Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 483 Xiaolu Is Not a Good Person

Chapter 483 Xiaolu Is Not a Good Person

Zhou Niannian glanced at Xiaolu, "What are you going to eat?"

"It's next door. There's a new barbecue restaurant. I heard it tastes good. Let's try it." Xiaolu looked at her with great interest, "Just the two of us, we didn't call anyone else, let's have a good chat."

She said so, Zhou Niannian naturally couldn't refuse, so she agreed.

For two days in a row, after the performance, Xiaolu asked Zhou Niannian to have some supper nearby, and the two gradually became acquainted.

On this day, after the performance, Zhou Niannian went backstage to take off her makeup.

Backstage was quiet, most of the actors were performing on stage or waiting off stage.

She entered the backstage lightly, sat in front of the vanity mirror and began to remove her makeup.

The makeup she put on was simple, and it didn't take much trouble to remove it. Just as she was about to do it, she suddenly heard a low sobbing sound from the right rear.

Zhou Niannian frowned, turned her head to look to the rear right, there was a row of dancers' costumes hanging there, and the crying sound came from there.

"Who's where?"

The sobbing stopped suddenly.

The dance costume swayed, and a handsome girl stood out from behind. When she saw that the person standing opposite was Zhou Niannian, she subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's you, Nian Nian."

Zhou Niannian's eyes swept around that delicate face, the voice...
"Are you Xiaoqin?"

Xiaoqin's eyes lit up, she nodded and walked out from behind a pile of clothes.

Zhou Niannian saw that the bruises she saw that night were gone on her face, and she thought she was recovering well.

At this moment, Xiaolu opened the curtain and walked in. Seeing Xiaoqin was there, she was stunned for a moment, and then greeted Zhou Niannian with a smile, "Niannian, it's my birthday tonight, and we're going to eat barbecue next door after a while. "

When Zhou Niannian heard that it was her birthday, she felt that it was not easy to refuse, so she nodded and agreed, "Okay, happy birthday."

"Thank you, I have another song, wait for me." Xiaolu glanced at Xiaoqin standing in the corner, turned and left.

Zhou Niannian sat down and continued to remove her makeup.

Xiaoqin rubbed her hands, walked behind Zhou Niannian hesitantly, and said in a low voice, "Thank you so much for what happened that day."

Zhou Niannian shrugged, "It just happened to happen, don't take it too seriously."

Xiaoqin pursed her lips, her expression seemed a little hesitant, and she said after a while: "You Xiaolu is not a good person, don't get too close to her."

Zhou Niannian turned her head in surprise and looked at Xiaoqin.

Xiaoqin seemed to be afraid that she would not believe it, and looked around eagerly, her voice was lower than before, but there was more eagerness.

"I'm telling you the truth. Xiaolu has been working since she was a teenager. She worked in more than a dozen dance halls in Guangzhou. I heard that she got a big boss on the list, and her life gradually stabilized."

"Don't look at her smiling with you all the time on the surface, she might have some idea in her heart."

Seeing that Zhou Niannian has been silent, Xiaoqin thought that she didn't believe what she said, so she hurriedly stepped forward, "I don't mean anything by saying this, I just want you to be careful, really."

"I believe in you, and thank you." Zhou Niannian smiled lightly, "I know you remind me kindly."

After hearing what she said, Xiaoqin breathed a sigh of relief, and then stroked her hair in embarrassment, "I'm here today to pack a few things. I don't have my show today, so I'm leaving first."

Zhou Niannian waved to her, packed up her things, and sat in the backstage waiting for Xiaolu.

Xiaoqin said that Xiaolu was not a good person, and Xiaolu was also full of contempt when talking about Xiaoqin. No matter who was right, one thing is certain, the two had known each other a long time ago.

And judging from the meaning brought out by their words, the two of them probably met in the dance hall before.

"Let's go, Nian Nian." The backstage curtain was lifted, and Xiao Lu waved with a smile on her face.

Zhou Niannian calmed down slightly, stood up and left.

When going out, Zhou Niannian scanned the backstage, Ah Liang didn't know where to go, forget it, don't bring it, anyway, Ah Liang can go home by herself.

Still went to the barbecue restaurant next door, when Zhou Niannian and Xiaolu passed by, they found that Sister Yun was there.

"I also called Sister Yun, you don't mind?" Xiaolu asked her in a low voice.

Zhou Niannian twitched his lips, "Of course not."

Sister Yun waved at her, "Tonight I will treat Xiaolu to celebrate her birthday. You two are my pillars now, so I have to reward you both."

She snapped her fingers gracefully as she spoke, and called the waiter over, "Bring me two bottles of good wine."

Zhou Niannian sat down and said hello to Sister Yun, "Then I will be honored as the birthday star tonight, and I will also have a meal with Sister Yun."

"Oh, you have such a small mouth, you can really talk. Now I'm really glad that I kept you." Sister Yun rubbed Niannian's face next week pretending to be affectionate, and said with a smile.

Zhou Niannian remembered that when she came for the interview, Sister Yun clearly didn't want to keep her, and suggested that she try singing.

At that time, someone came to Fuer to talk to Sister Yun, and it seemed that Sister Yun changed her mind and stayed by herself.

What made Sister Yun change her mind?

Zhou Niannian pretended to be casual and followed Sister Yun's words, "That's because Sister Yun has a good eye. I remember that Sister Yun wanted me to sing."

Sister Yun's eyes flickered slightly, she smiled but didn't answer.

The waiter brought up two bottles of wine, Xiaolu took them and skillfully opened the bottles, "Come on, let's chat while drinking."

Zhou Niannian took the wine bottle from her hand, "How can I ask the birthday star to pour me wine, I'll do it."

She picked up the glass and was about to pour the wine, but Sister Yun on the side reached out and took the bottle, "It's agreed that I will treat you two tonight, and neither of you is allowed to compete with me for the job of pouring wine. "

Zhou Niannian got up to get the wine bottle, but Xiaolu grabbed her, covered her mouth and smiled, "Niannian, since that's the case, let's not compete with Sister Yun, and enjoy Sister Yun's service."

Sister Yun nodded in satisfaction, and praised Xiaolu: "Xiaolu is still well-behaved, come on, you are the birthday star, I will give you the first glass of wine first."

"Thank you, Sister Yun." Xiaolu accepted it with a smile.

Sister Yun poured another glass of wine and handed it to Zhou Niannian, who held the glass with her slender fingers and handed it over.

Zhou Niannian took it over, "I'm not very good at drinking, just wait until I feel like it."

"That can't be done," Sister Yun disagreed. "This glass must be finished. This is to celebrate Xiaolu's birthday. Come, let's toast together and wish Xiaolu a happy birthday."

Zhou Niannian was a little embarrassed, she didn't want to drink here, "Okay, just this one drink, I'll really get drunk if there is too much, I can only drink one drink."

As she spoke, she raised her wine glass to Sister Yun, Xiaolu and the three of them clinked the glass, and just as she raised it to drink, a strong force suddenly hit her back.

Zhou Niannian was knocked forward and leaned forward, and subconsciously reached out to support the table.

The wine glass fell to the ground, and the wine in the glass spilled all over the floor.

Sister Yun and Xiaolu suddenly stood up at the same time.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." The person who bumped into him hurriedly bowed his head and apologized.

Xiaolu stared at the visitor with an ugly expression, "Niu Xiaoqin, what are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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