Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 485 I understand

Chapter 485 I understand

Sister Yun frowned when she saw Ah Qiang, "Didn't I tell you to wait? Why are you here?"

Ah Qiang sat down next to her indifferently, and touched Sister Yun's face casually.

Sister Yun pushed him away impatiently, "It's serious."

Ah Qiang was not annoyed when he was pushed away, and smiled at Xiao Lu, "I checked the appointed time, come here to see what's wrong? Why did you take so long?"

Sister Yun snorted, "I can't help it, this girl is very vigilant."

Xiaolu stood up, stroked her hair, "Okay, I'll leave this to you, Brother Qiang, I'll go first."

"Hey, don't go. Aren't you going to help Ah Qiang deal with the aftermath?" Sister Yun frowned.

Xiaolu glanced at Sister Yun in disbelief, "Isn't it? Sister Yun, you want me to help Brother Qiang deal with the aftermath?"

Sister Yun pursed her lips.

Ah Qiang stood up and waved his hands with a smile, "Who dares to work on Miss Xiaolu's fight? Please, I can handle it myself."

Xiaolu glanced at him coquettishly, got up and left.

Sister Yun looked at her back, and spat with an ugly face, "Isn't it just staying with the boss for two nights, so arrogant that I have become a princess in the palace."

Ah Qiang picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip, "I've been with you for two nights and I'm also the boss's pillow."

"What do you mean?" Sister Yun's face was a little ugly, "Even you are going to join her?"

Ah Qiang put down his wine glass, reached out and touched Sister Yun, "I can't, don't you know my heart?"

Sister Yun glanced at him, patted him, and stood up, "Let's go, I'll help you get her out."

"I knew you were the best," Ah Qiang laughed softly, looking at Zhou Niannian who was lying motionless on the table, "Let's go, go to where I live, brothers are waiting."

Sister Yun stepped forward to set up Zhou Niannian, and it took a lot of effort to drag Zhou Niannian out of the barbecue restaurant and out of the business district, and immediately handed her over to A Qiang.

"I'm so exhausted, I can't tell that this girl is so heavy."

Sister Yun let out a long breath, and pushed the drowsy Zhou Niannian to A Qiang.

Before she let go, Zhou Niannian hugged her, "Sister Yun, let's keep drinking, keep drinking."

Sister Yun was so frightened that she almost couldn't get up, she twisted her neck stiffly and turned around, only to find that Zhou Niannian was already lying on her shoulder, so she was talking drunk.

It's fine if she didn't wake up, she breathed a sigh of relief, and stared at A Qiang, "Don't you want to carry her away?"

"What's the rush?" Ah Qiang smiled disapprovingly, "Didn't it mean that the effect of this medicine can last all night?"

Sister Yun snorted, "Don't mention the medicine, something went wrong, the medicine didn't go in at all?"

"What? Didn't you go in? What's the matter? Didn't I tell you to go in the wine?" Aqiang was very surprised.

Sister Yun stared over impatiently, "I told you that something went wrong, don't babble, get her away quickly, don't wait until you sober up, you won't be able to succeed."

The most important thing is that she feels that she can't bear Zhou Niannian any longer, and now she feels the burning pain in her shoulders being pressed by Zhou Niannian.

Ah Qiang didn't dare to delay any longer, and stretched out his hand to pull Zhou Niannian, but found that no matter how much strength he used, he couldn't tear Zhou Niannian off Sister Yun's shoulder at all.

"What's the matter? It's so tight?" Ah Qiang became impatient.

Sister Yun saw that not only did he not pull Zhou Niannian off, but he also hurt her shoulder, she couldn't help but said irritably, "Forget it, forget it, don't waste time, I'll drag her over."

She gritted her teeth against Zhou Niannian and sent her to the place where Aqiang lived.

In fact, it was not far from the business district, but when she got there, Sister Yun felt that she was so tired that she almost died.

Fortunately, after arriving at the place, Zhou Niannian no longer grabbed her neck tightly.

Sister Yun put Zhou Niannian on the bed, feeling as if her arm with shoulder pain seemed to fall off.

"She's just drunk, hurry up, she won't be so easy to manipulate when she wakes up." Sister Yun shook her arms and started to walk out.

When she walked to the door, she thought of something, turned around and said: "By the way, Sheng Gete explained, just hand over the photos you took to the newspaper office, and you should be careful."

"She has some influence in her family. Brother Sheng doesn't want to make troubles. Do you hear me?"

Ah Qiang waved his hand, "Understood, you go first, the brothers are all familiar with it and know how to do it."

Sister Yun closed the door and left.

Only Ah Qiang was left in the room, and two dirty-looking men were staring at the unconscious Zhou Niannian on the bed with salivating faces.

"Brother Qiang, this girl is so beautiful, who can bear it if she only lets the brothers have sex, and doesn't let the brothers do it with real swords and guns?" Among them, the man with thinning hair laughed and looked at Zhou Niannian. full of evil.

The blue-faced man next to him had already started to pant in a low voice, and reached out to untie his belt, "Brother Qiang, why don't you let the brothers have a good time first."

Ah Qiang looked a bit sullen, and glared at the two men impatiently, "Damn, do you two wish you couldn't wear your belt every day?"

"Didn't you hear what Sister Yun said just now? Hurry up, it's important to get down to business first."

The blue-faced man murmured in dissatisfaction: "It's all about ruining her reputation anyway, why not let the brothers have a good time?"

As soon as his words fell, Ah Qiang kicked him impatiently, "Why are you so wordy about asking you to do something?"

The thin-haired man gave the blue-faced man a hand, "Okay, stop talking, listen to Brother Qiang."

Ah Qiang's face looked better now, thinking that these two people have been with him for a long time, he softened his face, "It's not that I don't understand you, you didn't listen to what Sister Yun said just now, this woman has a background."

"Brother Sheng doesn't want to make things big. If the two of you mess with her, things will get big. At that time, it will be our brother who will come out to top the tank."

The thin-haired man looked at Aqiang puzzled, "Isn't there still Brother Sheng? Brother Qiang, why did I hear this wrong?"

"Brother Sheng?" Ah Qiang sneered, his expression seemed to be very disdainful, "What kind of a good person do you think this new brother Sheng is? If he was really willing to take responsibility for us, he wouldn't let me hit this place with a wine bottle earlier. It's a girl."

"Okay, anyway, the IQ of both of you can't understand after talking too much, so let's do your work." A Qiang waved his hand impatiently.

"Don't, I understand, let's go on."

Suddenly there was a giggling sound in the room, which seemed very abrupt in the already quiet room.

"Who, whose voice is it?" The man with a blue face trembled in fright and asked in a trembling voice.

Ah Qiang's eyes had already fallen firmly on the bed behind him.

The girl who was lying unconscious on the bed was sitting on the bed at the moment, looking at them with interest.

"Let's go on, their IQs don't understand, my IQ is normal, I really want to hear the rest of the content."

The girl's red lips parted slightly, and her voice was crisp.

Ah Qiang's face suddenly sank, "Damn it, were you pretending to be drunk just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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