Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 477 I want to apply

Chapter 477 I want to apply
"Where do you want to go shopping?" Zhou Niannian asked Wu Xuan who lowered her head to adjust the camera while walking.

"Of course I'm going to the XC area." She moved closer to Zhou Niannian and lowered her voice, "Let me tell you, there are absolutely prostitutes in the XC area. My intuition is super accurate."

Zhou Niannian glanced at the camera bag on her body and shook her head, "Then I think what Yang Jiarui said just now makes sense. I suggest you send the camera back now. If you have a camera with you, you probably won't be able to find anything."

"Why?" Wu Xuan asked puzzled.

Zhou Niannian rolled her eyes, "It's not easy for the two of us to investigate prostitutes. Who would believe that we two women go out whoring?"

Wu Xuan blinked, cupped her stomach and smiled, "Nian Nian, I find that sometimes you speak straighter than me."

She laughed enough and asked Zhou Niannian: "Then what should I do? Shall I send the camera back?"

Zhou Niannian nodded, and tentatively asked: "It would be best if Yang Jiarui could go with us. After all, he is a man, so it will be better to deceive people."

Wu Xuan snorted, shook the camera in her hand, and curled her lips: "I don't want to go out with him, I don't believe that we two women can't find anything."

"You wait, I'll send the camera back and be right back."

Zhou Niannian shook her head, it seems that Wu Xuan also made up her mind to fight Yang Jiarui.

After a while, Wu Xuanxing ran out of the office in a hurry, and the two of them took the bus to the XC area.

Because they had no destination, the two chose the place where Yang Jiarui and Wu Xuan came over that day, and got off at the place where Yang Jiarui was recruited.

After getting out of the car, it is a simple alley.

Wu Xuan walked in holding Zhou Niannian's arm, and said in a low voice, "Let me tell you, those two beautifully dressed women are Yang Jiarui who stopped here. I think they must live not far away."

The two walked along the alley to the end of the alley, but there was nothing to gain.

The alley was quiet, except for the occasional sound of a mother disciplining her child from a few other houses.

Wu Xuan was a little disappointed.

"Where is what?" Zhou Niannian pointed to the opposite side of the street and said after turning around the alley, and behind him was a wide street.

There is also an alley across the street. The difference is that the houses in the alley are small two-story buildings. At the entrance of the alley, there is a large group of people surrounded by drums and gongs. It looks very lively.

Wu Xuan also saw it, and her instinct to join in the fun broke out immediately.

"Let's go and have a look." She hurriedly dragged Zhou Niannian across the street.

When I walked over, I saw a banner at the entrance of the alley, which read: Warmly celebrate the opening of Chengxi Business District.

Wu Xuan dragged Zhou Niannian into the crowd and saw the band beating gongs and drums under the banner.

"What is this business district for?" Zhou Niannian asked the person next to him curiously.

The people next to him applauded excitedly, and said loudly: "I heard that there are several dance halls and video halls opened here. We don't know exactly what they are doing."

"Yeah, this is a new thing. I heard that it will be let in for a visit later."

Zhou Niannian frowned.

Song and dance halls, video halls, these things have just emerged in coastal cities not long ago, and they did not expect to open to Kyoto so soon.

In this era, dance halls and video halls are new things emerging.

The sound of gongs and drums stopped, and a middle-aged woman in a cheongsam came out. The woman had light makeup, a graceful figure, and thick hair pulled up behind her head. It looked very suitable for the lake blue cheongsam she was wearing.

She smiled before saying a word, which made people feel very cordial, "Hi everyone, relatives and friends, let me introduce myself, my name is Sister Yun, and I am new to Kyoto, please take care of me in the future."

She raised her finger and pointed to the five or six men behind her, "A few friends and I rented Liuyun Lane, and jointly opened several dance halls and video halls. Today is the first day of opening, and the number of people entering the dance hall is the first." It's all free every day."

Song and dance halls are still new to people at this time, and they don't know what they are, but after hearing that they are free, many people are excited.

After Sister Yun finished speaking, she raised her hand as a gesture of invitation.

The crowd of onlookers rushed into the alley one after another.

"Let's go and have a look too." Among the crowd, Wu Xuan pulled Zhou Niannian excitedly and said.

Zhou Niannian's heart skipped a beat, remembering that they came out to investigate prostitutes, and it just so happened that there was a dance hall opening in XC District.

I don't know if there is any connection between them?
"Let's go in and have a look separately." She winked at Wu Xuan.

Wu Xuan understood in an instant, nodded, and followed the crowd to rush in first.

Zhou Niannian unhurriedly followed the crowd into the alley.

The alley is not long, but the first floors of the houses on both sides have all been converted into facade houses.

Zhou Niannian walked all the way and observed carefully. Except for three dance halls and two video halls, the rest are restaurants, shops and so on.

It can be said that this is a commercial street that has already taken shape.

Sister Yun was standing at the entrance of the second dance hall, welcoming the guests with a smile.

Zhou Niannian looked up at the door plaque above, which said Xiaobaihua Song and Dance Hall.

She followed the people and walked in slowly.

The first floor is Nuo Da's hall. There are many round tables at the entrance, and round lamps hang above the tables, emitting dim light.

There are already quite a few people at the table, watching the performance on the stage with relish,

Going further inside, there is a large circular stage, above which hangs four circular light balls with glittering sequins.

Zhou Niannian knew that it was the flashing ball that was once popular in dance halls.

Four or five young people on the stage are dancing to the music. It is a disco that has just become popular.

Zhou Niannian glanced at the attire of the young people on the stage, both men and women, with big waves, wearing bell-bottom pants and three-section leather shoes, swaying their bodies to the music.

The audience below watched mesmerized, and some even stood up uncontrollably and began to sway their bodies.

Zhou Niannian found a corner and sat down, casually watching the dance on the stage, but glanced randomly around the room.

A poster was posted on the right side of the stage, and the surrounding lights were flickering. Zhou Niannian barely read the words on the poster as he walked over.

With a thought in her heart, she got up and walked towards Sister Yun who was standing at the door.

"Sister Yun, hello."

Sister Yun turned around and saw a beautiful young girl standing behind her, her eyes lit up, "Comrade, what do you want from me?"

Zhou Niannian smiled slightly, shaking the poster in her hand shyly, "I want to apply."

Sister Yun's eyes became brighter, "You want to come to our house as a resident singer?"

Zhou Niannian shook her head, seeming a little embarrassed.

A doubt flashed in Sister Yun's eyes, and she looked at her puzzled, "Isn't it singing? But this is a dance hall, oh, I get it, you want to come dance, don't you?"

Zhou Niannian then shook her head.

Sister Yun was even more confused. She came to the dance hall to apply for a job. If she didn't want to sing or dance, what else could she apply for?
"Comrade, I'm only recruiting resident singers and dancers now."

Zhou Niannian smiled lightly, "I want to perform magic tricks here, okay?"

 The second one will be at night!
(End of this chapter)

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