well, you go back first, I will take care of my sister-in-law in the hospital for a few days."

Lu Qingfeng took a deep look at her, and when Zhou Niannian entered the ward, he patted Zhou Changguo on the shoulder before turning around and leaving.

Li Xiangxiu came back with the meal, saw her son squatting in the corridor, and gave him an annoyed look, "I don't have your meal, go out and find something to eat, don't die here."

She is still heartbroken after losing her eldest grandson.

Zhou Changguo pursed his lips, but did not move.

 The second one is at night!

(End of this chapter)

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