Chapter 478

Magic? What is that?Sister Yun was stunned for a long time before she could react.

She looked around Zhou Niannian with some pity, secretly feeling regretful.

This girl has clear eyes and is beautiful. If she stands on the stage, she will definitely attract the attention of many people.

"Comrade, this is a dance hall, do you want to try singing?" She hesitated to persuade Zhou Niannian.

The smile on Zhou Niannian's face became brighter and brighter, but he was hehe in his heart.

With the posture of her singing, she stood up on the stage, and the audience in this little Baihua ballroom probably scared away.

"I'm good at performing magic tricks. Believe me, you can take a look at my magic tricks first. I believe you will find them more attractive than singing."

Sister Yun hesitated for a moment, looked up at the crazy young people dancing on the stage, and the audience who were fascinated by the audience, and nodded slightly, "Come with me."

She brought Zhou Niannian backstage and motioned her to perform a magic trick first.

Although Zhou Niannian can't sing, she can do some simple magic tricks.

She picked a less complicated performance and performed it in front of Sister Yun.

Sister Yun watched Zhou Niannian easily conjure a beautiful rose, twirled it gently, and presented the rose in front of her.

The girl in front of her had bright eyes and looked at her with a smile while holding a rose.

Her heart couldn't help but move slightly.

This program is quite new!

"I don't know what this comrade's name is?"

Zhou Niannian frowned, "My name is Li, and my name is Niannian."

She took Li Xiangxiu's surname and did not change it.

"Niannian, never forgetting, um, this name is good." Sister Yun leaned back on the sofa, took out a cigarette from the drawer beside her and lit it.

She held the cigarette between her slender fingers, her eyes were lightly closed, and her bright red lips exhaled a beautiful smoke ring, as if she was thinking about whether to leave Zhou Niannian behind.

Zhou Niannian did not urge her, but waited for her answer with a smile.

"How about this, you go first." After a while, Sister Yun seemed to have made up her mind and sat up straight.

Before the words were spoken, someone opened the backstage curtain and came in, "Sister Yun!"

The visitor walked up to Sister Yun and whispered something in her ear.

Sister Yun frowned, a look of surprise flashed across her eyes, and she nodded slightly.

The person who came came back out.

Sister Yun stood up with a smile, and stretched out her tender hand, "Nian Nian, I have decided to hire you. Starting tomorrow, you can come to work here."

"As for the salary, it's the same as what we sing here, ten yuan a show, do you think it's okay?"

Zhou Niannian doesn't care about the salary, she just wants to come in and have a close contact with these occasions to see if they are related to prostitutes.

But ten yuan a game is already very high, catching up with a worker's monthly salary.

She put on a happy look, "That's great, thank you, Sister Yun."

Sister Yun sized her up again, "If you have no objections, come to work tomorrow at four o'clock in the afternoon. Our dance hall has more customers at night and is closed during the day."

Zhou Niannian once again expressed his gratitude, and then withdrew from Xiaobaihua Song and Dance Hall.

Seeing her leaving back, Sister Yun gently stroked the broken hair on her sideburns, then turned and walked to the corner of the backstage.

There is a very secret secret door there.

She opened the door and walked in. It turned out to be a very hidden office with many very hidden observation ports towards the backstage.

That is to say, you can see the situation outside the backstage from the house, but the people in the backstage cannot see the situation inside.

A man was sitting recliningly on the sofa in the office, holding a cigarette in his hand, puffing on the smoke, the scar on his cheek looming.

Sister Yun sat down next to the man, put her hand on the man's shoulder tenderly, and exhaled like blue, "Why, Brother Sheng, did you fall in love with that little girl just now? Do you have to let me stay?"

Bai Yongsheng extinguished the cigarette in his hand in the ashtray, glanced at Sister Yun, slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hand to hold Sister Yun's hand on his shoulder, and with a slight force, Sister Yun lay down on his lap.

"What? Jealous?"

Bai Yun Shengxie smiled and lifted Sister Yun's chin.

Sister Yun gave him a wink, and put her arms around his shoulders, "So what if I'm jealous? Didn't you just see a young and beautiful girl, and you couldn't wait to let me stay for you?"

Her attitude probably pleased Bai Yongsheng, and Bai Yongsheng couldn't help but pinch her and smiled.

"That's not a little white flower, it's useful to keep her, just follow my instructions."

Sister Yun squinted at him, "Did you really fall in love with her?"

Bai Yongsheng's eyes became a little bit dark, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Yes, I really fell in love with her, I want her to taste the taste of her own evil."

Sister Yun thought about the meaning of this sentence, and the arc of her mouth became wider and wider.

"Oh, it seems that there is really a relationship, that's all, since there is such a fate, it is inevitable that my old lady will take care of her for you."

Bai Yongsheng wiped his oil in satisfaction and let out a cold smile.

He originally wanted to use Bai Yuqing to deal with Zhou Niannian, but he didn't expect Zhou Niannian to step into his territory by himself.

It is true that if there is a way to heaven, she will not go, but if there is no way to hell, she will come in.

He will definitely make Zhou Niannian feel miserable.

Zhou Niannian didn't know that he had stepped into Bai Yongsheng's territory.

After leaving the business district, she went to the nearby bus stop and waited for Wu Xuan.

About ten minutes later, Wu Xuan rushed over with her bag in a hurry.

When the two got on the bus, Wu Xuan couldn't help lowering her voice and said, "Guess what I did just now?"

Seeing the uncontrollable excitement in her eyes, Zhou Niannian's heart moved, "Could it be that you went to a certain dance hall to be a resident singer?"

Wu Xuan's eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but grabbed her arm, "Wow, Nian Nian you are so smart, you guessed it right away."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing, "Which one did you go to?"

Could it be Xiaobaihua too?

It was such a coincidence that the two of them thought of breaking into the dance hall, hoping it wasn't the same one.

"I went to that song and dance hall called Caiyunpiao and became a resident singer," Wu Xuan said excitedly, "This time I'm considered inside, and I think it will definitely help our work."

Zhou Niannian deeply agrees.

Seeing the smile on her face, Wu Xuan recalled her question just now, and couldn't help but react, "Nian Nian, don't you also...?"

Zhou Niannian chuckled and nodded.

Wu Xuan's eyes widened, and she couldn't help hugging Zhou Niannian for a moment, "Haha, we are indeed good sisters, we have such a tacit understanding in everything we do."

"We two really have a good understanding."

Zhou Niannian also felt that she and Wu Xuan did have a tacit understanding. They did not discuss it beforehand, but they made the same decision.

"Hmph, the two of us will definitely find out useful information earlier than that Yang Jiarui." After Wu Xuan was happy, she couldn't help but mocked Yang Jiarui.

(End of this chapter)

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