Chapter 480
The wine bottle was smashed suddenly and quickly, and the wine bottle was thrown towards Zhou Niannian's head as soon as he spoke.

If Zhou Niannian couldn't dodge in time, the wine bottle would probably blow her head off.

Many people in the audience have already exclaimed.

Xiao Lu who had just stepped off the stage also screamed, "Nian Nian, be careful."

In a blink of an eye, Zhou Niannian gently raised his hand, firmly holding the flying wine bottle in his hand.

The noisy dance hall suddenly fell silent.

No one thought that the girl standing on the stage raised one hand lightly and took the wine bottle that flew over from the sky.

Under the flickering light ball, the girl in a beige dress looked more and more jade-like under the light. She held the wine bottle in her hand and smiled slightly towards the audience.

Then she turned around gently, and the elegant dress slid through the beautiful arc in the air, and then turned around, her hand had turned into a red scarf.

"Xiaolu sings and dances, everyone should know how to be compassionate and caring. After my performance, Xiaolu will naturally come on stage."

She squinted her eyes and looked in the direction where the wine bottle was coming from, and smiled coldly, "Just now you shouted that you don't know what magic is. I don't blame you for being so rare. Today I will give you a free science education about what magic is. Watch it."

As soon as Zhou Niannian finished speaking, the silk flipped over, and a red flower lay on the palm of her hand.

She threw the flower into the air, turned her palm over again, and there was another blue flower in her hand.

Every time she turned her palm, something came out.

Gradually, there was no sound in the ballroom, and everyone's eyes were focused on the girl on the stage.

Everyone is concentrating on how she conjures up so many things, obviously she only has a red silk scarf in her hand.

Even if you hide, you can't hide so many things on your body.

Zhou Niannian turned his palm for the last time, and a beautiful colorful bird instantly appeared on his hand.

There was a burst of applause and applause from the audience.

I saw the bird raised its head and scanned the audience, and then flew around the audience with its colorful wings.

Everyone's eyes could not help but follow the bird's figure.

The bird finally settled on the shoulder of a young man in a suit and a thick necklace around his neck.

"Wow, it's really a bird."

Many people surrounded in surprise.

The young man was the one who threw the wine bottle at Zhou Niannian just now.

When he was chatting with the people around him with a cigarette in his mouth and a drink, he suddenly felt the silence around him, and turned his head to meet a pair of contemptuous eyes.

He was taken aback before he saw clearly that a bird was standing on his shoulder.

He jumped up suddenly, and was about to wave his hand to knock the bird off, when the bird flew away with its wings fluttering.

Immediately afterwards, he heard a strange smell, and a white fluid object fell from the top of his head.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand to wipe it, and saw that there was a white sticky thing on his hand.

"Aqiang, that bird just pulled you on the head." The person at the same table looked at him sympathetically, and subconsciously moved to the side.

The face of the man named A Qiang turned green immediately.

Of course he knows!
Seeing the white bird feces on his hands and the constant stench, he was about to open his mouth to scold, when suddenly another ball of white pee and feces left from his head and flowed straight to his mouth along his face.

Ah Qiang was afraid that bird feces would flow into his mouth, so he quickly closed his mouth tightly and looked up angrily.

But the bird had already flown out of the ballroom.

The magic tricks on the stage were still going on. Fortunately, the people around were all focused on the stage, and not many people noticed his embarrassment.

Feeling that the white fluid was getting closer and closer to his mouth, Ah Qiang couldn't wipe it off, or didn't wipe it off, so he got up angrily and rushed out of the restaurant.

Zhou Niannian, who was performing on stage, naturally saw this scene.

Without her permission, Ah Liang naturally wouldn't do this.

It was the first day she performed on stage today, and even people who didn't know magic were curious to see what happened.

This man came up with a bottle of wine.

Either he was drinking too much or someone deliberately instructed him to do so.

Zhou Niannian was a little curious, so she asked Ah Liang to test him out.

If he just drank too much, he might make up for it later and let it go, but if someone instructs him to do this, I'm afraid this Ah Qiang will not let it go.

Zhou Niannian stepped off the stage after the performance, and approached Sister Yun pretending to be worried, "Sister Yun, will that bird just now bring any trouble to our dance hall?"

Sister Yun rubbed her forehead, she seemed to be a little troubled, "That man's name is Aqiang, I heard that the family has some money, so there shouldn't be any big trouble, don't worry."

Zhou Niannian patted his chest, pretending to be relieved.

Sister Yun changed her voice, "But you have to restrain the bird you brought, don't let it behave like this again, otherwise all the guests will be offended."

Zhou Niannian nodded apologetically, "Ah Liang is usually very good, she never behaves like this, it must be because the person hit me with a wine bottle today, Ah Liang was angry, and she did this to vent her anger on me."

She deliberately mentioned that Aqiang hit her with a wine bottle.

Sister Yun's face froze slightly, and then she patted her hand, "You were wronged today, but your skill is good, and you even reached out to hold the wine bottle. Did you practice it specially?"

Facing Sister Shangyun's probing gaze, Zhou Niannian stuck out his tongue out of fear, "Where have I practiced before? I was scared to death just now. Just react instinctively. I'm afraid that the bottle will hit my face."

She touched her face, "Hit it on my face, and my face will be ruined."

Sister Yun was amused by her loving expression.

"There are not many audiences today, there is only this performance, you should go back early and rest."

Zhou Niannian nodded, seeing that it was almost six o'clock in the evening, she took her things and went outside.

The outside performances are over, and it's time for free dancing.

The so-called free dance is the earliest form of disco dancing.

But at this time people have not completely let go, so there are not many people dancing on stage.

"Nian Nian, are you going to get off work?" Xiaolu jumped out from the corner and warmly embraced her shoulders, "I just happen to be leaving too, let's go together."

Zhou Niannian did not refuse.

The two walked out of the business district arm in arm.

Xiao Lu suddenly leaned into her ear and said, "Ah Qiang and Sister Yun are a little unclear. You offended A Qiang today, so be careful."

Zhou Niannian's footsteps stopped suddenly.

She turned to look at Xiaolu, "Who is Aqiang?"

"It's the one who hit you with a wine bottle. You only offended one person today, and you forgot it so soon?"

Zhou Niannian's eyes flickered slightly, "You said Sister Yun and Ah Qiang knew each other?"

Xiaolu curled her lips, "It's not just acquaintance, there's something unclear between the two of you."

As she spoke, she looked around and lowered her voice, "When I came here for an interview, I saw Ah Qiang coming out of Sister Yun's room, and the two of them were chatting and laughing."

(End of this chapter)

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