Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 484 1 glasses of wine

Chapter 484
Only then did Zhou Niannian realize that it was Xiaoqin who knocked her down.

She looked over in surprise.

Xiaoqin was still wearing the light gray shirt she had just seen backstage, she seemed to bump into someone suddenly, and she was a little panicked, so she just lowered her head and apologized.

She only raised her head when she heard Xiaolu's voice, and the expression on her face became very surprised.

"Oh, it's Xiaolu, and Sister Yun and Nian Nian, I'm so sorry," she pointed to a puddle of water on the ground, "I didn't notice the water on the ground just now, my foot slipped, and I almost hit Nian Nian. read."

Her eyes fell on the shattered wine glass on the ground, as if she just noticed that she smashed Zhou Niannian's wine glass.

"I'm really sorry. I smashed the wine glass and spilled the wine. Would you like me to pay you a glass of wine?"

Xiaolu seemed a little angry, and said with an ugly face: "You pay? What do you pay for? If you pay again, it won't be this glass of wine."

"What? Is this glass of wine very important and different?" Xiaoqin looked at Zhou Niannian blankly, "Niannian, did you add anything to this glass of wine?"

Zhou Niannian's heart moved, he shook his head calmly, and looked at Xiaolu.

Xiaolu's expression changed, "What nonsense are you talking about? Do you want to add anything, Xiaoqin, you are deliberately trying to spoil my birthday today, aren't you?"

"Who ruined your birthday?" Xiaoqin whispered, "Since there is no addition, why are you so nervous?"

"You?" Xiao Lu was so angry that she took a step forward, but Sister Yun grabbed her arm and said with a smile, "They are all from Xiao Baihua, why are you so tense here?"

"Okay, Xiaolu, isn't it just a glass of wine? I know it's to celebrate your birthday, and you're afraid it's unlucky. It's okay, I'll make it up for you."

She said that La Xiaolu sat down, "Xiaoqin didn't do it on purpose, don't be angry."

Sister Yun turned to Xiaoqin, "It's Xiaolu's birthday today, you should come too."

Xiaoqin smiled and waved her hands, "No, Sister Yun, I'm here to see Asheng, and he's eating here too."

As soon as the words were finished, Ah Sheng came out from the inside, and yelled at Xiaoqin impatiently, "Why did it take me so long to come here, what are you doing?"

Xiaoqin froze subconsciously, and then said: "Isn't this here?"

As she spoke, she walked slowly towards Ah Sheng.

Zhou Niannian looked at her back thoughtfully.

"Nian Nian, what are you thinking about? Sit down quickly."

Sister Yun's words interrupted Zhou Niannian's thinking. She turned around and saw that Sister Yun had already poured her another glass of wine, "Come on, let's touch another one. Happy birthday to Xiaolu."

Zhou Niannian looked at the wine that Sister Yun handed to him, but didn't pick it up immediately.

Her eyes glanced at Xiaolu vaguely, then she sighed, and said apologetically, "Sister Yun, Xiaolu, let's make an agreement, I will only drink this cup."

Xiaolu glanced at Sister Yun.

Sister Yun passed the wine glass forward again, "The three of us hit it off quite well, there is a saying that wine is rare when you meet a bosom friend, so how can you just drink one glass?"

Xiao Lu pouted, pretending to be unhappy and said: "Nian Nian, are you not giving me face, today is my birthday, everyone can drink to their heart's content, why do you have to have a drink?"

"That's right, don't be afraid of drinking too much. If you drink too much, I will take you home." Sister Yun patted her on the shoulder, and moved the wine glass forward, "Sister Yun rarely pours wine for people, you This will not give Sister Yun face."

Zhou Niannian still didn't take the glass, and looked at Xiaolu jokingly, "When the glass of wine hit the ground just now, I saw Xiaolu was so nervous, I thought there was really something added to that glass of wine."

A flash of displeasure flashed in Xiaolu's eyes, and then she smiled nonchalantly, "You don't really believe Xiaoqin's nonsense, do you?"

Sister Yun raised her slender eyebrows, changed the wine in front of her with Zhou Niannian's glass of wine, smiled and shook her head: "If you really don't believe it, sister will change it for you."

"You said you girl, you are still very vigilant at such a young age."

Zhou Niannian blushed with embarrassment, "Sister Yun, Xiaolu, don't be angry, people say that it's always good to have multiple minds when you're away from home. After all, there is an old saying that you know the face but don't know the heart, right?"

Sister Yun nodded approvingly, "Well, you're right, let me tell you, when we girls go out, we have to take care of ourselves and love ourselves."

"Come on, let's have a drink together."

She raised her wine glass, Xiaolu also raised it, and the two of them looked at Zhou Niannian.

This time Zhou Niannian did not refuse, raised the wine glass and clinked with the two, and drank slowly.

Sister Yun and Xiaolu looked at each other.

Zhou Niannian, who was slowly sipping from his wine glass, took everything into his eyes and didn't speak.

At this time, there was a sudden noise in the store, accompanied by the sound of men beating and cursing, and the sound of girls sobbing.

Zhou Niannian and the others turned their heads to look at the source of the noise.

Niu Xiaoqin rushed out from inside covering her face, and then Ah's angry voice came from inside, "Bitch, you don't listen to what I say, and you still want to control me."

When Niu Xiaoqin passed by Zhou Niannian's table, she paused and glanced at Zhou Niannian hesitantly.

Xiao Lu gave her a mocking look, as if mocking her for being beaten by a man again.

Niu Xiaoqin ran out with her head down in embarrassment.

Xiaolu curled her lips, "Nian Nian, let's not go on, can we really pour down a glass of wine?"

At some point, Zhou Niannian was lying on the table with hazy eyes.

Sister Yun also had a flash of surprise in her eyes, "Isn't this Nian Nian's drinking capacity too shallow?"

Xiaolu stepped forward and pushed Niannian, "Niannian? Niannian?"

Zhou Niannian sat up straight suddenly, Xiaolu sat back on the chair in fright, "Niannian, are you okay? I thought you were really drunk?"

But Zhou Niannian giggled at her with crooked eyebrows, then reached out and raised her chin, "Who do you think is drunk? Come on, come on, Sister Yun, let's continue drinking."

Xiaolu turned her head to look at Sister Yun.

Sister Yun raised her eyebrows and waved her hand in front of Zhou Niannian.

But Zhou Niannian grabbed her hand and giggled, "Sister Yun, so you are here, come on, let's continue drinking."

As she spoke, she stood up unsteadily and went forward to get the wine bottle. Before she could touch the wine bottle, she staggered and fell directly on Sister Yun, almost crushing Sister Yun to the ground.

Sister Yun almost lost her waist when she was thrown down so suddenly, she supported Zhou Niannian and pushed Zhou Niannian onto the chair next to her.

Zhou Niannian slumped on the chair, she grinned, murmured drinking, and continued to drink and other words, and gradually became unconscious.

Xiaolu breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems that she is really drunk, I didn't expect her to drink so lightly."

Sister Yun glared at her, "What are you still doing in a daze, why don't you take her away quickly."

Xiaolu curled her lips with a smile, "I can't fight alone, hey, Brother Qiang is here, let him come with me."

Accompanied by her words, a man walked in from the door, it was A Qiang who hit Zhou Niannian with a wine bottle last time.

(End of this chapter)

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