Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 487 What the hell

Chapter 487 What the hell is going on?
The next morning, Li Dongxing came to the newspaper office to find Zhou Niannian and told him about the surprise interrogation of Aqiang and the other three.

"Ah Qiang said that a man named Brother Sheng is hosting the business district. I showed him the photos, and it is indeed Bai Yongsheng."

Zhou Niannian's eyes lit up, "Then you can arrest him."

Li Dongxing shook his head wearily, "It's useless. Ah Qiang said that Bai Yongsheng is very cunning. Although he has taken over the business area for more than a month, he rarely appears in the business area. Sister Yun conveyed everything on her behalf."

"They don't even know where Bai Yongsheng lives."

Zhou Niannian frowned, "That means only Sister Yun knows where Bai Yongsheng is."

Li Dongxing hummed.

"Then what about the prostitutes? Does the business district have anything to do with prostitutes behind the scenes?" Zhou Niannian continued to ask.

Li Dongxing shook his head, "Ah Qiang is just an idiot. He used to be a dancer in Guangcheng. He made money and took in a few brothers. He doesn't know much, otherwise he wouldn't be taken advantage of by Bai Yongsheng and Sister Yun. to deal with you."

"According to Ah Qiang's own analysis, Sister Yun let him hit you with a wine bottle before, which gave many people the impression that they made trouble in public. If something happened to you this time, trace it to A Qiang's head. Sister Yun They can also say that you have a personal vendetta."

"Hmph, it's a good plan!"

Zhou Niannian thought of the resentment in Ah Qiang's words last night, maybe he had already guessed Bai Yongsheng and Sister Yun's intentions, so he felt dissatisfied.

Bai Yongsheng really made a good plan, first throwing Aqiang out to create the illusion that they have a personal grudge, and then let Xiaolu keep showing favor to her, approaching her, and lowering her vigilance.

Had it not been for Xiaoqin's words last night, she might have really drank that glass of wine.

She really didn't expect Sister Yun and Xiaolu to be so bold as to drug her in the barbecue restaurant.

Thinking of this, Zhou Niannian's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that the barbecue restaurant is also related to Bai Yongsheng?
"Did you ask Ah Qiang if there is any connection behind those shops in the business district?" Zhou Niannian asked Li Dongxing.

Li Dongxing frowned, "I didn't ask about this, and they didn't recruit any valuable information. Are you saying that those stores may be linked with each other?"

Zhou Niannian nodded, "On the surface, the shops of the same kind of business on the same street are competing with each other, but I always feel that they are a bit weird, and there may be some connections that we can't think of."

Li Dongxing nodded, "I'll ask Ah Qiang when I go back."

After sending Li Dongxing away, Zhou Niannian returned to the office.

"Did you find anything yesterday? Why did someone from the Investigation Bureau come to you?" Wu Xuan asked curiously.

Zhou Niannian didn't mention last night's adventure, only said that Ah Qiang was caught by Li Dongxing.

Wu Xuan knew Aqiang, and she had played in the Caiyunpiao dance hall where she sang.

"Xuanxuan, when you go to Caiyunpiao this afternoon, do me a favor," Zhou Niannian whispered in Wu Xuan's ear.

Wu Xuan nodded again and again, "It's simple, and I've been singing there for so long, so it can still be done."

"But, Nian Nian, what do you want me to spread the news about?"

She hurriedly pulled Zhou Niannian and asked, "Have you discovered something? Tell me what's going on?"

Zhou Niannian patted her on the shoulder, "It's just a trick to lure snakes out of their holes, and it may not necessarily have something to do with the prostitution we're investigating. I'll tell you when I have definite news."

Wu Xuan lay down on the table dejectedly, "You all have news, why is it that Caiyunpiao, where I'm here, doesn't have any vision at all?"

"If this continues, I'm still thinking about whether to switch to Xiaobaihua. I'm depressed."

Zhou Niannian gave her a funny look, and then realized something was wrong in her words, "We? Who else but me?"

Wu Xuan curled her lips, and glared angrily at the empty seat next to Zhou Niannian.

"Who else is there, Yang Jiarui, I heard from the editor-in-chief this morning that he has found some clues about prostitutes."

Wu Xuan sat up unconvinced, "No, I have to do my best to investigate, I can't let Yang Jiarui play prestige in front of me."

"Oh, I won't tell you anymore, Nian Nian, I'll go out first."

"Don't worry, what I promised you, I will help you when I go in the afternoon."

She said hurriedly, picked up her bag and rushed out of the office.

Looking at her running back, Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing. Seeing the empty seat next to her, she remembered that she hadn't seen Yang Jiarui much recently.

I don't know where this guy went undercover, and he often doesn't show up in the office.

Zhou Niannian took a deep breath and pulled herself together. Anyway, at least she has confirmed that the business district in the west of the city is inseparable from Bai Yongsheng.

In the afternoon Zhou Niannian appeared in the Xiaobaihua Song and Dance Hall dressed up beautifully.

She went a little late on purpose, and showed up at the door when the customers entered.

Sister Yun, who was welcoming guests at the door, saw her, slipped and nearly fell down the steps.

Looking at Zhou Niannian with wide eyes, the look in his eyes at that moment was like seeing a ghost.

Zhou Niannian smiled softly, "Why does Sister Yun seem surprised to see me?"

After all, Sister Yun had been hanging out in the fun field for a long time, her expression adjusted very naturally in an instant, she glared at Zhou Niannian, "Of course I'm surprised, you are the one who is never late on weekdays, but today is fine."

She glanced at the watch on her wrist, and shook it towards Zhou Niannian, "I'm almost 10 minutes late today, why don't you hurry up and go backstage to put on makeup and wait for the stage."

Zhou Niannian looked at her pretending to be angry, and also showed an unhappy expression on her face.

"Sister Yun is ashamed to talk about being late, didn't you agree that I drank too much last night, and you and Xiaolu are responsible for sending me back?"

"Why didn't you send me back and let me sleep in the alley next to me overnight?"

"Sister Yun, you don't mean to bully me on purpose, do you?" She glared at Sister Yun pretending to be displeased.

Sister Yun couldn't hide her surprised expression when she looked back, "You said you slept in the alley all night? How is it possible? I clearly"

Realizing that something was wrong, Sister Yun abruptly stopped her words.

She obviously sent Zhou Niannian to the place where Ah Qiang lived, and when she mentioned this, Sister Yun's expression turned a little ugly.

When she went back last night, her arms were no longer her own. The burning pain in her shoulders was like the feeling after being hit by a boulder.

It made her arms tremble even now.

"Obviously what?" Zhou Niannian looked at Sister Yun with a half-smile, "How is that impossible? I really woke up in a nearby alley this morning."

"Fortunately, it's hot now, and I didn't get frostbitten, otherwise I would really come to make trouble with Sister Yun."

She spoke half-truth, but the expression on her face was full of grievances, "Sister Yun, what happened last night?"

Sister Yun pursed her lips, she also wanted to know what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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