Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 469 Useful Chess Pieces

Chapter 469 Useful Chess Pieces

Bai Yongsheng jumped out of the window, turned into the back kitchen, and entered a room in the back kitchen. When he came out after a while, he had already changed into an ordinary delivery worker's uniform.

He quietly left from the back door of the hotel, turned around a few alleys, and turned into a quiet house.

The owner of the house was planting flowers and plants in the yard. Seeing him, his neatly trimmed short beard was slightly raised, "Is the matter over?"

Bai Yongsheng hummed lightly, stepped forward to take the scissors for trimming flowers and plants from the man's hand, and put them aside.

The man picked up the kettle next to him, looked at the trimmed flowers and plants with satisfaction, and began to water it.

"Are you so sure that she will cooperate with you to deal with Zhou Niannian?" the man asked casually.

Bai Yongsheng smiled, "Boss, she was raised by my Bai family after all. I know her character. She is vain and jealous. She won't allow Zhou Niannian to be stronger than herself."

"Oh?" The man raised his eyebrows, "But now that she is married into the Chen family, she can't see Zhou Niannian on weekdays, and seriously, the Chen family has a higher status, so she doesn't have to deal with Zhou Niannian anymore, right?"

Seeing him staring at a thick crabapple branch, Bai Yongsheng hastily handed over the scissors.

"That's because you don't understand her character. I understand Bai Yuqing's character. Even though she just married into the Chen family, she feels proud and doesn't want to deal with Zhou Niannian."

"The couple in the Chen family are also people whose eyes are higher than the top. As long as she has a little bit of unsatisfactory life in the Chen family, and compares Zhou Niannian's life, she will feel jealous."

"Boss, don't underestimate a woman's jealousy. She will take any chance."

The man did not speak, still staring at the crabapple branch in front of him.

After a long time, he stretched out his scissors and cut off the branch neatly.

"Look at this branch. There are many thick branches. If you wait until the flowering season, there should be a lot of flowers. It's a pity that it grew in the wrong place and affected the beauty of the whole crabapple tree, so it's better to get rid of it quickly. .”

Bai Yongsheng bent slightly, not daring to answer.

The man dropped the scissors, picked up a towel to wipe his hands, and walked slowly into the house.

Bai Yongsheng glanced at the branches that were discarded on the ground. In the cold spring, he also felt a faint chill on his back.

Seeing the man enter the door, he hurriedly followed behind him.

"I understand what the boss means. Didn't you say that Zhou Niannian has involved many people before, and you don't want to make a big move to touch her?"

"That's why I thought of using Bai Yuqing."

The man sat on the lounge chair in the living room, took a sip of tea, sighed softly, and said, "My elder brother went to see Jianmin today, and he was in a bad mood after he came back."

No wonder, Bai Yongsheng knew it in his heart.

The matter of Yao Jianmin was finally tried by Zhou Niannian because of Zhou Niannian's insistence. It can be said that more than half of the reasons for Yao Jianmin's imprisonment can be attributed to Zhou Niannian.

When the boss just came back, Yao Shijie asked the boss to deal with Zhou Niannian.

After weighing the pros and cons, the boss didn't want to go to great lengths to deal with Zhou Niannian. He thought of Bai Yuqing, so he volunteered to take over the matter.

Probably Yao Shijie was in a bad mood after seeing Yao Jianmin today, so he went to the boss to complain, and that's why the boss urgently wanted to deal with Zhou Niannian.

"I will follow up on this matter. Boss, don't be impatient." Bai Yongsheng bent over, "If Bai Yuqing doesn't do it, I will do it myself. In short, the boss will not be implicated."

The man rubbed his teacup, nodded slowly, and murmured: "I didn't expect that your accidental action many years ago would actually plant a useful pawn for today. Not bad, not bad!"

Bai Yongsheng laughed.

Back then, he had just made his mark under the boss and took over the business in a small area. One day, his subordinates brought back a child who they said was picked up on the street.

He saw that the child was as white and lovely as a dough ball, and remembered that his brother and sister-in-law had never given birth, so he moved his mind, and instead of putting the child on the list to be shipped, he took her home.

Afterwards, the boss found out about it, and only criticized a few words, but did not blame him heavily.

That child was Bai Yuqing.

No one thought that 20 years later, Bai Yuqing would be a useful pawn to them.

The man drank the tea in his mouth and thought for a while, "Now that you are wanted by the Bureau of Investigation, it is not appropriate to take care of your current business. You should hand it over to Achang."

"Boss, I..." Bai Yongsheng's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly stepped forward.

He is now recognized as the second-in-command in the entire organization, and Achang is still an apprentice brought out by him.

Asking him to hand over the power to Achang, wouldn't it mean that Achang will be the second in command in the future?

Bai Yongsheng's face turned pale.

The man chuckled, "Why are you in a hurry? I just want you to temporarily avoid the power of the police. You go to manage the commercial area in the west of the city."

As he spoke, he stood up, walked up to Bai Yongsheng, and patted him on the shoulder.

"The commercial district in the west of the city has just begun to be built, and it will be our business focus in the future. Now the rumors outside are getting tighter and tighter. We must have more bright businesses. Do you understand what I mean? Yongsheng?"

Bai Yongsheng pursed his lips, nodded, and did not speak.

The man sneered at this point, "Besides, there are people who will come forward for the obvious things there. I don't need you. I believe that the people in the investigation bureau never thought that you would be dangling under their noses."

"Handing over the west of the city to you is my trust in you, Yongsheng, I hope you will not let me down."

Bai Yongsheng nodded, "Don't worry, boss, I will work hard."

The man hummed and waved his hands, "Go to Achang to arrange work."

Bai Yongsheng retreated from the room, and when he went out, his brows were wrinkled, and his face was a little ugly.

Whoever hands over the power he has acquired will probably feel uncomfortable.

Bai Yuqing married out from the Zhou family, and Li Xiangxiu suffered for two days. When she returned home, she saw Chen Shangde's special care and consideration for Bai Yuqing, and she gradually felt better.

Liang Ying moved back to the school the day after Bai Yuqing got married, and didn't come back on weekends, and neither did Zhou Changguo.

Zhou Niannian's case against the two tabloid newspapers was officially opened for trial. The evidence was solid. The two tabloid newspapers publicly apologized to Zhou Niannian in the newspapers and compensated Zhou Niannian.

The Kyoto newspaper also published an article praising Zhou Niannian, and asked Meng Wenbin to ask Zhou Niannian to come back to work.

Wu Xuan also followed, and she pulled Zhou Niannian with a smile and said, "You don't know, we can now be proud of the rule of law moment."

"You have rested at home long enough, can you go to work?"

Zhou Niannian didn't refuse this time, she packed her things and went to work the next day.

Yang Jiarui was very happy when he saw her, "You can be regarded as coming back, if you don't come back, our writing head will bulge."

Meng Wenbin snorted and glanced at Yang Jiarui, "I didn't see that you were really protruding."

(End of this chapter)

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