Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 470 It's Just a Kiss

Chapter 470 It's Just a Kiss
Zhou Niannian chuckled, Meng Wenbin's speech was still so choking.

Meng Wenbin turned his head and glanced at her, "Familiarize yourself with the work content as soon as possible, and the final version will be handed in in two days."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and left, and before leaving, she took a pleasant look at Ah Liang who was on Zhou Niannian's table.

Zhou Niannian agreed with a smile.

As soon as Meng Wenbin left, Wu Xuan hugged Zhou Niannian's shoulder exaggeratedly, "Lao Meng is still so boring, he keeps a straight face every day, how boring."

Zhou Niannian glanced at her, "Actually, Lao Meng is quite a nice person."

Looking at Meng Wenbin's insistence on the Zhao Yaxin incident and his protection of the three subordinates, he knew that Lao Meng was a good person.

Wu Xuan leaned on Zhou Niannian's shoulder, pouted for a while, then nodded, "That's right. Now that you put it that way, I don't think Lao Meng is that annoying."

"Oh, let's not talk about him. I haven't seen Ah Liang for many days. I will play with Ah Liang for a while."

Wu Xuan smiled and slipped Ah Liang out, put her on her desk, and looked at Ah Liang with her hands on her chin.

"Ah Liang, I haven't seen you for a long time, do you miss me?"

Ah Liang jumped on the table twice, "I didn't miss you."

Although Wu Xuan couldn't understand what Ah Liang said, but seeing Ah Liang's arrogant expression, she couldn't help being even happier, "I miss you so much."

Zhou Niannian watched the chattering interaction between Wu Xuan and Ah Liang with a smile on her face, but when she turned her head, she saw Yang Jiarui staring at Wu Xuan ecstatically.

She blinked, feeling a little curious.

If Yang Jiarui had seen Wu Xuan's childish behavior before, he would definitely have said something sarcastic.

Today, he was a little abnormal. Not only did he not laugh at her, but he was fascinated by her.

Zhou Niannian stroked her chin and looked at Yang Jiarui's expression, beating the small gongs and drums of gossip in her heart.

Yang Jiarui did not notice her gaze.

After a long while, Zhou Niannian coughed dryly twice on purpose, Yang Jiarui finally came back to his senses, and turned his head to meet Zhou Niannian's thoughtful eyes.

"You guys." Zhou Niannian pointed at Wu Xuan.

"We don't have anything!" Yang Jiarui quickly interrupted her, looking a little embarrassed.

Wu Xuan who was opposite looked up at him, curled her lips, lowered her head and continued to tease Ah Liang.

Zhou Niannian became even more curious.

"Then let's talk about work." Yang Jiarui changed the subject with an unnatural expression, "Didn't the editor-in-chief tell you to get familiar with the work just now?"

Zhou Niannian sized him up, suppressed the little gossip in his heart, and nodded, "Okay, let's talk about work. I saw that you made a special topic on domestic violence last week, and the response was pretty good. What are you going to do this week?"

Yang Jiarui handed over his notebook, "The theme of domestic violence is coming to an end, so I just need to write two cases this week."

"A new notice came down the day before yesterday, let us check this."

He turned the notebook to the latest page and pointed to the content recorded on it.

It says to transform the lives of prostitutes, and I can't help but raise my eyebrows, "Isn't it? How can we let a newspaper column do this?"

Wu Xuan, who was lying on the other side of the table, raised her head when she heard the words, "I'm also puzzled. The editor-in-chief said that since it's a secret prostitute, it means that it doesn't know where it is, so it's not easy for the investigation bureau to come forward, saying that we should follow up and investigate first. report it."

Yang Jiarui nodded, "Yes, the Investigation Bureau will be involved in the following matters."

Zhou Niannian understood what they meant.

"That is to say, there is no locked area, let alone a specific target, let's find a needle in a haystack first."

Wu Xuan gave a thumbs up, "Yes, that's what it means."

"Then do you have any ideas? Did you start taking action yesterday?" Zhou Niannian asked.

Yang Jiarui and Wu Xuan looked at each other, and quickly looked away.

Wu Xuan: "Yes!"

Yang Jiarui: "No!"

They spoke at the same time, but the content of what they said was different. The two eyes met together in embarrassment, and they opened their mouths again by coincidence.

Wu Xuan: "No!"

Yang Jiarui: "Yes!"

Zhou Niannian raised his eyebrows, and glanced at the two with a half-smile, "Why don't you two agree on the answer first?"

Yang Jiarui pursed his lips and did not speak.

Zhou Niannian looked at Wu Xuan.

Wu Xuan shrugged, "To put it simply, we went around the west of the city yesterday morning and found nothing special, but my female intuition tells me that there must be something like that in the west of the city."

"That's it?" Zhou Niannian looked suspiciously at Yang Jiarui, sensitively noticed that Yang Jiarui's face seemed to be red, and he lowered his head as if he didn't want to make any eye contact with Wu Xuan.

Wu Xuan nodded, "That's it, so I think we still have to focus on the west of the city."

"So what happened to you in the west of the city that gave you a woman's intuition?" Zhou Niannian asked her with a smile while holding her chin.

Wu Xuan rolled her eyes, and poked Ah Liang's feathers with her hand, "I didn't meet anything, I just met a few women who were dressed in gaudy ways, and I felt very indecent."

Zhou Niannian snorted, but didn't press on.

Yang Jiarui next to him breathed a sigh of relief, "There are still two days to submit the content of this issue. There is no clue about this matter so far. I guess this issue of the newspaper will not be able to report it."

There are only two days, and it is indeed too late.

"Let's think of something else. Anyway, the higher up didn't ask us to report this matter right away." Wu Xuan curled her lips.

Yang Jiarui did not refute her.

Zhou Niannian glanced at the two of them thoughtfully, but did not speak.

After lunch, she took Wu Xuan's arm and wandered around the yard behind the newspaper office.

The yard of the newspaper office is not too big, but there is a rockery in the middle, with flowing water flowing down the hill.

The afternoon sun was shining warmly, and the two girls leaned against the rockery to talk.

"To be honest, what did you do to Comrade Yang Jiarui? There is something weird between you two."

Zhou Niannian teased Wu Xuan, and asked with a smile, "Don't tell me that nothing happened, I don't believe it."

Wu Xuan leaned against the rockery, squinted her eyes comfortably, and said lazily: "Oh, it's nothing, it's just that two gorgeous women approached him, and I gave him a kiss for the purpose of helping him."

When she said this, thinking of the scene at that time, she couldn't help but half covered her mouth and smiled.

"How did I know that this guy is such an innocent guy, it's just a kiss, and he actually said that he would be responsible for me."

When Wu Xuan said this, she couldn't help laughing until she burst into tears.

She bumped Zhou Niannian with her arm, "Niannian, you said it was funny or not, I kissed him on my own initiative, and he actually said he would be responsible for me, haha, I'm dying of laughter."

Zhou Niannian made up the scene at that time, the young and bewildered Yang Jiarui, and the charming Wu Xuan.
Her lips couldn't help but curl up.

"Do you think this is so funny?" A cold voice suddenly came from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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