Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 471 I'm relieved

Chapter 471 I'm relieved

Wu Xuan froze, and rolled her eyes towards the sky, "It can't be such a coincidence, can it?"

Zhou Niannian turned around and met Yang Jiarui's cold and angry eyes, feeling a little embarrassed.

Originally, she just wanted to ask Wu Xuan what happened and didn't intend to hurt anyone, but Yang Jiarui overheard it.

It was so, so embarrassing.

Zhou Niannian winked at Wu Xuan, signaling to leave first.

She was afraid that if she was there, Yang Jiarui would be even more embarrassed.

Wu Xuan took a pitiful look at Zhou Niannian who was leaving, her head drooped, woo, she really wanted to leave too.

After thinking about it, she didn't do anything, why is she so guilty?

Wu Xuan raised her head confidently and looked at Yang Jiarui.

Yang Jiarui's eyes were full of anger, "In your eyes, is that just a kiss? If it was someone else who was entangled at that time, you would have kissed him without hesitation, right?"

Wu Xuan thought about it seriously, "It should be."

Yang Jiarui's face turned darker, and he looked at Wu Xuan with complicated eyes: "Wu Xuan, I didn't expect you to be such a casual person."

Wu Xuan also pulled her face down, "Hey, Yang Jiarui, tell me clearly, who is a casual person?"

Seeing Yang Jiarui turning around to leave, she angrily stepped forward and grabbed Yang Jiarui's arm, "Please explain clearly to me, who is it?"

Yang Jiarui stared coldly at her hand grabbing his arm, and shook it away in disgust, "You, a woman, can kiss whoever you want, not just anything?"

"I..." Wu Xuan was so angry that she pinched her waist and rolled her eyes towards the sky, "Speaking of it, it's still this matter, is this matter going to make it through or what?"

She stretched out her slender fingers and poked Yang Jiarui's shoulder, "Yang Jiarui, let me tell you again, it's nothing. I saw you were at a loss, so I just helped you."

"It's fine if you don't thank me, but you are still inexplicably angry with me. It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin. I don't know how to be kind."

Yang Jiarui clasped his hands, pursed his lips tightly, and then snorted coldly, "I'm sorry I can't appreciate your kindness, I'm going back to work, don't talk to me if you have nothing to do in the future."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and strode away, even his back had a feeling of keeping strangers away.

"Crazy!" Wu Xuan pouted at his back.

The sound of Yang Jiarui entering and slamming the door was a little loud, Zhou Niannian was shocked, and turned to see him coming in with a sullen face.

Meng Wenbin frowned and glanced at him, "Did you take the wrong medicine?"

Yang Jiarui's face became even darker, he pulled away the chair and sat down in silence, picked up the materials he had arranged on the table and looked at them.

Zhou Niannian glanced at the materials he had taken down, and kindly decided not to remind him.

After a while, Wu Xuan opened the door and came in.

Yang Jiarui's body froze subconsciously, and veins appeared in the hand holding the material.

Zhou Niannian saw it in his eyes and knew it in his heart. It seemed that the two people's talk was not ideal.

Sure enough, Yang Jiarui and Wu Xuan didn't say a word all afternoon.

When getting off work, Wu Xuan deliberately left for a while, and after Yang Jiarui and Meng Wenbin left, she dragged Zhou Niannian to complain.

"Do you think there is something wrong with Yang Jiarui? It's just a kiss, it's worth his trouble."

Wu Xuan crossed her hips angrily, "Do you know what he said about me? He said I'm casual, ha, casual, hmph, in foreign countries, strangers meet and kiss face to face, what is that?"

"Am I going to marry him because of my random move?"

Zhou Niannian looked at her and smiled, "Isn't it good to marry him? When you first came here, didn't you like teasing him? You also said he was handsome."

Wu Xuan curled her lips, "I guess I was blind then."

Zhou Niannian chuckled, and after laughing, she patted Wu Xuan's hand, "To be honest, foreign cultures are very different from domestic cultures. In your opinion, that's nothing."

"But in the eyes of domestic people, people will think you are a little frivolous, which is why Yang Jiarui wants to be responsible for you."

"So don't be angry with him, he is also out of the idea of ​​being responsible for you."

Wu Xuan shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, "I don't understand, is he sacrificing his whole life just to be responsible? What if he meets the woman he really loves in the future?"

"Divorce me? Then remarry?"

"Isn't this very casual?"

Zhou Niannian was silent.

Wu Xuan grew up abroad, and she is very open about the relationship between men and women and many things.

But Yang Jiarui is not. The difference in the cultural baptism of the two people caused the two people to disagree on this matter.

No one is right or wrong, it's just that the two sides have different perceptions.

"How do you know he won't fall in love with you?" Zhou Niannian asked with a smile in his heart suddenly.

Wu Xuan opened her mouth, suddenly she didn't know what to say, and after a while she murmured, "It's better not to use this kind of chance event."

After dinner in the evening, Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng took a walk in the courtyard.

She told Lu Qingfeng about Yang Jiarui and Wu Xuan, and couldn't help but sigh after she finished speaking: "Actually, Yang Jiarui is upright and tough, while Wu Xuan is lively and outgoing, and the two seem to be a good match."

Lu Qingfeng took her arm and nodded in agreement: "I agree, I'm relieved after hearing what you said about it."

"What are you worried about?" Zhou Niannian turned around in confusion.

The soft moonlight shone into Lu Qingfeng's eyes, his eyes were deep and bright, with a slight smile.

"After I went abroad, Yang Jiarui didn't threaten me anymore." He smiled lowly.

Zhou Niannian rolled her eyes, understood what he meant, and couldn't help giving him a light thump, "Why do you still care about this?"

When she was going to the countryside in Zezhou, Lu Qingfeng always felt that Yang Jiarui was interested in her, so he was always somewhat hostile towards Yang Jiarui.

"Why do you say that Yang Jiarui is no longer a threat to you?"

Lu Qingfeng chuckled, "You don't understand men. When a man takes the initiative to be responsible for a woman, besides the responsibility, there must be emotions in his heart that he himself is not aware of."

"If Wu Xuan rejected him without such emotion, he should be relieved instead of being angry."

Zhou Niannian's eyes lit up, "You mean Yang Jiarui has a possibility for Wu Xuan."

Lu Qingfeng nodded, with a smile in his eyes, "So, I can rest assured."

Zhou Niannian leaned in his arms, looked up at the moon in the sky, and snorted, "Then I can't make you feel at ease, let me think about it, there are still handsome handsome gay men in our newspaper office, um... "

The arm around her shoulders moved to her neck suddenly, and there was an unhappy low hum from behind, "What did you say?"

Zhou Niannian turned her head and looked at him with a smile like a flower, "I can't make you feel at ease, I want you to miss me and think of me all the time when you are abroad, so that you will come back soon."

Lu Qingfeng's eyes were all over, he couldn't help hugging her tightly, and murmured: "Yeah, how can I rest assured."

"You can cause trouble so much, how can I rest assured!"

Under the moonlight, Zhou Niannian's displeased growl sounded: "Lu Qingfeng!"

 The second update is around [-]:[-] in the afternoon. I will be busy recently, so I can only do two updates a day. I'm sorry, cuties. When I finish this period of work, I will strive for more updates next month.

(End of this chapter)

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