Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 476 Wait for me

Chapter 476 Wait for me to come back
Bai Yuqing followed Chen Shangde back to Chen's house angrily.

When she came back late today, Mother Chen had to prepare dinner by herself. When she saw the two of them coming back, she put the bowl in her hand on the table with a bang.

"Hey, it's a good time to pinch at this time. The meal is served and the people are back."

Bai Yuqing frowned, suppressed the anger in her heart, cast a wronged look at Father Chen, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, Mom, it's my fault. I should come back to cook earlier."

Chen Shangde looked at his mother disapprovingly, "Mom, something happened at my father-in-law's house today. We delayed for a while and came back a bit late, and it wasn't on purpose."

When Mother Chen saw her son defending Bai Yuqing, she immediately became even more unhappy.

"It's as if I don't have a natal family. I have been married to your father for so many years. Even if I go back to my natal family, I haven't delayed anything at home."

"Okay, you're nagging all day long, don't worry about it." Chen's father glared at Chen's mother, and waved to Chen Shangde and Bai Yuqing, "Just come back, come and eat quickly."

Bai Yuqing didn't feel like eating, so he took a few casual bites, and then went upstairs and returned to his room under the pretense that he was full.

Mother Chen was so angry that she almost dropped her chopsticks, "Look at who is she throwing her face at? I just said a few words to her, and she is still not happy?"

Chen Shangde put down the bowl and chopsticks, "Mom, don't say a few words, I'll go up and have a look."

After all, he got up and went upstairs.

Mother Chen was so angry that she couldn't eat anymore.

Father Chen slapped his chopsticks, "Are you satisfied now? My daughter-in-law is the daughter of the Zhou family. Let me tell you, even if you want to spend money from your mother-in-law, you should restrain yourself. Don't offend the Zhou family. When the time comes affected me."

"At that time, I can't spare you."

Mother Chen shrank her neck and dared not speak.

She didn't dare not listen to her husband's words. She would regret it if she really ruined her husband's affairs.

Bai Yuqing went upstairs, the more she thought about it, the more wronged she became, and she couldn't help crying on the dressing table.

Her arm accidentally touched the drawer on the dressing table, and a white paper bag appeared in front of Bai Yuqing's eyes.

Bai Yuqing froze for a moment, wiped away her tears, and picked up the paper bag.

Bai Yongsheng gave it to her on the day of her wedding, telling her to use it against Zhou Niannian.

Bai Yuqing rubbed the paper bag with a hint of hesitation.

Although she disliked Bai Yuqing, she didn't want to cooperate with Bai Yongsheng.

Bai Yongsheng is already wanted by the investigation bureau, and her intuition tells her that it is dangerous to cooperate with Bai Yongsheng.

The door was gently pushed open, Bai Yuqing's hands shook, and he threw the paper bag into the drawer again, his shoulders trembled slightly.

Chen Shangde walked behind her and hugged her gently from behind, "Yuqing, I know you are wronged, I have already told my mother just now, she will not make things difficult for you in the future."

Bai Yuqing concealed the gloom in her eyes in disappointment.

It's just not too embarrassing, not not embarrassing!
How could Mother Chen not embarrass her with her mean temper?

She gently leaned into Chen Shangde's arms, and sighed softly: "Shangde, why don't we move out?"

Move out?Chen Shangde hesitated, "My mother won't agree."

A hint of boredom emerged in Bai Yuqing's heart, it's his mother again.

She turned and sat on the bed angrily, "Your mother, your mother, it's your mother again, you are already married, do you have to listen to your mother in everything?"

Seeing that she was angry, Chen Shangde quickly coaxed her, "Don't be angry, Yuqing, if you really want to live outside, I'll find a way, let's live near the school, okay?"

Only then did Bai Yuqing laugh through tears, and leaned into his arms again, gently wrapping his arms around his neck, "Shang De, it's not that I don't want to live at home, but that it's inconvenient to do anything at home, for example"

She leaned close to Chen Shangde's ear and whispered a few words.

Chen Shangde's eyes lit up, and he breathed heavily, "Well, Yuqing, what you said makes sense. I'll go to my dad tomorrow and ask him to buy us a house near the school."

The corners of Bai Yuqing's mouth slightly turned up, and she hugged Chen Shangde again softly.

Although Zhou Niannian was reluctant, he sent Lu Qingfeng away the next day.

She took half a day off and sent Lu Qingfeng to the airport.

Sending Lu Qingfeng to the security checkpoint, Lu Qingfeng hugged her deeply, and whispered something in her ear: "Wait for me to come back!"

After speaking, he let go of Zhou Niannian, and strode into the security checkpoint.

Looking at his back, Zhou Niannian couldn't help getting wet.

Even during the year when she went to the countryside in Zezhou, she could see Lu Qingfeng every few months.

Strictly speaking, this is the first time that two people have been separated so far apart.

She watched Lu Qingfeng's plane take off at the airport, and then went back to work at the newspaper in a depressed mood.

The atmosphere in the office was very strange.

Yang Jiarui and Wu Xuan have been engaged in a silent cold war, and never speak unless required by work.

Although Meng Wenbin didn't know what happened to the two of them, he was used to being serious and would not take the initiative to ask about such things.

So when Zhou Niannian walked into the office, he saw three people sitting behind the desk with stern faces, busy with their own affairs.

Seeing her coming in, Wu Xuan sat up straight and regained her energy, "Nian Nian, the final version of this issue has already been handed in, why don't we go out in the afternoon and find some material."

Zhou Niannian sent Lu Qingfeng away, feeling depressed, and nodded upon hearing this.

"Do you want to go together?" She turned her head and asked Yang Jiarui.

Yang Jiarui hesitated for a moment, Wu Xuan sneered, "We girls have a common language, it's so strange that he went alone with a man, if something misunderstood happens, he has to be held accountable, how bad it is."

These words obviously hit Yang Jiarui's sore spot.

His face darkened, he picked up the kettle on the table, and went out to fetch hot water, even his back revealed a burst of anger.

Wu Xuan curled her lips and pulled Zhou Niannian, "Let's go."

When the two went out, they happened to meet Yang Jiarui who had come back from fetching hot water in the corridor.

Holding a pot of hot water in his hand, Yang Jiarui snorted when he saw the two of them: "It's even more strange that the two women are gone, I wish you all the best."

After all, brush shoulders with them.

Wu Xuan made a face at his back and kicked him, "When I find out the really useful information, I will slap you on the face when I come back."

Zhou Niannian looked at the two people who were incompatible, smiled and shook her head.

Speaking of which, she had known Yang Jiarui for a long time, and always thought he was a good talker, and she never saw him lose his temper.

But now they are seriously confronting Wu Xuan, no matter how they look at them, they seem to be happy enemies.

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Wu Xuan turned her head and looked at her strangely.

Zhou Niannian shrugged, "I didn't laugh at anything, I just felt that what he said made sense."

Wu Xuan sneered, with a look of disdain, "What's the point of what he said, let's go, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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