Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 479 Start the show

Chapter 479 Start the show

Zhou Niannian was too lazy to mediate the conflict between her and Yang Jiarui.

She thought in her heart that during this period of time, she would be at the newspaper office during the day and go to the business district in the afternoon and evening.

It is estimated that it will not be too early to go back at night, so I need to say hello to my family in advance.

She packed her time so full that she didn't have time to think about Lu Qingfeng.

Counting the time, Lu Qingfeng should have settled down abroad by now, right?
It's a pity that communication is not convenient now, even if you write a letter, it will take a long time to reach her after traveling across the ocean.

Zhou Niannian sighed melancholy.

Zhou Niannian mentioned her and Wu Xuan's original intention to Meng Wenbin the next day about going to work in the business district in the west of the city.

Meng Wenbin didn't object, he just asked the two of them to be more careful.

"This is a task assigned to us by the higher authorities. We will focus on this in the near future. Jiarui is also investigating. You must pay attention to safety."

When Zhou Niannian came in the morning, she found that Yang Jiarui was not in the office, so she went to investigate this matter.

Wu Xuan curled her lips and said nothing.

She and Wu Xuan didn't take the car from the newspaper office to the XC area until after two o'clock in the afternoon.

Wu Xuan only found out today that what she is doing is not a resident singer, but a magic show.

Her eyes widened, "Nian Nian, can you still perform magic tricks?"

Zhou Niannian smiled mysteriously, "That's right, I know a lot."

Wu Xuan was very curious, "I have seen people perform magic tricks abroad before, but these things are all skillful, practice makes perfect, you."

She looked at Zhou Niannian suspiciously, "I've never seen you practice before, don't let anyone expose you."

Zhou Niannian smiled confidently, and subconsciously touched the birdcage at hand, "Don't worry, since I dare to present this program, I have absolute confidence."

Ordinary magic tricks may be easily revealed by others, but she has Ah Liang as an assistant, and no one can break her magic tricks.

Hehe, she must be cheating, Zhou Niannian said inwardly.

In order not to attract attention, she and Wu Xuan chose to enter the business district one after the other.

Seeing her coming in with a bird, Sister Yun slightly raised her brows, "What are you? It's not easy for us to bring pets in here."

Zhou Niannian gently shook the bird cage, "Sister Yun, this is not my pet, it is my magic assistant."

"Assistant? You... use a bird as an assistant?" Sister Yun looked at her suspiciously.

Zhou Niannian smiled, "You will know when I perform."

Sister Yun took a look at her and didn't ask any more questions, "Well, the guests are coming soon, you can go backstage to put on makeup first."

Zhou Niannian went backstage with the bird cage.

There were already many people putting on makeup in the background, Zhou Niannian found a side seat and sat down, and began to do simple makeup in front of the mirror.

"Hi, how are you."

Suddenly someone patted her shoulder from behind.

Zhou Niannian, who was wiping lipstick, turned her hand away and wiped it on her face.

She turned her head, and behind her was a girl with willow leaves and curved eyebrows looking at her with a smile on her face. When she smiled, the two small pear dimples on her cheeks looked very attractive.

Seeing the lipstick on the corner of Zhou Niannian's mouth, she laughed and pointed to her cheek: "I'm sorry, I disturbed you."

Zhou Niannian took out a piece of paper and gently wiped off the lipstick on her cheeks, then shook her head: "It's fine."

"My name is Xiaolu, I sing here, and I dance with them." Seeing that Zhou Niannian didn't mean to blame her, the girl pulled the chair next to her and sat down with a smile, "I heard that your name is Niannian, and you are performing here. Is it magic?"

Zhou Niannian raised her eyebrows lightly and nodded with a smile.

It seems that before coming to strike up a conversation with her, this girl named Xiaolu has already found out the basic information about her.

"What kind of magic show? I've never seen a magic show before." Xiaolu tilted her head and looked at Zhou Niannian curiously.

Zhou Niannian smiled at her and snapped his fingers in front of her.

Xiao Lu only felt a flower in front of her eyes, and saw Zhou Niannian had a flower in her hand.

She widened her eyes in surprise, and reached for the flower, "Is this a real flower? Wow, it's amazing."

When she reached out to touch the flower, Zhou Niannian smiled lightly, shook it, and the flower disappeared again.

"Oh, why did you disappear again? Where did you go?" Xiaolu took Zhou Niannian's hand in amazement, and looked around her with her head.

The movement of the two of them naturally attracted other people from the background to watch.

"Xiaolu, what are you looking at? So happy." A young boy asked Xiaolu loudly.

Xiao Lu replied without turning her head: "I'm looking for the flower that Nian Nian just conjured up, it's so amazing, it disappeared in no time."

The young boys and girls in the background all gathered around.

"What kind of magic trick? Show us one too."

Zhou Niannian frowned slightly. She didn't want to attract too much attention on the first day.

Just as he was hesitating whether to perform or not, Sister Yun's voice sounded from the background.

"Have you put on your makeup yet? Hurry up, some guests have already entered the venue. Today is our first day of performance, and you all cheered me up tenfold."

As soon as Sister Yun walked in, everyone immediately sat back in their original positions and began to take care of themselves.

Only Xiao Lu stood up with a smile and smiled at Sister Yun, "Sister Yun, I've packed everything, and I'm just waiting to play, don't worry."

Sister Yun nodded, "You will lead the first dance at the beginning of the meeting. Make sure to warm up the scene for my sister at the beginning."

Xiaolu covered her mouth and giggled, "Don't worry, when have I let you down before?"

Zhou Niannian sat in front of the mirror, putting on makeup and listening to the conversation between the two of them calmly.

It seems that this Xiaolu and Sister Yun should be old acquaintances, they have known each other before, and seeing Sister Yun's attitude towards her, it seems that she is regarded as a pillar of Xiao Baihua's platform.

The performance started soon, and Zhou Niannian's program was ranked fourth.

Zhou Niannian found a dark corner off the stage and watched the performance on stage.

In the beginning, Xiaolu brought a few young girls up to dance. The girls were all having big waves and wearing bell-bottom pants that exposed their navels. stand up.

The dance hall is a new thing that has just become popular in Kyoto. The people who come here to spend are not only businessmen, but also rich families who are looking for novelty and excitement.

Therefore, seeing the young girls on the stage twisting their bodies and making all kinds of explosive movements, accompanied by the explosive music, awakened the restless factor in many people's hearts.

After two consecutive dances, it was Xiaolu's solo.

Her voice was soft and sweet, with the mellowness of a Jiangnan girl. The song "Evening Fragrance" sang the audience mesmerizingly, and it also calmed down the manic atmosphere just now.

A burst of mania and a burst of tenderness made the audience feel that what they paid for the tickets was worth their money.

The fourth program is Zhou Niannian's magic. After Sister Yun announced the program on stage with a smile, Zhou Niannian slowly walked onto the stage.

Immediately, someone smashed a wine bottle up, "What is magic, I haven't seen it, let Xiaolu come up and sing."

 The second update is after [-]:[-] pm. I've been too busy recently, so the update time may not be fixed. I'm sorry, cuties!
(End of this chapter)

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