Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 475 I want to let myself go

Chapter 475 I want to let myself go
Zhou Changguo asked the two questions in a hurry just now, but Liang Ying didn't expect Liang Ying to get into a corner.

He hugged Liang Ying in a panic, "No, it's not your fault, it's all my fault. It's my fault. When I first saw Huang Yujuan, I should have told her righteously: I have no relationship with her." It doesn't matter."

"Liang Ying, it's my fault, you hit me, you hit me, okay?"

Zhou Changguo grabbed Liang Ying's hand and slapped him hard on the face.

Liang Ying could only cry, and patted his face softly, Zhou Changguo couldn't help crying from the corners of his eyes, and hugged Liang Ying into his arms fiercely.

Since the child was gone, it was the first time for the couple to vent their emotions happily.

Neither of the two cared about the strangeness of passers-by, they hugged each other and cried loudly on the street, mourning the short-lived child together.

It took a long time for Liang Ying's mood to gradually stabilize.

Realizing that she was crying into tears in Zhou Changguo's arms, Liang Ying pushed him away with an unnatural expression and stood up.

Because of squatting on the ground and crying for too long, she stood up suddenly, but found that her eyes were darkened, and her body staggered.

Zhou Changguo pulled her into his arms nervously, "Are you okay?"

Liang Ying pursed her lips, stood up straight, and shook her head.

After crying a lot, her mood calmed down a lot, and her expression also calmed down, "Let's go through the divorce formalities in the afternoon."

Zhou Changguo's expression changed, "Liang Ying, do we have to go that far?"

Liang Ying raised her head and looked at Zhou Changguo calmly.

"You are right, Zhou Changguo. I am also responsible for losing my child. I used to love you too much. I live in the entanglement of whether you love me or not every day."

When she said this, she couldn't help a wry smile from the corner of her mouth, "Thinking about the past year or so, I don't feel like I'm living like my original self."

"I struggled with whether a man loved me or not, and I wanted him to fall in love with me in a humble way. This made me extremely unconfident, emotionally unstable, and eventually led to the loss of my child."

She closed her eyes, as if shaking off the emotions in her heart, and then slowly opened her eyes after a while, only peace remained in her eyes.

"Now I understand, Zhou Changguo, loving someone is too tiring, I want to let go of myself, and want to live back to my original self."

"So, let's get a divorce."

Zhou Changguo looked at Liang Ying with a calm expression in front of him, but what flashed through his mind was all kinds of things with Liang Ying in the past.

Liang Ying's enthusiasm and cheerfulness, Liang Ying and his tacit understanding, the life of the two in the new city, and the life in the capital for more than a year
All kinds of scenes flooded into my mind, and Liang Ying's indifferent expression was indeed in front of me.

Zhou Changguo felt a surge of panic from the bottom of his heart, a panic he had never experienced before.

This kind of panic was like a hand suddenly grabbing his heart, making him unable to say a word that made him uncomfortable.

After Liang Ying finished speaking, seeing Zhou Changguo holding tightly to the front of his clothes with one hand, panting violently with a pale face, she couldn't help but frowned, "Zhou Changguo, are you alright?"

Zhou Changguo took a few breaths of fresh air before he felt better.

"Liang Ying, I will not divorce you."

Liang Ying's face changed, "Why?"

Zhou Changguo held back for a long time, and then he said: "Anyway, we can't divorce. Our (Bing) regiment has regulations, and we can't divorce."

After that, as if someone was chasing after him, he turned around and strode away.

Liang Ying opened his mouth, but he didn't call out to stop him after all.

She is also a person who has been in the Corps. After thinking about it carefully, it seems that the Corps does have such regulations.

Liang Ying's expression suddenly became complicated.

Zhou Hongshan once again exerted his power of persuasion and education, and locked Zhou Niannian and Bai Yuqing in the study for a whole afternoon.

It was not until Zhou Changan and Qi Jiayan came back at night that Zhou Hongshan released her and Bai Yuqing from the study.

Chen Shangde had come to pick up Bai Yuqing a long time ago, and when he saw her come out, he quickly proposed to go back to Chen's house.

Zhou Changan, who had just entered the door, couldn't bear it anymore, and excitedly announced that Qi Jiayan was pregnant for more than a month.

They couldn't bear it anymore and went to the hospital for an examination this afternoon.

Excited Zhou Changan announced the matter with pride as soon as he got home.

Both Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu were overjoyed, and finally there was a smile on their faces that had been suppressed for a long time.

Zhou Niannian was also really happy for Qi Jiayan and her second brother, and pulled Qi Jiayan to ask about her current physical condition.

Qi Jiayan couldn't hide the smile on her face, "It's only been over a month, and the doctor said I'm in good health, so I don't have any reaction now."

Zhou Niannian felt relieved after hearing this.

Qi Jiayan and her second brother Zhou Chang'an have a very good relationship, and I think this child will be successful.

Li Xiangxiu was worried.

Because of Liang Ying's miscarriage incident, Li Xiangxiu pulled Qi Jiayan and Zhou Changan, and repeatedly told them to take care of themselves, so much that Zhou Changan raised his hand and vowed to hug Qi Jiayan every time he went in and out.

Bai Yuqing was about to leave the Zhou family, but after hearing Zhou Changan's announcement, she smiled stiffly.

If she hadn't kindly reminded Qi Jiayan, Zhou Changan might not have known the good news that he was going to be a father today.

Now the Zhou family happily forgot that she had been trained all afternoon.

Bai Yuqing was in a very upset mood, and she didn't even stay with Li Xiangxiu to keep her for dinner, so she dragged Chen Shangde away from Zhou's house.

Lu Qingfeng came to Zhou's house after dinner, and as usual was dragged by Zhou Changan to show off.

To be exact, the corners of Zhou Chang'an's mouth did not come down all night.

After Lu Qingfeng was shown off by him, he had time to talk to Zhou Niannian alone.

"Are you okay? Did Uncle Zhou scold you?" He asked Zhou Niannian worriedly.

Zhou Niannian smiled and pulled him to sit down, "You don't understand my dad's personality yet, he's just preaching, I'll just listen."

Besides, she didn't do anything too outrageous today.

The focus of Zhou Hongshan's education was on Bai Yuqing, and he spent most of the afternoon talking about Bai Yuqing.

Thinking of Bai Yuqing leaving Zhou's house with a look of shame in the end, Zhou Niannian felt that she would not return to Zhou's house in a short time.

Lu Qingfeng took her into his arms, and when he saw the smile on her face, he knew that she had nothing to lose.

He lowered his head and pecked the smile on her lips, "When I'm not by your side, be careful Bai Yuqing, and ah, you must be careful when you go out for interviews, and you can't rush ahead of everything."

His words immediately aroused Zhou Niannian's intention of parting, and the smile between his brows and eyes disappeared.

"You are so worried about me, why don't you stay and watch me?" She hooked Lu Qingfeng's neck with a smile.

Lu Qingfeng's eyes deepened, he pressed her forehead, looked at her deeply, and murmured: "I really want to stay and watch you! I'm afraid you will cause trouble, I'm afraid you won't take good care of yourself, I'm afraid of you"

Zhou Niannian chuckled, raised her head to block his words, and the breaths of the two gradually intertwined.

The night wind blows the curtains, and the breath of spring blows in.

 This chapter was blocked when it was posted in the morning, so I re-edited it and posted it again.

(End of this chapter)

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