Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 482 Xiaoqin and Asheng

Chapter 482 Xiaoqin and Asheng

"What is it suitable for?" The corner of Ah Sheng's mouth curled up into a wicked smile, "Naturally it is suitable for a girl and a person like me to have a heart-to-heart talk under the moon. Ah, ah!"

Before he finished speaking, the man had already flown out of the alley.

Zhou Niannian sneered, retracted her feet lightly, sighed and shook her head, "This man, he has to fill in the gaps in his head. He has said that the moon is dark and the wind is high, but he still wants to have a heart-to-heart with this girl. It's really a brain hole."

Ah Sheng's wailing came from outside the alley, "Oh, my leg, my leg hurts so much."

Zhou Niannian casually looked at the short and fat man who had been silent all this time, "What? Do you want to have a heart-to-heart talk with this girl too?"

The short and fat man backed away in fright, looking at Zhou Niannian with fear in his eyes.

He waved his hands in panic and said, "No, no, ouch."

Because he retreated too hastily, he fell down and sat down at the entrance of the alley, got up quickly in fright, and ran away in a hurry.

Then I heard Ah's angry voice, "Oh, wait for me, wait for me, damn it, your money is still in custody with me."

Ah Sheng's voice also gradually faded away, presumably he got up from the ground and ran away.

The alley fell into silence again.

The girl didn't expect that a quarter of an hour ago she was desperately thinking that she was going to fall into darkness, and she didn't expect Zhou Niannian to scare the two men away with just one kick.

She supported the wall to stand firm, and looked at Zhou Niannian gratefully, "Comrade, thank you so much."

Zhou Niannian smiled, "You're welcome, it's because of our destiny, I never take this path on weekdays."

The girl hesitated for a moment, then asked suspiciously, "You mean Nian Nian?"

Zhou Niannian frowned in surprise.

It turned out to be someone who knew her?

"you are?"

The girl's eyes lit up, she stepped forward to hold her hand, and walked to the entrance of the alley. With the help of the faint street lights on the street outside, a blue and purple face that could not be seen clearly was exposed under the street lights.

Seeing Zhou Niannian's appearance clearly, the girl smiled pleasantly, but accidentally pulled the scar on the corner of her mouth, and immediately gasped, "It's really you, I was so scared just now, I didn't recognize your words voice."

Zhou Niannian tried hard to recognize her through that bruised and purple face, but finally gave up in vain, "You are?"

The girl covered the corners of her mouth, as if she had just realized that it was a little embarrassing for someone she knew to see her like this.

She lowered her head and said softly: "I'm Xiaoqin, you probably don't recognize me?"

When she said the last sentence, a deep self-mockery flashed in her eyes.

Xiaoqin?Zhou Niannian frowned, "Are you that Xiaoqin who danced in Xiaobaihua Song and Dance Hall?"

Xiaoqin raised her head, a bright light suddenly flashed in her eyes, "It's me, I didn't expect you to remember my name, I... I thought no one could remember my appearance."

Zhou Niannian looked away from her bruised face.

She didn't have much impression of Xiaoqin, and she couldn't even remember her appearance.

The only reason why I have an impression of this name is because two days ago, when Sister Yun asked Xiaolu to take the lead in rehearsing a new dance, Xiaolu complained a few words in front of her, saying that Xiaoqin was a little awkward and her movements were not in place, which affected her. The progress of their rehearsals.

Xiaolu complained twice in front of her, so Zhou Niannian remembered the name, but she didn't have any impression of the person corresponding to the name.

"Who are those two? Did you offend them?" Zhou Niannian asked casually.

Xiaoqin paused with her hand covering her mouth, drooped her eyelids, and shook her head gently, "No, I'm not very familiar with them either, so I don't know why they want to stop me."

Zhou Niannian saw that there was a hint of sadness in her flustered expression, and she frowned. Forget it, she was someone she didn't know very well, so why should she ask more questions.

So she changed the subject, "Where are you going? Do you need me to take you there?"

Xiaoqin seemed relieved to see that she no longer asked about the matter just now, and pointed to the street across the alley, "I'm going to stay at a friend's house for one night, so I don't need to bother you."

Zhou Niannian curled her lips, "No trouble, I'm about to go there and take a car, let's go there together."

Xiaoqin nodded slightly.

The two crossed the road, Zhou Niannian went to the stop sign and said goodbye to Xiaoqin.

Xiaoqin waved her hand, bit her lip, "Nian Nian, thank you for today's matter, people from the dance hall"

Seeing the car coming, Zhou Niannian hurriedly got into the car and nodded hurriedly, "Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense about what happened tonight."

After all, she jumped into the car.

Xiaoqin froze for a moment, looked at the car going away and smiled slightly, with an indescribable bitterness in her smile.

In the next two days, Zhou Niannian deliberately paid attention to Xiaoqin, but found that she did not come to work in Xiaobaihua.

She calmly asked in front of Xiaolu.

"Xiaoqin, she asked for leave and said it was because of family business." Xiaolu sneered disapprovingly, "What family business is it? It must be that her partner, A Sheng, went to gamble again, and if he lost money, he would be beaten."

Ah Sheng turned out to be Xiaoqin's object?

Zhou Niannian blinked in surprise, remembering that night Xiaoqin clearly said that she was not familiar with Ah Sheng.

"Xiaoqin has a girlfriend at such a young age?" She covered her mouth pretending to be surprised.

Xiaolu curled her lips, "What kind of object, the family doesn't agree at all."

The expression on Zhou Niannian's face became even more perplexed, "How can we call him a partner if the family disagrees?"

Sitting next to her, Xiaolu painted her eyebrows and said casually, "So this Xiaoqin is a fool."

"Her family didn't agree with her and that A-Sheng at all. She insisted on being with A-Sheng, and the two of them eloped to the capital."

Zhou Niannian's hands that were combing her hair paused, almost tearing off one of her own hairs.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoqin and Asheng eloped to Kyoto.

In this day and age, there is actually such a thing as elopement.
Zhou Niannian neatly tied up her hair, looked at the mirror left and right, put down the comb in satisfaction, and asked Xiaolu pretending to be puzzled: "Who did you hear that from? What age is it? Marriage is free, who would elope? Isn't that a fool?"

Xiaolu sneered, "Isn't Xiaoqin just a fool? Her family's conditions are quite good. If she doesn't give her household registration book, even if she pays attention to the freedom of marriage, she can't register with Asheng."

"But she had a falling out with her family because of Ah Sheng, and she swore she would come home after making a fool of herself. With her qualifications, I don't think she will be able to make a fool of herself in this life?"

When Xiaolu said this, she couldn't hide her complacency on her face, she obviously felt that she had a complete advantage over Xiaoqin.

Zhou Niannian cast her a glance, "You are quite clear about Xiaoqin's matter, you two knew each other before?"

The smile on Xiaolu's face froze, and she waved her hands impatiently, "I also heard other people's nonsense, oops, let's not talk about her, let's go eat something together after the performance?"

(End of this chapter)

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