Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 486 Clean and Crisp

Chapter 486 Clean and Crisp

"If you don't pretend to be drunk, how can you hear such a wonderful story?" Zhou Niannian slowly stood up from the bed, moved his wrist, and looked at A Qiang with a cold face.

It was only then that the other two men in the room realized that the voice came from behind them. They looked at each other and walked across at the same time. Looking at Zhou Niannian, they retreated to Aqiang's side at the same time.

"Brother Qiang, what should we do now?"

"That's right, Brother Qiang, we two brothers are good at making people unconscious, but we can't do this alive and kicking."

"Shut up!" Ah Qiang's face turned blue, he gritted his teeth and said two words, regretting how he found these two brothers with low IQs to come to help.

It's all because he cherishes the other brothers under him too much, thinking that if something happens and needs to be covered, it's better to find two not-so-smart idiots.

"What time is this, you two are still full of such things, come forward and get this girl done." A Qiang scolded the two brothers with a dark face.

"The two of you stepped forward to stop her, take off her clothes, and I'll take a picture." Ah Qiang turned around and held the camera he had prepared earlier, looking at Zhou Niannian with a sneer.

"If you are sensible, cooperate a little bit, and my brother will be more sympathetic, and won't make you too painful. Otherwise, I can't guarantee what you will experience."

Zhou Niannian pulled the folds of the clothes slowly, "What if I don't want to cooperate?"

"Hehe, then our brothers will also make you comfortable." The blue-faced man chuckled, with a lewd look on his face.

The corner of Zhou Niannian's mouth hooked up, and he tilted his head to look at the two brothers, as if he was appraising their skills, and shook his head regretfully after a while.

"Unfortunately, you will probably suffer a lot under my hands with your figure."

The two brothers looked at each other puzzled, and the man with thinning hair murmured, "This looks like a girl with a yellow flower. How can a man suffer for such a thing."

The blue-faced man chuckled, "That's right, sister, don't worry, brother will let you experience it."

The two men went up to grab Zhou Niannian at the same time, but Zhou Niannian picked up one with each hand in the next second and threw them to the ground.

The brothers passed out without even farting.

That is called a clean and crisp!

Ah Qiang looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment, and took a step back subconsciously, "You know kung fu?"

Zhou Niannian sneered, "It's really stupid that you didn't even investigate the details of your opponent!"

She raised her arms lightly as she spoke.

Ah Qiang's last thought before he passed out was that he was really not stupid!

Zhou Niannian looked at the three men lying on the ground, snorted coldly, took off Ah Qiang's camera from under his neck, found a rope in the house, and tied the three men into a ball.

She found the key to the house on Aqiang's body.

She was carrying the camera and was about to lock the door to go out, but she heard the light flapping of wings.

Zhou Niannian turned her head and saw Ah Liang flying in with flapping wings and landed on her shoulder.

"That's right, I found it here." Zhou Niannian patted its feathers,

Ah Liang looked at the three people who were tied up like twists on the ground, and said with some regret: "Isn't it? You have already taken care of it yourself?"

Zhou Niannian's heart moved, and he found a pen and paper in Aqiang's room.

She wrote a small note and tied it on Ah Liang's leg, "Go and find brother Li Dongxing, I'll wait here."

Zhou Niannian originally wanted to lock the door and go to the investigation bureau by herself.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening, it was pitch black outside, and the surroundings were quiet.

She was afraid that if there were any changes that would delay her if she went back and forth like this, fortunately Ah Liang came over at this time.

Ah Liang understood what she meant, "Don't worry, I promise to complete the task."

Zhou Niannian watched Ah Liang fly away, locked the door behind her, and searched for things in the room.

Ah Qiang lived with a small courtyard and two rooms. The one she was in now should be Ah Qiang's bedroom.

Zhou Niannian searched around the house, only found some jewelry, cash, and finally found a box in Aqiang's bedside cabinet.

She opened it and looked at it, and couldn't help but feel embarrassed. It turned out that there was a box full of condoms inside.

Zhou Niannian covered the box and went to another room, only to find that the room was full of sundries, and there were not many meaningful discoveries.

From the conversation between Ah Qiang and the two men just now, it can be seen that tonight is a game specially aimed at her.

This bureau should have been set up since she first entered the Xiaobaihua Song and Dance Hall.

But when she first joined Xiaobaihua, she didn't know anyone there, so why did they target her?
Could it be that they already knew her identity and the purpose of her appearance in Xiaobaihua?

How would they know?

Zhou Niannian thought of Brother Sheng that Sister Yun and Aqiang both mentioned.

Brother Sheng?Brother Sheng. Zhou Niannian's expression suddenly turned cold, Bai Yongsheng!
If the brother Sheng they were talking about was Bai Yongsheng, then all this would make sense.

It must be Bai Yongsheng who saw her and ordered someone to set up such a trap against her.

There was a low knock on the door, and Ah Liang flew in from outside the wall, "Li Dongxing brought people outside, and they came here quietly according to your instructions."

The note that Zhou Niannian wrote to Li Dongxing said to come quietly with Ah Liang.

She opened the door, and Li Dongxing came in with two plainclothes.

"Are you okay?" Li Dongxing asked Zhou Niannian first after entering the door.

He was off duty tonight, sleeping soundly at home, when he was suddenly woken up by the sound of knocking on the glass.

When I went out, I saw that Ah Liang was outside, and saw him come out and kicked his legs straight towards him.

Only then did Li Dongxing discover that Ah Liang had a note tied to her leg. After seeing the note, he immediately put on his clothes, went to the unit and called two on-duty personnel, and drove over quietly.

Afraid of attracting attention, they parked the cars outside the alley.

"I'm fine. The people inside have been knocked unconscious by me. Brother Li, I suspect that they are related to Bai Yongsheng, and Bai Yongsheng probably has something to do with prostitutes." Zhou Niannian led Li Dongxing inside.

When Li Dongxing heard Bai Yongsheng's name, his expression changed immediately, "This guy is too cunning. We have been looking for him for so long, but I didn't expect him to be hiding in the capital."

After ordering two policemen to take Ah Qiang and others out, Li Dongxing searched the house carefully again.

Zhou Niannian didn't go in this time, after he finished searching, he packed everything inside and brought them out.

"Let me send you back first. I will interrogate them overnight tonight. I will tell you tomorrow if I have any news." Li Dongxing said.

Zhou Niannian nodded, and mentioned his recent affairs in Xiaobaihua, "If you need anything, you can come to the newspaper office to find me in the morning, and I will come here in the afternoon."

"I'll be undercover in Xiaobaihua for a while now, to see if there is any relationship between Bai Yongsheng and the prostitute."

Li Dongxing hummed, "Don't worry, I will quietly increase the inspections in the West City area, and you should also pay attention to safety."

 It's the end of the month, so I'd like to ask everyone for a few monthly tickets, so I'll show you my kindness!
(End of this chapter)

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