Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 481 Moon Black Wind High Night

Chapter 481 Moon Black Wind High Night

Zhou Niannian suppressed the smile on her face, "Thank you, Xiaolu, you are so kind, you told me such an important thing, otherwise I would suffer and I wouldn't even know how to eat."

Xiao Lu hugged her shoulders and winked at her, "As soon as I see you, I feel like I'm destined, so naturally I don't want to see you suffer."

As she spoke, she let go of Zhou Niannian's shoulders, and waved her hands with a smile, "I'm going to turn left, let's go first, goodbye."

Zhou Niannian smiled and said goodbye to her.

Watching her receding back, the smile in Zhou Niannian's eyes gradually dissipated, and a hint of deep thought floated up.

What Sister Yun said today was clearly trying to test her, but what about this Xiaolu?

And why did she get close to her?
She even took the initiative to reveal the information about Ah Qiang and Sister Yun's acquaintance. Was she purely kind, or did she have other plans?

Leaving Xiaolu's purpose aside, if what she said was true and Sister Yun and Ah Qiang really knew each other, could Ah Qiang's behavior today be at the behest of Sister Yun?

If so, what is Sister Yun's purpose for doing this?

The more Zhou Niannian thought about it, the more confused she became. Although she only came to Xiaobaihua for one day, she had a strange feeling that this Xiaobaihua dance hall was not pure.

At least it didn't feel pure to her.

When she went back at night, she asked Ah Liang: "Do you feel that Xiaobaihua Song and Dance Hall is weird?"

Ah Liang looked at her suspiciously: "What's so strange, aren't they all singing and dancing places? I don't think it's so strange?"

Zhou Niannian frowned, could it be her illusion?

"When I'm not performing on stage from tomorrow on, just wander around to see if you find anything strange." She thought for a while and told Ah Liang.

Ah Liang's eyes lit up: "Does it include the nearby video hall?"

Zhou Niannian looked at it strangely, "Why are you so interested in the video hall? Is there anything special about the video hall?"

Ah Liang shook her head, "I haven't seen it, so I'm interested."

Zhou Niannian rolled his eyes, "Go around as you please, just remember to come back before my performance, otherwise my performance may be ruined."

Ah Liang made a look of no problem.

In the next few days, the business of Xiaobaihua Song and Dance Hall was booming. Through some publicity methods, more and more people knew about the business district, and more and more people chose to come here to relax at night.

Zhou Niannian's performance also attracted more and more audiences, and some even expressed that they came here specifically to watch the magic show.

The man named A Qiang didn't show up for two days, Zhou Niannian let down his vigilance, thinking that maybe he was really too suspicious.

But in just a few days, Xiaolu's singing and dancing also attracted a large number of audiences, and [-]% of the people who came to Xiaobaihua went for Xiaolu.

Xiaolu has become the most famous flower in the business district.

But she is very self-sufficient, and sometimes guests ask her to come down for a drink, but she also handles it and doesn't do things as accompaniment.

Zhou Niannian and Xiaolu gradually became familiar with each other.

Speaking of accompanying wine, Zhou Niannian watched coldly for a few days, but did not find any improper management of Xiaobaihua Song and Dance Hall.

Even if sometimes guests strongly request a few singing and dancing girls to come down to accompany them for a drink, Sister Yun usually takes the lead to toast, and there are no entangled guests.

It can be said that after staying in Xiao Baihua for more than ten days in a row, she did not realize that Xiao Baihua had the slightest relationship with prostitutes.

She and Wu Xuan also communicated in private.

Wu Xuan sang in Caiyunpiao for more than ten days, but she also didn't find anything.

Not to mention them, Ah Liang also turned around a few times, but also found nothing.

This made Zhou Niannian very puzzled.

Generally speaking, isn't this kind of singing and dancing entertainment the place where such transactions are most likely to happen?

Could it be that she made a preconceived mistake again, and the direction of investigation is not right at all?
Zhou Niannian hesitated whether to withdraw from Xiaobaihua and change the direction of the investigation.

Today in May, the weather is getting hotter, and the guests will stay later at night, so the night performances have been added.

It was almost ten o'clock after the performance that day, Zhou Niannian moved his arms and walked out of Xiao Baihua.

She subconsciously glanced at Cai Yunpiao.

Caiyunpiao's business is not as good as Xiaobaihua's, so Wu Xuan got off work earlier than her, and probably has already gone back.

Zhou Niannian shrugged and walked out slowly.

When she walked out of the business district, she remembered that there was an alley on the right leading directly to the nearby bus stop sign, Zhou Niannian hesitated for a moment, and got into the alley.

There were no street lights in the alley, it was dark, Zhou Niannian didn't feel scared.

Perhaps it was because she had A Liang by her side, chatting with A Liang while walking, and in a blink of an eye, she came to the alley.

Suddenly there were chaotic footsteps outside the alley.

A stumbling figure fell into the alley and bumped into Zhou Niannian suddenly.

Zhou Niannian might as well be someone rushed out, might as well be hit by someone, subconsciously grabbed the person who bumped into him.

The arms touched by the tentacles are very slender.

The person who bumped into her grabbed Zhou Niannian with his backhand, his whole body trembling like catkins in the wind, "Please, help me! Help!"

Borrowing the moonlight, Zhou Niannian only looked at a pair of despairing and sad eyes.

Two men turned around at the entrance of the alley, and one of them said cursingly: "Little girl, you have grown courage and dare to resist me."

"You have to do what I tell you to do."

After saying that, the man who cursed went forward to bump into the person who bumped into Zhou Niannian, "Follow me home."

"Please, Asheng, I beg you to let me go, okay?" The girl was shaking uncontrollably, and if Zhou Niannian hadn't pulled her arm, she would have collapsed on the ground.

The man tried his best to pull the girl, but he didn't pull it all at once. He raised his eyes to meet a pair of clear eyes like the bright moon in the sky.

The night is dark and the moon is cold. Even if you can't see the face of the person opposite, but just looking at this pair of eyes, you can guess that the person with such beautiful eyes must be very beautiful.

The cursing man glanced at the man next to him and let out a disgusting laugh, "Hehe, little brother, we brothers are lucky tonight."

Zhou Niannian's eyes suddenly turned cold, he squinted and looked at the man next to him, and found that he was a short and fat man.

The scolding man took a step forward, stretched out his hand to lift Zhou Niannian's chin, and smiled, "It's too dangerous for a girl to be alone on such a dark and windy night, why don't you go drink tea with me to warm up, And take you home?"

He hadn't touched Zhou Niannian's chin when he bumped into the girl in Zhou Niannian's arms and grabbed his hand and said in a trembling voice, "Ah Sheng, don't hurt others, I... I'll go back with you."

The man named A Sheng slapped her away, "Fuck you, I won't care about you anymore."

The girl staggered and almost fell to the ground, Zhou Niannian grabbed her arm.

"Do you know what to do best on a dark and windy night?" In the darkness, Zhou Niannian smiled coldly at A Sheng.

 This week will be very busy, so busy that I doubt my life, but I grit my teeth and insist that I can’t stop updating, but the update time has been changed from today to night, and two chapters will be updated after [-]:[-] every night. I’m really sorry. Adjust it back again.

(End of this chapter)

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